I'm growing weary of this. It's a big one, recovery in the 4 month range before I'll be able to drive again.
Another driving season shot and I'm losing confidence that I'll ever manage to turn a wrench and get working on the 323 again. Interested parties can email me about the 323 and protégé lx BP donor car. The project deserves to be finished and rallycrossed at the minimum. I want to know that'll happen with it opposed to caring about any return or sale of it. berkeley all of this. Sorry about the rant, but I'm done with it, I've been thinking about it since last week after having scheduled imaging done, which was redone tuesday to provide confirmation. I'm still hoping for the best, and hope to resume some resemblance of normalcy at some point, but it's not in the foreseeable future.
2/17/16 3:44 p.m.
Cap, we're all here with you. We wish you the best of luck and medical science. I've got 3-dimensional friends going through this too. It sucks.
There's no shame in being realistic about the 323. Hell, I'm able-bodied and I sold my pet project on because I couldn't muster time and commitment to give it. I can't imagine having energy to tackle much more than what you're already dealing with.
You got this, man, but we're here to help too.
Thanks, I'm worn down, exhausted and quite honestly beatened down from watching life grind to a halt in front of me. Simple basic projects that would've been 1-2 evening or weekend projects, can't be done. We still have furniture at my grandmother's and swmbo's aunts. There's a shelf that I measured and cut to mount in the kitchen last spring that sits in the basement leaning against a wall. Laundry involves me taking it downstairs, loading the washer, running it, switching it to the dryer, where it waits for swmbo to arrive home as I can't carry a laundry basket up the stairs. I have to rally energy to manage to vacuum or to go to the grocery store, which is an every 2-3 days because I'm unable to carry in more than 2 bags and try not to take a second trip back out to the car (and it ensures that I leave the house every other day). I miss experiencing life. Days, weeks, months pass by with me merely existing, accomplishing nothing, either falling behind on goals or seeing my abilities to accomplish them disappear.
2/17/16 4:03 p.m.
You got this. I know its tough. Life berkeleying sucks when youre incapacitated. Find something you can do. Xbox, coloring, light burglary.
captdownshift wrote:
I miss experiencing life. Days, weeks, months pass by with me merely existing, accomplishing nothing, either falling behind on goals or seeing my abilities to accomplish them disappear.
Hey now, none of that talk. Lets not focus so much on what you can't do, and start thinking about what you CAN do.
Any chance you can co-drive on a rallye team? Work a corner at a local track? Twist the throttle open on a motorcycle? Make the 'ol drill sergeant stand at attention? 12oz curls?
If the answer to any of the above is "yes" then you're gold man!
Keep your head up man, I'm pullin for ya. And if you need anything, don't hesitate.
12oz curls are an absolute no go being less than 4 months removed from having my liver bicected. My right arm is currently anywhere between 90-100% paralyzed courtesy of pressure being placed on the nerves in my shoulder that go down the arm. No flagging (I'd love to be manning a station with Stan right now) no co-driving, no even managing to take photos at track or rally events. I can just about arrive and sit. Any gaming at this point consist of tapping a phone screen while the phone lays flat on the table, I have quite the Springfield in simpsons tapped out, which only further showcases the ability to waste time.
I did finally setup a domain that I had purchased to be an automotive blog. Drafting and editing content before publishing has been an exercise involving more effort than I've been able to muster. Design wise the site is also lacking (though from a basic free blogger hosting account that would be expected, funny as my other domain, which is equally as sad in design, at least has robust design tools free of use via google. I believe that they've discontinued the service and my one domain is merely grandfathered in to being able to utilize the tools.
We have faith in you Capt'n. You will kick this crap and be back among the wrenching again.
Keepa stiff upper lip, and all that stuff.
Hey, you have a bunch of folks pulling for you here. Don't let the negativity overwhelm you--lord knows there are projects piling up at Casa Suddard (Gary called the trailer the "Shasta Disasta" at a meeting this week). Try to concentrate on the positive stuff, no matter how small, and remember your friends don't care if your laundry isn't folded right away.
Have you thought of cutting vinyl? Doesn't need to be for money, over the last year I've had a number of people on the board I've cut for and it's been great. Learning the software and the design process is quite a lot of fun and you get the satisfaction of seeing your work driving around.
I did all of this with less than $200 in equipment. High in mental energy and engagement and low in physical labor. I'm sure there are a bunch of us who would like to have genuine captaindownshift designed stickers. 
What are your short-term goals that aren't related to health? If you don't have many, maybe make some and work towards them. There's not much fulfilling about iPad games and the like.
You've been an inspiration to many on this board including myself. You might feel some days that isn't earned, but trust me - it is.
2/17/16 6:01 p.m.
you have a pm - oh, and a whole bunch of friends and support around here. Let us know what you need from us.
2/17/16 6:13 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
Have you thought of cutting vinyl? Doesn't need to be for money, over the last year I've had a number of people on the board I've cut for and it's been great. Learning the software and the design process is quite a lot of fun and you get the satisfaction of seeing your work driving around.
I did all of this with less than $200 in equipment. High in mental energy and engagement and low in physical labor. I'm sure there are a bunch of us who would like to have genuine captaindownshift designed stickers.
Id buy some. We all know im a sticker whore.
Chin up Cap'n, you got this!
Random thought, what's your local/personal take on medical cannibis? Booze is a no go due to the liver thing but sometimes a bit of chemical........something, helps out with state of mind.
Cap, there are a lot of people out here that are rooting and praying for you.
Don't worry about the big picture, just worry about the next stroke of the brush. The picture will take care of itself. Sometimes concentrating on just the next step, helps me to not be overwhelmed by the enormity of a situation.
Don't be afraid to ask for help with that step either.
To much to say Cap'n no typing skills. Hotlink me a picture, fugga bunchalaundry. Buy a cigar, stand in front of the mirror and repeat the words in your best Winston Churchill voice,"We shall never, never,never surrender". Some days this may beat you physically but please don't let it beat you mentally. Your a Captain.
We are pulling for you. Don't ever hesitate to reach out.
Good Luck. Hopefully your surgery goes smooth and you're up and about soon.
2/17/16 7:28 p.m.
Keep the chin up cap'n. Pulling for you here in Chicago, signed up for a pancreatic cancer 5k in April.
Sending positive thoughts your way Captain. Friday and right now.
2/17/16 9:41 p.m.
Another GRM friend sending white light your way.
Don't "should all over yourself" – there's no guilt or shame in not being able to get at your project... hell, my MX3 was sitting 5 years before I got at it again. Just concentrate on getting better!
Hells yes- I have a design done by a GRM member that I would love to see end up in vinyl!
Thoughts and prayers to you from me. I like Hungary Bill's post- focus on what you can do, not what you can't. Laundry shmaundry!
Try doing some writing, learn some autocad or solidworks, do something intellectually engaging. While your physical engagement is limited right now, focus on sharpening the mind.
Find new topics to read about. There are tons of things you can teach yourself to do.
I live not too far away, let me know if you want some company some time.