Joe Gearin
Associate Publisher
11/14/14 11:18 a.m.
I had considered the Frizbee twins, a PRHT Club model MX-5, and even toyed with the idea of a Fiesta ST. My right brain and left brain were waging a war. In order to stem the mounting casualties on both sides, I sided with the left (logical) side of my brain, for perhaps the first time ever.
So Behold------ my brand spanking new (2014) 30th Anniversary Dodge Grand Caravan

I figure I still have the E36 M3 and Turbo Miata for fun---- what I needed was a tool. For the money, I couldn't find a more versatile tool than this Dodge. Yes, other minivans may drive slightly better, but the Stow and Go system was just too trick to pass up. For just a touch over $20K it's a pretty amazing machine. I'm still a bit conflicted though.... Not in a million years would I have thought that my first new car purchase would be a minivan.....but it's out in the parking lot, and I'm pretty sure it's mine......
Sweet buy. The last brand new car I purchased outright (I leased a Leaf) was my 2006 Kia Sedona. Incredibly rational and useful purchae. Nice job!! 
Nice ride man, enjoy it for what it is and wallow away the miles in comfort.
Gale Banks has hinted at a turbo system for the Pentastar engines - that would let you accomplish your own version of this.
Add a hint of Dajiban flavour and love the usefulness.
11/14/14 11:36 a.m.
Tint the windows and put a waterbed in the back. Bonus points for wet bar. That's what vans are for.
11/14/14 12:06 p.m.
I personally feel that the design of many utility vehicles as well as the performance is far above that of many average cars these days. The fact that a minivan has fold flat seats, plenty of power and still gets MPG as good as some smaller cars is impressive. Caravan probably gets better MPG, weighs more, and has more power than my ZX2. You can't sleep in my ZX2 nor tote around 7 people.
I rented one recently to haul a boatload of crap 1000 miles. I totally get it, but then again I spent my formative years in one of these:

You realize this announcement broke pretty much every man-law which pertains to minivans.
First, you acknowledged it as your vehicle. Man Law #75 - Any minivan purchased in the household shall automatically be assigned to a female household member. No male household member shall ever acknowledge ownership over a minivan. Ownership shall always be differed by such platitudes as "My wife's car".
Second, you failed to offer sufficient justification for passing up more "manly" vehicles (you know Camaros, jacked up trucks, etc). Man law #87b - If forced to acknowledge ownership of a minivan, sufficient disclaimers shall immediately be offered to clarify the extreme necessity and/or involuntariness of the purchase. (Examples: We have kids. We have 2 dogs. Or, to preserve all possible manliness points: I must occasionally move greasy engine blocks.)
Third, while it is well know that minivans are comfy and awesome, this is never to be acknowledged, anywhere. Man Law #92 - The fact that a minivan roomier, more comfortable and possibly faster than your "sports" car shall never be spoken of. Ever. Under any circumstances. (I realize your post didn't exactly break this rule, but you hinted at it by showing pics of an interior with adequate room for all passengers. This is way to close to the line)
Does it have one of those hid away rear storage areas where you can keep your balls?

Bravo! And a big dope slap upside the heads of those who are unable to see the minivan for the beautiful, practical beast that it is! If all the knuckleheads driving so-called "Sport Utility Vehicles" traded them for minvans, the world would be a better place.
That was my first thought, followed shortly by this: A Dodge? Are you crazy?
Good luck! And let us know if/when it breaks!
11/14/14 12:27 p.m.
Oh yes. Boring as all get-out, but quick, efficient, amazingly capable at carrying people and things, and that Pentastar has a dual personality when you open it up. Nice buy.
Love it, looking at replacing our 07 with a new one.
11/14/14 12:53 p.m.
Well done! The first new car I ever bought in 1992 was a shortie base model Caravan. When it was killed in a car accident 10 years ago I promptly replaced it with a lightly used 2000 Grand Caravan Sport. Most cost-effective purchase I have ever made. A massively useful tool - absolutely no sadness involved.
Proper tool for the job.. and when it stops working you can use it like a hammer ala Harbor Freight tools.
11/14/14 1:32 p.m.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. At $20k, the GC is the bargain of the decade. Over 300hp, 20mpg, seats 7 or will haul all your cargo. Don't forget 3500lb tow rating!
Think about what else $20k will buy you, brand new. Ain't a whole lot of vehicles this handy, that's for sure!
Thanks guys! I'm pretty pleased with the purchase-- although it feels a bit surreal to buy a new car. That shiny thing out's mine? Yeah... I guess so......
and Kazoospec------ Real men don't pay attention to silly little "man laws". They make their own! 
aircooled wrote:
Does it have one of those hid away rear storage areas where you can keep your balls?
Not necessary…one of your nads shrivels up while flopping all around making that air being let out of a balloon sound when you first sit in it and then the other nad goes when you sign the sales contract.
Joking aside, congratulations Joe.
The only automotive stereotype that would dissuade me is that of the Corvette and that’s only because the truth hurts.
11/14/14 2:14 p.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
and Kazoospec------ Real men don't pay attention to silly little "man laws". They make their own!
That's exactly how we got "METROSEXUALS" though......
<--- Jealous!
Congrats Joe, that's one new vehicle I'd love to own...if I didn't loath car payments so much.
11/14/14 2:25 p.m.
Well, I guess there's no more speculation about the size of Joe's equipment - mark him COMPENSATION NOT REQUIRED. 
In reply to Joe Gearin:
and i bet Willie D sounds great on the system in that thing!
Pat---- he's taking it to a whole nutha level! 
Ignore the haters, it's awesome to be able to take home 4x8 sheets of plywood in the rain. And then flip the seats up, load up the dogs and kids and drive 3 states to grandma's flour thanksgiving dinner.. I love our t&c, it's not the vehicle I enjoy driving the most, but it's the best tool for the job.