If you made any.
I still have this week to go before the big one of mine starts officially.
I made a resolution to not read your post:-)
Honestly I haven't had NY resolutions for years but this I have too much to get done to not have them.
I resolved to start my diet right after Christmas, then it got moved to New Years Day, and it looks like I might make it "stick" by January 4th. The diet is part of a bigger resolution to lose XX pounds by New Years Eve 2012.
I haven't gotten around to making my resolutions yet. I suppose I can cross "quit procrastinating" off the list though
I just decided to make one.
I resolve to lose 15 lbs by the end of the school year. This diet will start once I get back to school, because moms cooking is too good to not eat too much of
mad_machine wrote: I never understood the need to do "resolutions" for the new year.
You're not fat then are you
In reply to aussiesmg:
230 pounds here and also never saw the point. Seems most people who make resolutions never have the willpower to actually stick with them or just do it for some idiotic ritual of talking about resolutions for the first two weeks of January and promptly forgetting about it for the rest of the year.
I heard a snippet on the radio recently which mentioned how they do the new year's "resolutions" in Portugal.
You don't resolve to do something, you wish for it. I wish to be 20-25 pounds lighter, fitter, and manage my money better.
I was planning on taking action on those things anyhow, but I think I'll stick to wishes instead of resolutions. It just seems more relaxed. The more I hear, the more I think I could stand to be a bit more Portuguese in general. Maybe I should wish that, too...
Salanis wrote: I have a standing resolution every year: "Be More Awesome". So far, I'm keeping up.
Brewing school in Germany, you win at least this year.
I've got 12 months to make all of my resolutions happen. I don't do any of the the diet, or lose 10 lbs resolutions. My resolutions are to get out of debt, get into college, maintain a B average, and shoot IDPA every month. Let's do this 2012!
still going strong on mine. No Monster energy drinks. They were really my only vice besides M&Ms. A post New Year's Resolution will be to get rid of this facebook thing. I'm really just trying to break these habits before I leave for basic training.
Since I am the one that started this thread, I have three main ideals for the year: 1- SURVIVE this year. 2- pass the nursing school classes for these two semesters. 3- Typical lose some dang weight. I am sick of being at least 60# over what I would like to be.
Of course #3 starts next week. need some time to gather up the bad E36 M3 and throw it away and refill with something better nutritionally.
The whole losing weight resolution should always be broken down and micro managed starting with diet 1st then exercise. There is no point in exercising if you don't have the correct diet to compliment it. Also you should plan out your exercises instead of just going day by day, always helps!
I only have one or two resolutions. Instead, I have a lot more goals to complete.
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