New Reader
2/9/09 8:59 a.m.
It is my understanding that in other countries (where they drive on the same side as the U.S.) a driver NEVER passes on the right. If they got caught they would lose their license.
Driven in Uruguay, never pass on the right. Haven't driven in South Korea or Japan but in Okinawa you always pass on the right, our left.
ClemSparks wrote:
I've noticed that the general public has a very large "Comfort Zone" surrounding their car. My comfort zone is measured in inches...I'd say most folks measure theirs in feet.
My comfort zone is also in inches. The problem is that in the islands, most peoples' comfort zone is smaller than their car
Getting close alone doesn't intimidate them at all. Most won't care if you trade paint, unless there's a way to exploit the situation.
I like as much space around me as I can get. I'm very comfortable inches from fixed objects, but other drivers lack of abilities scare me.
Wally, I guess what I'm saying is that you can virtually "push" folks around on the road by simply getting very close to them. It doesn't take very long, driving behind someone, with them not being able to see your headlights (from their vantage point, with the rearview mirror) before they get nervous and find their way out of yours.
Of course, it's neither safe nor courteous. Two wrongs not being equal to a right and all that associated "math." ;)
That doesn't work so well here. When i drive to work, going down the Taconic and Sprain parkways in Westchester looks like the closing laps a Daytona. Three rows of cars close together and people weaving between lanes trying to pick their way through the crowd only to get boxed in and fall to the back again. It can be a bit entertaining to watch but after seeing a couple good wrecks I prefer to give them plenty of space.