Saw this on the news tonight:
After asking Apple's trusty virtual personal assistant "What's zero divided by zero?" she delivered a scathing response that got personal.
While the answer is mathematically indeterminate, Siri didn't stop there from explaining why.
"Imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends," she says. "How many cookies does each person get? See? It doesn't make sense. And Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies, and you are sad that you have no friends."
I like programmers with a sense of humor. You're asking a nonsense question, why not get a nonsense answer?
Keith Tanner wrote:
I like programmers with a sense of humor. You're asking a nonsense question, why not get a nonsense answer?
I figure there's one Apple programmer enjoying a beer or two tonight, now that someone finally stumbled across his little joke.
Makes you wonder how many other things are hidden away in the code.
Ask her a couple of times what she's wearing. The answer is "aluminum and high silica glass, pretty sexy huh?"
But try to reproduce that for a friend and it doesn't happen again (per phone)
6/30/15 6:28 p.m.
I love Siri. I asked her if she'd go out on a date with me. She said:
"Ohhh, that's sweett. But I'm busy that night. Yeah, I'm busy. Yeah. ".
I did NOT specify a night. That just cracked me up.
I don't use Siri much, mostly just to make notes and reminders while I'm driving. But I have found that she will respond differently to these two commands:
"Send Janel a message: I'm on the way home"
"Tell Janel I'm on the way home"
The latter gets a less formal response, more colloquial.
And there's this great article, a surprise bonus application of a tireless machine.
7/1/15 6:38 a.m.
I read that article a few days ago Keith. It is amazing and touching.
I haven't used it much but I enjoy watching other people use theirs. One night I was working about a five minute walk from Chinatown watching a small group repeat into their phones "find me a Chinese restaurant". And Siri tell them there were none in the area.
My 3 year old LOVES asking Siri what the Fox says.
Ask google why are fire engines are red.
Siri gets very defensive when you ask her questions about Steve Jobs personal life.
7/1/15 9:49 a.m.
HappyAndy wrote:
Siri gets very defensive when you ask her questions about Steve Jobs personal life.
Oohhhh. I WILL be doing that after I hit ADD POST
7/1/15 10:01 a.m.
I hate that bitch. I don't use her and we don't get along. If there were a way to delete her from my phone instead of just turning her off I would.
My kids like messing with Siri. She does learn, though. A follow up to this video detailed that it eventually started to understand the accent.
My kids are always asking her foolish questions. What is the meaning of life is always fun.
I heard an interview with the woman who does the voice. Basically she said she would get bored with doing the voice overs day after day, and would add lib a bunch of stuff to make it more exciting. Sometimes if you detect an attitude, that's her spicing it up. Apple liked it better and used a lot of it.
I use the Aussie voice. Much nicer. But she tend to talk in metric.
Siri is a useful tool, but some folks seem totally helpless without it. I swear I know some younger folks that can't cross the street without asking Siri for directions. It gets mighty annoying.
YOU CAN SEE THE RESTAURANT from here! You don't need to ask Siri!
As with most things, it can help......or be a crutch that causes you to become a dumtard.
My wife, daughter and I are now messing with siri. Thanks for the entertainment guys.
7/1/15 4:19 p.m.
T.J. wrote:
I hate that bitch. I don't use her and we don't get along. If there were a way to delete her from my phone instead of just turning her off I would.
Well, did you ever ask Siri why she was such a bitch?
All this cutesy crap combined with unremoveable bloatware is why Apple phones go through memory like crazy. It's another reason I'm jumping ship to Android as soon as possible.
Yeah, because there's no voice activated assistant on Android
You know that all the processing is done on the server side, right?
I like to set my Garmin to the female Italian voice. I have no idea where she's telling me to go, but it's VERY EXCITING.