11/9/15 8:11 a.m.
After a few pages of deliberation between the XB1 and PS4, I stopped at Best Buy yesterday on the way home to see what they had to offer. The Forza bundle wasn't in stock, but they had a deal with a XB1 with 1 TB storage, "holiday bundle" with a few games (that I don't even remember), and get a $60 game free. That game became Forza...
I fired it up long enough to download updates, change my name and avatar, and look around a little. Look up "rallyxguy" if you need a noob friend.
Now what? Thinking a wheel will probably be next (I saw a $400 set while I was there, holy crap). Star Wars Battlefront next week of course, and probably a headset of some kind? Anything else I should know? I've been out of games for a long time.
Full disclosure, FPS games make me violently ill, like the worst motion sickness ever. So I generally avoid video games (I know, sucks to be me). But my daughter has an older XBox and she got me Sniper Elite V2. You are a sniper in WWII and you can slowly sneak around and pick people off from a distance. I cranked the setting to "hard" and snuck around for hours picking off Nazis. I was disconcertingly good at it. I think you can get it in the bargain bins, worth a try if you like history...and anonymously killing people.
11/9/15 9:27 a.m.
Not much advice here, I've had my PS4 for several months and I think i only have 5 or 6 games, and no PSN/P account. The last part will change shortly as my best friend a state away just picked one up yesterday as well.
11/9/15 9:29 a.m.
In reply to pinchvalve:
I have wondered about sniper elite. I haven't cared for any FPS games since MoH Rising Sun.
If you're a Halo fan, skip Halo 5. It was a huge disappointment.
Titan Fall is fun.
I'd pick up Fallout 4 as well.
On the headset front, this is what I have.
The dog has "brought" them to me a few times, so I didn't want to invest a ton of money into them if they became ruined. They've held up really well so far, and I like that the boom mike is small and rotates back into the headset if you're playing solo or watching something.
In reply to Tactical Penguin:
Agreed. Fallout 4 comes out tomorrow and is one of the most, if not THE most-anticipated new generation game yet. Brilliant, entertaining action/adventure/role playing game set in post-apocalyptic Boston.
I will second Sniper Elite, good fun. As for wheels, I have the MS Force Feedback wheel for the 360 that according to this site: Microsoft Xbox 360 Racing Wheel on Xbox One can work on the Xbox1. I will set it go cheap if you are interested, we just don't use it any more.
11/9/15 10:38 a.m.
Batman: Arkham Knight is a game I highly recommend. Admittedly, I am biased. It's fun to be Batman.
11/9/15 10:39 a.m.
In reply to pinchvalve:
Not much on FPS myself. Too complicated for this old guy raised on his Atari 2600. But that sounds like fun, might look for that. And I got bored with GTA Vice City on my old Xbox and found cheat codes online so I could just have awesome vehicles and weapons, and spend 30-60min when bored shooting cops and hookers.
Gta5 is an excellent game. Fallout 4 is going to be awesome. Sniper elite is fun. Tomb raider is great.
11/9/15 11:38 a.m.
If you really enjoy blowing stuff up, Just Cause 3 will be out on Dec 1.
pointofdeparture wrote:
In reply to Tactical Penguin:
Agreed. Fallout 4 comes out tomorrow and is one of the most, if not THE most-anticipated new generation game yet. Brilliant, entertaining action/adventure/role playing game set in post-apocalyptic Boston.
I really hope I get the chance to Nuke Boston like I nuked Megaton and both the NCR & Legion.....
Jerry, I'll send a request over late tonight(have midnight release to attend) and happily lend a hand with all things Forza. Step 1 is to activate ForzaHub so you get free monies. Step 2 is to fully embrace the fact that torque is king.
Step 3 is that the online lobbies are still filled with Dbags who are too poor to have gotten the new CoD yet. Step 4 is to limit the aggression of the AI drivatars. Step 5 is to buy the most ridiculous cars and make them fast.
I've been working on decimating D and B class leaderboards with foolish vehicles. The season pass on Forza 6 is well worth it already as well.
You have been added, I'm hanging out at the localism GameStop right now however, because free Jimmy Johns & energy hold us out until midnight to get ahold of Fallout. LoL
Step one is go HERE.
I use a Turtle Beach wireless headset. This means it is wired to the controller, but not the TV, while it still does all in-game audio. I like it. You can have the TV volume muted, but blow your ear drums out.
With a gold account, take advantage of the free monthly games if they are good. I'm replaying Tomb Raider. Played it on the 360 and it was glitch as all hell. Then again, I sat in front of my TV for three days straight while hooked to an ambulatory EEG. I'm playing it again on the one... and it has different glitches, but fewer... I'm also not hooked up to 32 wires with my finger on the panic button, so I'm a little more relaxed.
I play a ton of Forza and GTA V. I see Sniper Elite was mentioned. It is one of the few I can't do. The motion made me sick for some reason. I may try the newest again at some point.
11/10/15 8:11 a.m.
In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
SWMBO visited last night... Tonight is the monthly SCCA meeting (& election night, see if I stay RE)... Tomorrow is a new 1/32 scale slot car league starting at the local hobby store I'm curious about. Hoping to finally try it out after the meeting tonight though.
I'm curious about the WRC rally games, any good? I played the hell out of Colin Mcrae Rally on my old Xbox.
No worries, I'm probably going to be regressing to caveman status from Fallout.....
11/13/15 8:00 a.m.
Finally had time last night to try out Forza. Pretty cool. The updating needed that delayed it was annoying, I watched another episode of Gotham on Netflix at least.
How does the online stuff work? I'm going to add some of the handles in the other thread this weekend, and it wuold be fun to race others online.
In reply to Jerry:
Well, I'd recommend doing the league races online, as most are non-contact and don't turn into demo derbies like the regular hoppers do....
In reply to Jerry:
Once you add people, you can see what they are doing. Hell I can already see what you're doing when you're online. Try to invite others playing Forza to a party chat and figure it out from there. That would be one easy way. It can be hard, though, to pull people away from a game they are already playing, though.
In reply to N Sperlo:
Sometimes, the hardest part is getting tricky dick away from Netflix.....they must have added a German hentai dub of Sailor Moon to their playlist or something.....
11/18/15 12:08 p.m.
Quick question: are there any 80's arcade game collections, either disk or Xbox store? I tried searching last night on the store, no luck. I did find Neverwinter Nights, but the 16+gb download ran longer than I was willing to wait (hopefully it finished on it's own).
Probably picking up Star Wars Battlefront after work, too old for the midnight release Monday night. #getoffmylawn