2/4/13 9:27 a.m.
Well, tomorrow morning I head off to Broward General for my long-delayed surgeries. Hernia repair and removal of a hydrocele. This has been delayed mostly because of poor communications by various doctor's staffs. Anyway, I should be home later in the evening if all goes the way it is supposed to. I am being treated by the United Nations Medical Assoc. Hernia by a real Irishman, graduate of University of Galway, Ireland. Urologist is a Russian immigrant, cardiologist is a good ol' Merican of Polish Jewish heritage. All seem well qualified to make my scrotum look like somebody played X's and O's with a chainsaw. Supposed to not be worried, but I'm still scared. Sooner I get out of that place, the better. Will have some really good painkillers, at least. Wish me well, my friends!
2/4/13 9:34 a.m.
Invest in several bags of frozen peas now.
Good luck!
2/4/13 9:39 a.m.
Have already stocked up on the frozen veggies. Just need to stock up on brave pills.
cwh wrote:
Just need to stock up on brave pills.
Once you get the Versed in you, you won't care. You will instantly become the blithering idiot drunk at the local dive bar and you will divulge everything you know that have keep hidden from everybody. To top it off, you won't remember a damn thing. 
I attended the National University of Ireland, Galway for a semester. Make sure he hasn't been on the Hooker before surgery...

2/4/13 9:54 a.m.
I should probably go in to get my hernia checked out. It hasn't been bothering me, but I have been noticing it.
Good luck!
I thought this was another Ray Lewis thread.
2/4/13 10:29 a.m.
Hernia is one of those things that can just be there, with a bit of a bulge. Then, if your luck goes badly, it creates a blockage of the bowel. Things go downhill quickly at that point. Mine has been there for two years, but started growing, so time to take care of it. Apparently there is some connection between the hernia and a hydrocele. Lucky me.
2/4/13 10:58 a.m.
cwh wrote:
Hernia is one of those things that can just be there, with a bit of a bulge. Then, if your luck goes badly, it creates a blockage of the bowel. Things go downhill quickly at that point. Mine has been there for two years, but started growing, so time to take care of it. Apparently there is some connection between the hernia and a hydrocele. Lucky me.
I don't even have a bulge, but I know it is there. Somewhere between 17 years of playing hockey, 5 years of reffing it, 10 years of caddying, and in general just being active, somethin down there ain't right. I can play hockey, ref 5 high level games, all in the same day, and I'll be fine, but about once every two months or so, I'll ref a single low-level hockey game and the next day I'll feel like I've done 100 situps. I talked with my mom (a nurse) and my dad (who had a hernia), and they said that it sounds like I have the exact thing that my dad had.
I actually thought about a week ago that I was going to need to go in because I thought something wasn't right in the bowel system and it was related to my hernia. Then I looked at my diet over the previous 5ish days, and decided that I would start to eat something resembling nutrition, and my problem was solved.
Apparently a steady diet of cheese and beer is not good for the digestive track.
Hell, I thought this was another Ray Lewis thread.
Not me, once I read the title I knew it was about surgery in the nether regions 
I hope youre still in one piece...