rebelgtp wrote:
I remember that movie
man has it been a long time since I've seen it.
Oh I'm sure the Olds will get a PA.
When I first go my Monte we all had K40 antennas. We mounted the base at the center of the front edge of the trunk lid and when we didn't need the antenna it would go in the trunk and you were just left with a small black base. Before cell phones my friends and I all had them. 
I almost always tackle long road trips with the help of a CB. I brought one up to R/A for the KIC recently, and man, oh man, the conversations I heard around Chicago were something......I swear a race riot was about to break out on the highway.......10 minutes later everyone was having fun, and friendly again. I think truckers sometimes stir each other up just to make the day interesting.
A CB has saved my ass more than once. It will let you know about closed roads and alternate routes, gas stations open late at night, and of course those pesky smokey Bears!
Mine is an old Realistic CB that is big and full of knobs and chrome!
While we're on the subject, what's your handle, good buddy?
Dreamweaver.. out.
For an antenna I was looking for something a little more low profile than the K40, at least for now.
My top two I'm looking at right now are the K30 and the little Wil. Anyone have experience with either of these?
Also what is a good place to get one online? There is not much availability out here in the sticks sadly.
NYG95GA wrote:
While we're on the subject, what's your handle, good buddy?
Dreamweaver.. out.
The meaning of "good buddy" has changed, just so you know...
Sugar Bear... out
in the 90's i have a couppe of cb's and we would fox hunt around here. i have a cobra that i had borke on the trip to the challange in 04. have not really touched it since then since there never seems to be anyone that talks around ehere anymore sigh...
I remember those K40 antennas. That and along with a Cobra CB and a Realistic scanner is what my dad used to have in his car