I've been approved by the higher powers(the wife) to buy a snow blower, this being because I made her go shovel some of the driveway last winter. Now I'm being told that I can buy whatever I want so long as she doesn't have to shovel again.
I originally wanted a Honda, but their 2 stage starts at $2k, more then I really want to spend, though it would work the longest. With an excellent motor, hyrdostatic transmission and warranty to back it up. For half as much I'll go with Ariens or Cub Cadet.
I'm looking at their 2 stage 30" models, it's wide enough for my side walks, and would only be 6 passes for each driveway, cutting my clearing of snow down to a couple of hours, versus all day.
I've heard good an bad things about both cub cadet and ariens, most people say that the ariens is the best, though they don't have a very long warranty and are rather expensive.
The cub cadet is cheaper, and I've had their mowers years ago, without any problems. But I don't know if they are upto the long term reliability.
Your thoughts?
I can't speak of those brands,but I have owned a Husqvarna for around 10 years,and I love it. It was around $1500 new when I bought it. I bought it from a Husky dealer instead of the big box store,and it is a heavy duty unit with a 12 horse Tecumseh snow king engine,and a 30" wide throat. It chucks some serious snow,and allows me to get my 2wd van out of my driveway when the snow is deep,and i am needed at work. Mine has steering built into it,and when the cables aren't frozen it works great. You reminded me I have to go out to fire it up one of these days to make sure it is still running good.
whoops, double post up... good to know, thanks for the recommendation, I'll look into them as well.
9/11/11 9:37 p.m.
I... uh... moved to South Carolina (snowiest winter = 20") from Syracuse NY (snowiest winter = 192"), so, I have nothing to add. I don't even own a snow shovel or an ice scraper. I took 81S, I recommend this route. Drive south with a snowshovel on your roof in December until people think you're crazy, and stay there.
My grandfather had an Ariens that was about 20 years old and worked... back in the early 1990s.
i knew i should have just asked how to soup up a snowblower, would have gotten more responses, lol.
I've no experience with Cub's, but I have an Ariens and love it. I got it 3 years ago once I decided I was too old to shovel, last year it was happily eating snow that was taller than the blades with no issue.
As highly non scientific survey, I don't know of a single friend or neighbor with a cub, but plenty with Ariens and they, like me all love them. There are plenty of craftsmen and other cheapie brands, but they all seem to struggle, the Ariens all perform perfectly.
I've got a Craftsman that I've had for 11 winters, and it's fine here in Michigan.
9/12/11 7:47 a.m.
My vote would be for the Ariens. I have a vintage one, my dad has a vintage one, and I know people that work at the factory. I may be biased. 
You're doing your own driveway and sidewalk? You're going to hardly use the thing. A cheaper Cub will do you just fine.
If you decide to go into the commercial snowblowing business, then consider an upgrade.
9/12/11 7:57 a.m.
How big is your driveway? I'd honestly go with just the single stage. Much easier to move around for the majority of snows. I live in the suburbs of Chicago during the winter months.
And between those two, Ariens is my pick (never used a Cub). We have a single stage Ariens now.
I have a 16 yr. old MTD, 26" two stage with an 8hp. Tecumseh. with regular maintenace it has never let me down, well once when the clutch cable broke. Seems many parts are universal. Easy fix. Cost me $ 699.99
My parents have an ~30 year old Ariens 10hp, 30' wide that still works fine - mind you they have a contractor clear the drive now (85+ years of age).
I have a Sears/Craftsman 9hp (27") that has served me well for at least 12 years. I finally invested in new belts for it last winter.
I am not familiar with the Cub brand, and don't recall ever seeing one up here in the Great White North...
New Reader
9/27/11 12:00 a.m.
ggarrard wrote:
I am not familiar with the Cub brand, and don't recall ever seeing one up here in the Great White North...
The old ones are fantastic, but MTD bought them from International in 81 and the new ones are exactly the same as all the other MTD produced garbage around nowadays.
How about the smaller and less expensive ($600-750) 24", 2-stage 4 strokes w/ trans like at Lowes and HD? Are they any good for the money and will they hold up? My routine is : 100' driveway, 100' sidewalk and sometimes the neighbors 150' sidewalk if I have any grunt left. I'd been using a 21" 2-stroke single stage non-propelled but that's getting pretty damn old.
Cost definitely figures in here, $1500 or more is not in the budget
I learned a lot about snow blowers last winter. It seems that 90% of them were manufactured by MTD, have Tecumseh engines and are rebadged and sold as Craftsman, Agway, Toro, Airens and many, many more. Look closely and you may find that you are comparison shopping the same units in different colors.