12/28/12 6:04 p.m.
stroker wrote:
I've got a hammered Coach gun and a Winchester '97. I don't shoot scatterguns unless I'm doing Cowby Action.
Asked for the bolt gun, I'm partial to the Scout Rifle concept. Like I said, if you want to fulfill your Militia obligations, get a AR/AK, but for JUST ONE RIFLE it's tough to not go with a bolt 308 for civilian applications....
Smart man, I rock a '97 for my shotgun, and a 700 in 30-06......that said, I used to carry my m1 carbine alot.....now I carry my 16" Rossi puma in 45 colt. 8+1 is respectable. If I can find a non-side eject 45-70, ill grab one of those too.
In reply to yamaha:
I may be forced to sell my Rossi 92 in 357. That's gonna hurt cuz I luvz that carbine....
It's a seller's market right now. 
In reply to coolusername:
If you are serious, buy a 9mm and a 30.30 (or other short easy to handle carbine type rifle) and use the money saved for training, ammo and more training.
And don't forget the training.
You did ask for my .02 and you got it.
those are nice looking rifles
I would love to try cas when I have, a) free time and b) money.
12/29/12 3:03 p.m.
stroker wrote:
In reply to yamaha:
I may be forced to sell my Rossi 92 in 357. That's gonna hurt cuz I luvz that carbine....
Don't do it. My go-to plinking gun is my Marlin 1894CSS in .357 Mag. I put Williams peep sights, Wild West trigger, and a larger loop on it just for fun.
In reply to Will:
Yeah, but it might force me to finish my AR-15 chambered in 10mm Magnum. I expect that will be my favorite carbine.
Went to the shop today and had a M1 Carbine set aside for SWMBO. She is very excited.
poopshovel wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
The only time that stupid little button needs to be pushed is if you are unloading a loaded gun.
Duh, the button is optional. You could just go all Oxford-cloth-psycho and stalk from office to office with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-automatic weapon, pumping round after round into colleagues and co-workers.
That is also a way to empty it. I am probably not helping here.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
The only time that stupid little button needs to be pushed is if you are unloading a loaded gun.
Duh, the button is optional. You could just go all Oxford-cloth-psycho and stalk from office to office with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-automatic weapon, pumping round after round into colleagues and co-workers.
That is also a way to empty it. I am probably not helping here.
That must be the Celebration Ale doing the typing. We were discussing the Mossberg pump shotguns; i.e. not an automatic, not a semi-auto, not a rifle.
12/30/12 12:36 a.m.
In reply to Will:
Side eject though I presume?
Anyone know of a top eject 45-70 besides certain old Winchesters? ??
12/30/12 3:38 a.m.
JoeyM wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
The only time that stupid little button needs to be pushed is if you are unloading a loaded gun.
Duh, the button is optional. You could just go all Oxford-cloth-psycho and stalk from office to office with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-automatic weapon, pumping round after round into colleagues and co-workers.
That is also a way to empty it. I am probably not helping here.
That must be the Celebration Ale doing the typing. We were discussing the Mossberg pump shotguns; i.e. not an automatic, not a semi-auto, not a rifle.
I am pretty sure that was Tyler Durden talking...
12/30/12 9:08 a.m.
What about Ruger Mini 14 or Mini 30? They can be had with a wood stock, but still can accept higher capacity magazines. Have the prices of these gone up recently?
TJ, I dunno how the Mini 14's and 30's are today, but for a LONG time, they were considered neat looking guns that didn't work very well. Lots of jams, etc. I think Ruger would have discontinued the Mini 14 if it handn't been on TV every week on The A Team. After that, everyone wanted one. In the intervening decades, maybe someone figured out how to get them to work. I have seen gizmos advertised in SGN that are supposed to remove some bad harmonics and make them actually hit where you aim.
They look cool, though.
Dr. Hess wrote:
remove some bad harmonics and make them actually hit where you aim.
Now if they would just do that for the Beretta Tomcat. It's the only gun I can't hit what I'm shooting at.
And don't get me started on the Beretta "bite".
In reply to T.J.:
There was a stainless synthetic stock model Mini 14 at the shop yesterday for just over $1000. It was new and the receiver looked like crap compared to my old one (wish I never got rid of that one). It was one of only 3 semi autos left in the shop. The other two were a SIG 556 (used consignment with too high of a price) and the M1 Carbine that is now SWMBO's new gun (complete with two 30 round mags). The little M1 was the least expensive at $700 (my price) and the SIG was $1500 and was well used and had a fairly worn finish for as new of a rifle as it is.
first semi auto I ever shot was a Beretta 71 and I was very sad when my father sold it after it "bit" him.
I'd read about the "bite" and I've seen a couple of cop shows solved by finding the person with the bite, but I was surprised at how much it hurt.
Based upon the width of the wound which tells me the depth, and the feeling in my thumb I'm betting I have a bone chip running round loose in there.
12/31/12 5:08 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
In reply to Will:
Side eject though I presume?
Anyone know of a top eject 45-70 besides certain old Winchesters? ??
Yeah, side eject. I think Marlin went that route to make it easier to scope the 1894.
carguy123 wrote:
Now if they would just do that for the Beretta Tomcat. It's the only gun I can't hit what I'm shooting at.
I've had some guys tell me the LCP was inaccurate. When I talked to a shop owner he said that was rather unlikely. I know from teaching some people to shoot, that with smaller guns you will need to compensate for things that don't effect you when shooting larger guns and you will be a better shooter in the end for it. When you squeeze the trigger, you are probably just slightly moving your hand causing your aim to go off track. Its hardly noticeable, but there are just three muscles that should be moving. You are moving a hand muscle too. When I started shooting, I would do it with larger guns to. Now my first shot goes through the X at the center of the target.
Carguy123 said:
I'd read about the "bite" and I've seen a couple of cop shows solved by finding the person with the bite, but I was surprised at how much it hurt.
I saw the bite on my uncles hand on Christmas. I gave him quite a bit of E36 M3 because he shoots right handed and the bite was on his left. Holding the gun wrong. A big no-no. Could have lost more than some skin.