ScreaminE wrote:
Had friends stuck in downtown Raleigh after work yesterday. Downtown actually has a decent amount of elevation change, so a few gradual hills. Friend in his 2wd truck was in bad shape with 3" of snow and an inch of ice underneath.
You think you can drive on snow? Good for you. Now go drive on a solid sheet of ice with all-seasons (uphill) and tell me how good of a driver you are.
Every winter. Every. Damn. Winter.
Ugh, another southerners can't drive in the snow thread...
We have over 6" on the ground here in NC now. Everything is shut down. If I were still living in the DC area, I'd consider going out in this. Here? Nothing is open, most of the roads haven't been touched, and I don't have snow tires.
I have been playing with various ways to find the cheapest option for snow tires on TR though.
Bobzilla wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
Had friends stuck in downtown Raleigh after work yesterday. Downtown actually has a decent amount of elevation change, so a few gradual hills. Friend in his 2wd truck was in bad shape with 3" of snow and an inch of ice underneath.
You think you can drive on snow? Good for you. Now go drive on a solid sheet of ice with all-seasons (uphill) and tell me how good of a driver you are.
Every winter. Every. Damn. Winter.
Sorry, bob. Total BS on that. The days where there's absolute glare ice + snow on top are quite rare. Snow, yes, Ice, yes- a combination of both, not so much. I've never had a winter without snow- have always lived in the snow line my entire driving history. Been in SE Mi for the last 24 years.
And the days where the traffic is the worst, by far, is glare ice. That happens once or twice every year, and it's the same morons that block up traffic every year- EXACTLY like the south right now. Add snow on top of that, so the morons who don't look at the weather or traffic think it's just snow- it's just that much worse.
but if you want to bitch and moan over how the south handles winter, feel free. Not sure why it bothers you that much.
I just think it was cool to see a car that looked like a rally car going through the snow zombie appocolipse.
Bobzilla wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
Had friends stuck in downtown Raleigh after work yesterday. Downtown actually has a decent amount of elevation change, so a few gradual hills. Friend in his 2wd truck was in bad shape with 3" of snow and an inch of ice underneath.
You think you can drive on snow? Good for you. Now go drive on a solid sheet of ice with all-seasons (uphill) and tell me how good of a driver you are.
Every winter. Every. Damn. Winter.
My wife learned to drive in a mercury maquis rwd 302 powered boat in Rochester, ny. Her father was too cheap to buy snows. If you get 120+inches of snow per year you learn to adapt real quick.
Now northerners have a har time dealing with the nasty rain and wind storms that the south gets. I distinctly rmeber my wife, huddling in the closet under the stairs in South Carolina clutching a battery powered radio in one hand and a flashlight in the other, wishing we were up north in the snow because the tornados and thunderstorms were rolling through.
alfadriver wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
Had friends stuck in downtown Raleigh after work yesterday. Downtown actually has a decent amount of elevation change, so a few gradual hills. Friend in his 2wd truck was in bad shape with 3" of snow and an inch of ice underneath.
You think you can drive on snow? Good for you. Now go drive on a solid sheet of ice with all-seasons (uphill) and tell me how good of a driver you are.
Every winter. Every. Damn. Winter.
Sorry, bob. Total BS on that. The days where there's absolute glare ice + snow on top are quite rare. Snow, yes, Ice, yes- a combination of both, not so much. I've never had a winter without snow- have always lived in the snow line my entire driving history. Been in SE Mi for the last 24 years.
And the days where the traffic is the worst, by far, is glare ice. That happens once or twice every year, and it's the same morons that block up traffic every year- EXACTLY like the south right now. Add snow on top of that, so the morons who don't look at the weather or traffic think it's just snow- it's just that much worse.
but if you want to bitch and moan over how the south handles winter, feel free. Not sure why it bothers you that much.
I just think it was cool to see a car that looked like a rally car going through the snow zombie appocolipse.
Huh... I guess you should tell my road that it's complete BS then. Because there's almost an inch of polished ice with a top coat of snow sitting on it RIGHT NOW.
I'm so glad people know my area better than me from across the country.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
Well, we get tornados every year as well. Last year the closest one was 6 miles in a straight line from the house. We actually watched it from our front door.
Well, that's why I don't live in Indiana.
We get an occasional hurricane, an occasional tornado, and an occasional ice storm. When it comes to these things, occasional is enough. 
Started snowing last night when I got home from work. Took the dog out later around 830, the snow was light and fluffy and only maybe 2 inches of it. Wake up this morning its wet, heavy, and about a foot deep. Dammit. I figure I got at least 4 more hours worth of shoveling/plowing (with an inadequate lawn tractor lol) to get to the street.
In reply to Bobzilla:
there's a difference between "your road" and the main roads. "My Road" is barely plowed, is mostly ice, and has snow on it. But that is NOT what the main roads are- which is the issue in the south.
What that picture represents, which is a something larger than an artery road, is a rare occurance up here. Unless you have the worst snow plowing in all of the north.
Lets not pretend that our little residential roads represent the freeways, highways, and main roads.
But you seem to really enjoy judging how moronic the entire south is. Why it bothers you that much is beyond me.
In reply to alfadriver:
I never once said that all the main roads are ice. All I did was answer the question that was posed. Go look at the first post on this page, then get back to me. If you think that is me making fun of ANYONE, go back and read it again. Just read the words. Don't put your hateful anti-Bob-is-a-dick spin on it.
I just wish this crap would end. I have way too much time to surf for race parts....
Bobzilla wrote:
In reply to alfadriver:
I never once said that all the main roads are ice. All I did was answer the question that was posed. Go look at the first post on this page, then get back to me. If you think that is me making fun of ANYONE, go back and read it again. Just read the words. Don't put your hateful anti-Bob-is-a-dick spin on it.
You are doing a great job of spinning this in to a "bob is a dick" thread.
My point is that I'm realizing that there's a BIG difference in pretending that the local roads represnet anything. So there's no real point in trying to feign sympathy or the lack of it for my local roads. The problem in the south is ALL of the roads.
You claimed that you get snow covered ice roads every year, as if it were the same thing as they have in the south right now. It's not. And the problem of snow covered ice roads for the main roads and larger is very rare.
hate all you want, but empathy goes a long way.
There's still a car that looks to be a rally car in the original picture.
2/13/14 9:37 a.m.
alfadriver wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
Had friends stuck in downtown Raleigh after work yesterday. Downtown actually has a decent amount of elevation change, so a few gradual hills. Friend in his 2wd truck was in bad shape with 3" of snow and an inch of ice underneath.
You think you can drive on snow? Good for you. Now go drive on a solid sheet of ice with all-seasons (uphill) and tell me how good of a driver you are.
Every winter. Every. Damn. Winter.
Sorry, bob. Total BS on that. The days where there's absolute glare ice + snow on top are quite rare. Snow, yes, Ice, yes- a combination of both, not so much. I've never had a winter without snow- have always lived in the snow line my entire driving history. Been in SE Mi for the last 24 years.
And the days where the traffic is the worst, by far, is glare ice. That happens once or twice every year, and it's the same morons that block up traffic every year- EXACTLY like the south right now. Add snow on top of that, so the morons who don't look at the weather or traffic think it's just snow- it's just that much worse.
but if you want to bitch and moan over how the south handles winter, feel free. Not sure why it bothers you that much.
I just think it was cool to see a car that looked like a rally car going through the snow zombie appocolipse.
he always does … he always will … nothing much will change that… lol … and of course he does it better than anyone of the rest of us 
alfadriver wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
In reply to alfadriver:
I never once said that all the main roads are ice. All I did was answer the question that was posed. Go look at the first post on this page, then get back to me. If you think that is me making fun of ANYONE, go back and read it again. Just read the words. Don't put your hateful anti-Bob-is-a-dick spin on it.
You are doing a great job of spinning this in to a "bob is a dick" thread.
My point is that I'm realizing that there's a BIG difference in pretending that the local roads represnet anything. So there's no real point in trying to feign sympathy or the lack of it for my local roads. The problem in the south is ALL of the roads.
You claimed that you get snow covered ice roads every year, as if it were the same thing as they have in the south right now. It's not. And the problem of snow covered ice roads for the main roads and larger is very rare.
hate all you want, but empathy goes a long way.
There's still a car that looks to be a rally car in the original picture.
I never said anything was the same as anything. I stated, rather truthfully, that I drive on ice covered roads every single winter. YOU, fine sir, are the one putting the insinuation in there. I made a simple statement that you then spun into this E36 M3 storm. Congrats. The train is officially derailed.
In reply to Grtechguy:
Funnies. I kind of thought of the girl with the house burning down then I saw this picture.
In reply to Everyone else:
Didn't mean to cause a poop-storm with my comments. Sorry.
New Reader
2/13/14 9:45 a.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Wow Ben, I hope your dad is doing ok!
He is. They had him scheduled to get a new pacemaker and they were going to do it, regardless of the weather. I just got off the phone with him, and they're releasing him in a couple of hours. We've been arguing about whether I should go get them or if Mom should drive them home in their Jeep. They're insisting they'll be fine with Mom driving. Any of you Raleigh guys have a crash helmet he can borrow? It might be wise for everyone to stay off the roads between Raleigh & Cary for a couple of hours, too.
There was a quote in the N&O a few weeks ago that the real reason the Civil War started was because Southerners got tired of listening to Northerners go on about how they did things up North. 
BenB wrote:
Any of you Raleigh guys have a crash helmet he can borrow?
I do, but I have a really small head.
Glad to hear he is doing well.
Bobzilla wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
Had friends stuck in downtown Raleigh after work yesterday. Downtown actually has a decent amount of elevation change, so a few gradual hills. Friend in his 2wd truck was in bad shape with 3" of snow and an inch of ice underneath.
You think you can drive on snow? Good for you. Now go drive on a solid sheet of ice with all-seasons (uphill) and tell me how good of a driver you are.
Every winter. Every. Damn. Winter.
This post, the way you write it, implies that the problem of ice covered roads happes everywhere, every winter.
Now you backpedal to say that it's just the the road that is in front of your house. If that was the case, you should write "The road in front of my house does that every year".
By making each word a sentance, you are trying to communicate that your problem is worse than the problem that is being stated before. When, in fact, it's a small subset of the problem they have in south.
that's how I read it. If that's not how you intend to have it be read, Don't. Write. It. Like. That.
It's not as if this is your only post that you try to tell people that your common life is as bad as they have it in the south. Get over it already- let them deal with their own problems. They don't need to deal with you.
And still, that car looks like a rally car. does nobody else see that?
I'm sorry, just how does that imply ANYTHING other than I drive on a solid sheet of ice every winter? You're reading what you want into that. It has nothing to do with what I have ACTUALLY written, but everything to do with what you WANT me to write.
That's fine. If you feel better belittling someone or having an internet bad guy, then you go for it. I stand (or slide in most cases) by my statement. I DO drive on a solid sheet of ice road every. damn. winter.
Bobzilla wrote:
I'm sorry, just how does that imply ANYTHING other than I drive on a solid sheet of ice every winter? You're reading what you want into that. It has nothing to do with what I have ACTUALLY written, but everything to do with what you WANT me to write.
That's fine. If you feel better belittling someone or having an internet bad guy, then you go for it. I stand (or slide in most cases) by my statement. I DO drive on a solid sheet of ice road every. damn. winter.
You should add
Every. Damn. Day.
that will get more sympathy to you. And away from the southerners who are making a big deal of the weather right now.
Not sure from whom, though.
But that is not the truth. I don't drive on a solid sheet of ice for 9 months a year. Then I drive on a gravel road.
2/13/14 10:24 a.m.
I don't think that is a rally car with lights on the roof.
I do want to know the cause of that car-b-q though. Snow, the last time I checked, is not flammable, although complaining about it may be a bit incendiary.