I have a Blackberry 8330 that one of you awesome people sent me a couple months ago. Thanks so much for that!!!
Anyway, here's the problem. I have Windows Live Messenger on there and today it quit signing in. I enter my login info and it says email address or password incorrect. I reenter them, even changed them to see if that would help. Nothing works.
7/26/12 11:53 a.m.
Did it have an auto-log feature to keep you signed in? I'd at this point suggest clearing the cache, because somehow it keeps transmitting the wrong thing to the winderp stuff and it's getting angry. Autolog features can be buggy like that sometimes. Also- do you text often with it? Possible something dumb like the caps or the alt button got stuck while you werent paying attention and it's just now becoming apparent.
+1 on clearing the cache. even doing the factory wipe.
7/26/12 12:06 p.m.
Log on with a computer. I've seen things like you have to accept a new terms of service on a computer before your other devices can login.
After that try and change your password when you're on the PC.
7/26/12 1:17 p.m.
Everytime I have a BB problem - pull the battery and let it reboot.
Done everything but clear the cache. How do I do that on it?
I don't know how a Blackberry works exactly, but I have spoken with 2 other people that are having Blackberry problems that started today. It might be a problem with the system.
Found and cleared Cache, no workie still. Says email or password incorrect. I've changed the password 3 times with no luck.
7/26/12 1:59 p.m.
Have you been changing it from a console or from your handset? Changing it from a handset usually just makes things worse IME.
No, I've been changing it on the PC here at work. I even removed the messenger from my BB and reinstalled it using the desktop software. Damn thing's been dropping calls like crazy too. No signal at my house either. This all started Monday and now this crap with MSN today... The world is coming to an end! The apocalypse is here!
As much as I love my crackberry, come November, it will turn into an Android phone of some sort.
Grtechguy wrote:
As much as I love my crackberry, come November, it will turn into an Android phone of some sort.
Yeah, I think it's time I do the same. Wife's HTC Evo 245,000 what-the-hell-ever quit charging. Plug broke in the phone itself. Used my upgrade eligibility to get her a new phone cuz I'm SUCH a nice guy. I gotta wait till October now...
Grtechguy wrote:
As much as I love my crackberry, come November, it will turn into an iphone.
Fixed that for you to avoid similar future headaches.
Android FTW!
No other contructive comments, other than I wish Android phones were more durable like my old Blackberry Tour was. I'm generally gentle on equipment, but man, it would be sweet to have an Android platform in a Tour form factor, if for no other reason than durability and ease of texting while driving.
Wally wrote:
Maybe it's frozen
DAMN! I was just coming in this thread to post that!
7/26/12 8:39 p.m.
contract renewal is coming up at the office and it looks like we may finally ditch crackberry for iPhones. I get monthy nastygrams because of my non-use of the crackberry, right now it is in my briefcase, dead as a doornail. I charge it when I go overseas just so I dont have to pay the roaming charges on my personal phone...otherwise, I hate the damn thing. They got me a Torch..."look its a touch screen, just like an iPhone...." no it sucks.
7/26/12 8:42 p.m.
I went from BB to Android. I love the functionality of Android, but DAMN were my blackerries solid. Twice in a row i've had bad HTC handsets, and all of the ones my wife has had have been warrantied at least once. Pretty sure i'm done with HTC. Samsung here we come. I say screw iPhone, personally. I'm not dealing with Apples DRM/proprietary BS.
7/26/12 8:43 p.m.
Do not expect RIM to still be around next year at this time.
RIM hit with $147.2 million verdict in wireless patent lawsuit
Fri Jul 13, 2012
7/27/12 7:18 a.m.
I had a personal BB and now I have a work BB. Neither compare to the Droid I have now. The GF's iPhone is alright but I'll keep my Droid, plus I hate iTunes.
OK, what android phone is the best?
Doesn't matter, they all tend to be screwed up by the carriers in some way or another. Lord help you if you expect the vendor to support OS upgrades on the lower end models, let alone that the updates will work.
Android itself is a great mobile OS, but Google did not keep tight control over the what the carriers could do with it, so now you've got all sorts of hardware combinations with various versions of 'droid, vendor and carrier-specific front ends, etc.
Android folks claim that they can root their phones and put a pure version of 'droid on them. I say, great. my iPhone comes with a pure OS out of the box and if I Jailbreak it, I can make it work as bad as some Android handsets, unless I'm careful, then I can expand its capabilities.
Anyway, the only really decent Android handsets right now seem to be the Samsung Galaxy SII and the SIII, anything else is likely hamstrung in some way sure to infuriate you at some point.
Do not buy a cheap Android phone and expect it to be anything but a toy to experiment with.