lizard wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
So you drink ALOT huh?
My wife's doc indicated the only way she could have triglycerides over 200 was drinking soda and alcohol. Dr. was very condescending and quick to push drugs although the number was only slightly over 200. SWMBO read up on it, cut back on the aforementioned beverages a bit and next test she was fine without any meds. Based on SWMBO's research, the Dr. was not incorrect, in that simple sugars such as soda & alcohol are a big factor along with other carbohydrate sources. In our house, the food diet wasn't the problem and it really was the regular consumption of soda & alcohol. One way to improve your test results, is not consume soda or alcohol for a minimum of 48 hours prior to the test. Of course, going "Cold Turkey" instead of "Wild Turkey" for 48 hours isn't really a solution to the problem, but it might get the Dr. off your back while you work on things by cutting back, exercising and trying more natural/holistic supplements instead of big pharma. I can't recall for sure, but it seems walnuts and red yeast rice were natural diet changes/supplements that are supposed to help reduce triglyceride levels.
I know this because I'm fond of the booze as well, no soda here though.
Same thing, our food diet is very good, no processed foods, etc etc etc.
We like good booze (wine/beer/booze) and being DINKs we can afford it.
this just reminds me that i think i really need to go to the doctor to get checked up. I look ok, and do get out and go hiking for 8+ miles a few times a year, and trying to get back into doing more. But thats about it for exercise.
I feel like I really do need to cut back on the beer and soda, at least 2 beers a day after work every single day and a soda with lunch. Usually pack my lunch for work, a sandwich, and some typically greasy ass chips (at least 2-3x the "serving size" of course) and a soda. I have like 6 cases of soda in the garage that quite frankly its sickening to look at thinking I am going to eventually drink it all. Most of it is not diet soda. But it was on sale! How could I not buy it!
I need to switch to fruit/veggies and juice or something to supplement my lunch sandwich. And what ever happened to milk. It seems I never drink that anymore. Isnt that good for you? 
Milk is not good for ME, i'll tell you that much. 
I'm actually doing the HCG diet right now, the extra weight I was carrying wouldn't cooperate with the C25K program I was doing.
A good way to replace the Soda is with Perrier and flavored liquid Stevia Drops. Your body doesn't process it like sugar, so no insulin hit. And the Root Beer and Vanilla Creme make for a tasty beverage.
I haven't been much of a pop drinker for 10+ years, but I do have a sweet tooth, and this helps with that.
wlkelley3 wrote:
As long as they aren't talking HDL/LDL in the bad range. Just add more veggies to the 5 guys, say jalapenos, onion, lettuce, tomato.
I also assume it's a typo and should be 162 instead of 1162. That would be very very bad. 162 is still high though. Mine just tested at 202 after a weekend of living off of saugage biscuits and brats. Doc is talking meds but wants to stabilize the sudden mild thyroid issue with synthroid first. Hopefully by then I'll get the numbers where they are supposed to be. Wife started having me take her to the gym on a regular basis.
Sadly no, it was not a typo.
Well, since I got home from vaca, I started in with diet. Exercise starts on Monday. This week's dinners: Lemon Pepper Tilapia (lemon juice, pepper, baked in olive oil with lemon slices on top) filet, red potatoes, red onions and red/yellow peppers cooked in olive oil. Breakfas is Oatmeal with a banana and lunch this week is 2 cups of lettuce, carrots, 1 tbsp sunflower seeds, 1/3cup lowfat Mozzarella cheese, cucumber, rawred onion and 2 tbsp of fat free Italian dressing. Morning snack is 1/3 cup of raisins and 1/3 cup of non-salted pecans and afternoon snack is a 100calorie snack pack of cheez-its.
11/3/11 10:18 a.m.
That actually all sounds really tasty.
Your heart should be in great shape from trying to ram bacon fat throughout the ol' carcass.
Last time I was tested it was high (don't remember the number) but even though I love it I rarely eat sausage etc and I had eaten a sausage biscuit for breakfast. According to the docs it seems that will really skew readings, going from a basically low fat diet to a one time cholesterol bomb.
Well, I was on a 12 hour fast, so no "cholesterol bombs" involved.