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jeffmx5 Reader
6/29/12 11:33 a.m.

Pete240Z and SyntheticBlinkerFluid: Do you have allergies? Have you ever been tested?

SyntheticBlinkerFluid, your description sounds just like what mine felt like.

I used to get bad sinus headaches. Multiple per week usually, and like clockwork on the weekends. It had to be allergies, both seasonal and stuff in the house (e.g. dog and cat). Huge pressure right between and behind my eyes. Taking Zyrtec daily would help somewhat. Funny thing was that I could breathe just fine, it wasn't like my sinuses were clogged up. The usual remedy was an ibuprofen and Sudafed cocktail. I tended to avoid the antihistamines with decongestants, "Zyrtec-D", because I felt like I couldn't take more Sudafed if I did get a headache. Occasionally, fortunately only occasionally, it would trigger a migraine. I wouldn't wish migraines on my worst enemy.

The cure for me: allergy testing and injections. I've been getting shots for over a year now and I only rarely get a sinus or any other headache anymore. When I do, it is because I waited too long to get my next round of allergy injections.

If you are truly getting migraines, go see your doctor.

Otherwise (or additionally) see about getting tested for allergies or at least discuss it with your doctor.

Datsun310Guy UltraDork
6/29/12 1:45 p.m.

I have seasonally allergies. Doc told me take Zyrtec and a nose spray -Fluticasone Propionate.

Lots of sneezing and mucus. Eyes are abit better.

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