Back story, my the power jack on my lap top went bad and I'm looking to repair. Found a same model laptop on ebay for cheap as "parts or fix". Problems being
for parts or repairs. is a password protect.
no ac charger
Would it be possible to just swap the hard drives? I still have the cord.
Depends on the password protect. OS yeah sure you could do it. If it was a bios boot password then nope you wouldn't. Either way you would more than likely need to flat line the drive and reinstall the OS.
However I would also be kind of curious about a computer being sold for parts do to a password, kinda smells like its stolen but hey thats just me.
Oh also a flat line would fix an OS password issue so makes me think maybe its more of a bios thing.
yep... swap em, you'll be fine
1 1/2 hours to go and I just put in a $41 bid, heres to hoping
you can always backdoor the bios
2/5/10 7:50 p.m.
What language dost thou speaketh, friend.
Price jumped $30 in the last 15 seconds. Time to wait for something else, preferably with a more detailed description
Actually I'm waiting for my new power jack to arrive and hope that one of the 2 or 3 IT guys I know can swap it out from the motherboard.
with laptops I just sell the chassis for parts and keep the hdd and turn it into an external for my next computer. From what I know about laptops and power supplies it's pretty worthless to try that cause it's integrated into the motherboard. at least on my wife's old Toshiba it was.
This is how I fixed the power plug on my LT, a cheap connector from ratshack and some heatshrink tubing...
^^^ had to the same thing to mine awhile ago
I've replaced many power jacks. For an experienced tech, takes less than an hour. First time in, plan about 2 hours. You'll need either a desoldering pump or some desoldering braid. You desolder the old jack, clean it up, put in new jack and solder. Assembly is reverse of disassembly.
VanillaSky wrote:
I've replaced many power jacks. For an experienced tech, takes less than an hour. First time in, plan about 2 hours. You'll need either a desoldering pump or some desoldering braid. You desolder the old jack, clean it up, put in new jack and solder. Assembly is reverse of disassembly.
The power jack on my tosh wasn't a "board mounted" type. It was a "custom to fit the case type" with a tail to the board. And besides the plug was going bad also...
power supply build varries with model... i've de-soldered a few of em and put a new replacement in it's place... some are on a seperate board... some are on the mobo, I know acer uses one that just plugs in though