I heard today that the Mars Rover has travelled 22 miles over the past 9 years. That means that it is travelling .00027905 MPH. (check my math on that one, not my strong suit.) Makes the Rondo look kinda speedy in comparison!

(Honestly, I do not see the resemblance.)
12/5/12 7:55 a.m.
Wow, only slightly slower than an Iron Duke powered third gen Camaro.
12/5/12 7:56 a.m.
Only one of the two above actually works properly for 9 years. Both are equally expensive to repair though.
12/5/12 8:09 a.m.
Thus taking the title away from the Chevette Diesel automatic. 0-60 in... infinity. I don't believe it was capable of hitting 60 mph on level ground.
Well that's average speed over that time. I'm sure a lot of nutty '70s F1 cars that have been sitting in a museum for decades have worse numbers.
12/5/12 8:44 a.m.
A family friend had a pinto in the late seventies. He went camping with it and had it full of stuff and was driving down some curvy, up-and-down roads and got pulled over by a cop for speeding. The friend laughed at the cop, handed him the keys and said "I'd like to see you get this thing over the speed limit!" The cop admitted he wasn't speeding and let him go.
on the other hand, my mom had a chevy vega and said she used to get pulled over for speeding at the bottom of a hill, when in reality she was just trying to get as much momentum as she could downhill so she could make it up the next. She said even at full throttle the car couldn't maintain 55 mph up most grades.
So the question is: What was their top speed when they were actually moving?
I assume their slow speed is more related to the several-minute reaction time if they start to run in to trouble more than it is any technical limit, but maybe some rover gurus could fill me in.
Duke wrote:
Thus taking the title away from the Chevette Diesel automatic. 0-60 in... infinity. I don't believe it was capable of hitting 60 mph on level ground.
No, it could. My grandmother had one for years. I know personally it would see 70mph tapped out.
Bobzilla wrote:
Duke wrote:
Thus taking the title away from the Chevette Diesel automatic. 0-60 in... infinity. I don't believe it was capable of hitting 60 mph on level ground.
No, it could. My grandmother had one for years. I know personally it would see 70mph tapped out.
downhill, with a tailwind
12/5/12 10:04 a.m.
I had a plymouth reliant early on that had extremely steep gears and extremely not power. You could bounce it off the rev limit then neutral bomb in gravel and it wouldn't spin the tires. literally.
it topped out on the interstate at around 65 mph pegged to the floor, thus apparently taking the crown of slowest car away from the diesel chevette. lol
Sorry, Mars Rover wins top speed. It got to Mars at a high rate of speed 
12/5/12 11:22 a.m.
If an object is stationary on mars, versus an object stationary here on earth, which object is traveling faster? Mars has the larger orbit but that doesn't necessarily mean it travels faster. Perhaps that should figure into this as well. eventually we will have to weigh in the possible speed of galactic drift....
12/5/12 11:36 a.m.
andrave wrote:
If an object is stationary on mars, versus an object stationary here on earth, which object is traveling faster? Mars has the larger orbit but that doesn't necessarily mean it travels faster. Perhaps that should figure into this as well. eventually we will have to weigh in the possible speed of galactic drift....
They are actually very close in terms of both orbital speed and rotational speed. Enough that, without knowing the longitude, it's almost a wash.
Mean orbital velocity (km/s) 24.13 29.78 0.810
Sidereal rotation period (hrs) 24.6229 23.9345 1.029
Length of day (hrs) 24.6597 24.0000 1.027
Wow. My old '73 220 Merc gasser seems peppy, now.
Jamesc2123 wrote:
So the question is: What was their top speed when they were actually moving?
I assume their slow speed is more related to the several-minute reaction time if they start to run in to trouble more than it is any technical limit...
Lol, I read this through and was sure you were still talking about Chevettes and Vegas.
This argument all depends upon distance travelled. In my humble opinion, the slowest vehicle from a green light to the other side of the intersection is the Mercedes 300SD.
Once you get the turbos spooled, its ok.
12/5/12 12:13 p.m.
oh you mean you don't use NOS? It makes your boost gauges go to 60.
2.444 miles per year? That's about the speed of the average attorney till it comes time to send that bill. 
andrave wrote:
on the other hand, my mom had a chevy vega and said she used to get pulled over for speeding at the bottom of a hill, when in reality she was just trying to get as much momentum as she could downhill so she could make it up the next. She said even at full throttle the car couldn't maintain 55 mph up most grades.
My '94 Amigo was like that. 2.6 4 banger, 5 speed with 4wd and 31x 10.50-15 tires. To be doing 55 at the top of a hill you needed to be doing 85 at the bottom and it got worse when pulling a dirt bike on a trailer, maybe an extra 600 pounds. I got a ticket and decided, sadly, it had to go.
LOL. I had an 83 240D with a 4-speed MT for a while. Toward the end, diesel city buses could walk away from me off the line. It really needed the throttle bushings replaced - the first third of pedal travel was just taking up slack in the linkage.
Anyone who was at the challenge saw me drag race my Trooper against a Geo Metro and lose.
As it turns out, my 1/4 mile run was also a 0-60 run, as my trap speed was 62 mph....
I lost a street drag to a Prius with my Samurai. I'm not sure it fired up the ICE. Don't worry, nobody broke the speed limit.
a friend of mine lost his license for 6 months for street racing under the speed limit. In Maryland.
My parent's 1970 VW camper van is the slowest vehicle I have ever driven. It probably weighed north of 3500lb with the "Custom" interior my dad built out of 5/8 inch plywood. This included an RV fridge and propane heater. Add 4 or 5 people with all their vacation stuff and the thing was over two tons easily. Pushing this down the road was a fire breathing stock air-cooled 1600cc VW motor that put maybe 45 hp on a good day. It went zero to 60 eventually. 
Once it was going, it was not easy to stop. The unassisted drum brakes with that much mass to slow, gave your legs a real workout. I gained an appreciation for what truck drivers deal with everyday.