So long story short I had a beautiful baby girl thus past December with a girl I was dating but am no longer with. We get along fine. I get to see my daughter every Tues/Thurs and rotate weekends with her mom. Problem is my daughter's mother and I have yet to go to court to set up child support. I was giving her money in the form of checks and paying half of the child care but we had a disagreement over money and agreed to go to the courts to have a dollar amount worked out.
Since then I have only been paying my half of child care because she said she didn't want any money from me until we go to court. It's been amost two months and she still hasn't submitted any paper work to get the ball rolling and get a hearing set. I went downtown and got us both packets to fill out for family services and have had my form filled out since March 8th but she has yet to complete hers.
I'm worried that with her taking so long to submit that when we finally get a hearing to get this all worked out the back payments I'll owe will me massive. I'm also worried the courts will view me poorly since I have paid anything to her since February even though she told me not to.
I've been told to see an attorney by friends but how will that get her moving on getting the proper paper work submitted for us to get a hearing.
Sorry for the long post but I'm stressing over this.