7/31/23 7:54 p.m.
Tunakids and I enjoyed some time at a track while we were traveling recently. We realized that having a real track to race on was super fun. The nearest track is around 45 minutes away, a real investment. The kids were looking for indoor small scale stuff before we got home.
The choices are dizzying. What's the hot ticket for indoor hobby grade rc? Think hardwood floors, and we want tuning and upgrades and stuff. I find old names (from the 90s) have given over, been bought out, some selling cars with non-removable batteries, etc. What's out there and also makes sense?
I just bought a 1/24th scale Axial crawler. Threw a blanket in a heap on the floor. There was my course. It's a ton of fun. Slow enough that the 3 year hellspawn can drive it (poorly) and not get into trouble.
+1 on 1/18-or-smaller RC crawlers (see also solfly'sTRX4M thread)
Exactly how small are you thinking, or how much floor space, what budget, and how many magnifying lenses do you want to buy? 1/64, 1/87, and 1/100 scale are all actual things. Some DIY info (see pic below). The micro-scale FPV cars look like they could be fun...
For 1/24-1/28 scale: Kyosho Mini-Z is one of the primo options, but the comparable cars from WLtoys are much less $$ and have a lot of aftermarket.
Serious-competition-level "intro to 1/28 scale" vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay9INlDIM_4

8/1/23 8:28 a.m.
I do not need another hobby. I do not need another hobby. You know, there's a really good hobby shop in Dayton right down the... I do not need another hobby.
I had several Mini Z and Mini Z Overland cars several years ago, they were quite capable but they really do require a good smooth floor. It always felt to me like the biggest small vehicle you could get away with was a good thing, like 1/18 stuff. Less likely to get hung up or unsettled on bits of dirt and tile grout gaps, and I always preferred the dynamics of a little more mass in the car.
8/1/23 11:44 a.m.
I'm thinking something I can have on an improv track in the living room.
Looks like Latrax and 1RD are the contenders thus far.
Those little Axial trucks are a ton of fun!
8/2/23 12:45 p.m.
My friend and colleague reminded me that he posted a video about 1/18th scale. Honestly, it seems too fast and too big for a living room race series.
Not the scale you are looking for, but I bought myself this for Christmas:

It is waterproof, comes with a spare battery, and can be upgraded. It is a blast outdoors, but too big for indoors. My son didn't really take to it, which was fine, more for me LOL.