And filled out an inquiry
This has the potential to be something that I can get really into. I realize that some of the posters here do this, while others do this for a living. I am not sure how to begin other what I did and would love feedback. I imagine that there is basically no money in this and that is ok. I want to find something that I love and learn more about how to do that better. So excited even though I am trying to be realistic and remember that I am just some guy on the internet and that I will most likely not hear back from this blog.
Lesley to the white curtsey phone...
singleslammer wrote:
I am trying to be realistic and remember that I am just some guy on the internet and that I will most likely not hear back from this blog.
Well you sure as hell won't find out without trying! Kudos to you for taking a shot at it, and good luck with it!
10/24/14 6:41 a.m.
Appleseed wrote:
Lesley to the white curtsey phone...
I see what you did there.
It would be easy to write better than even some of the big names in auto journalism out there, so try to exploit that. There's one particular guy on Speedhunters who makes me cringe hard.
I have written before but never in the fashion of entertainment. I think that I shouldn't have any problem writing something that makes sense and isn't painful to read. My problem will probably be idea generation but I always have you crazies to inspire me!
10/24/14 12:50 p.m.
Writing is the easy part. Getting published is just as easy. Getting paid for it, well now, there's the rub.
Freelance journalism is fun!
10/25/14 6:52 p.m.
Writing for a blog for little or no money can be a great way to get established. Not only is it a chance at a byline and readership – it's a valuable exercise in learning how to hone your skills and meet deadlines. However, only a fraction of blog writers parlay that into a career with decent pay. Sometimes you spend years in the trenches before getting a break – if at all.
Good luck– and have fun with it. If you're not having fun, neither will your readers.
I heard back! Apparently, they seem to think I am a good fit. Logistics are being worked out but I am pretty stoked to take a stab at this. I hope that I don't suck at this...
I got the job!! This will probably be the last thing I say about this, out of respect for our GRM overlords (you guys are great). However, if you are interested in reading my bullE36 M3, message me or find me on the facebooks (Jordan Wheeler in Central Missouri).
I don't think anyone will get offended as some others that do similar things have posted links to their own work. Just don't spam us with a new thread/post every time you put up a new article.
Congrats man!!!
I have been talking about doing this for years now. I have made some connections, especially in the past few years, to make this a possibility. I was thinking of starting my own blog, but recently the wife found a website called HubPages that actually pays based on advertising revenue on articles that get higher hits than others, so I may try that. I have opened a WordPress account, and have a bunch of material I need to put down. Either way, I'd love to see the insides of this "industry" just so I could get a feel for it.
Put it this way: I have the ideas, I have the material, I just don't know what to do with it.
congrats, getting a gig doing something that you love is the most rewarding thing ever. Keep at it and in a few years it may turn into something full time. The more that you love it the more likely it is to happen.
-the guy with a full time gig and 2 part time gigs doing what he loves
I am working for the Gov't, starting a motorcycle accessories business (That might actually move product at SOME point), and now writing an article a day. I understand Captdownshift
Thanks for the response! I guess I can safely mention the site. It is It is run by this guy that also runs an Audi specific site and at the moment they seem to be at an article a day, if that. I am hoping to increase that a bit.