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beans Reader
6/18/13 2:33 p.m.

... In Arizona. Where I haven't lived in 6 years. Considering going to it. I've never done it before.

Why? I live in Ohio. That's $1700 in mileage reimbursement ROFL.

Realistically, I just need to call and do one of those excusal documents or whatever. I doubt I'd actually receive any/all of the amount for mileage. I sure as hell am not driving to Phoenix from Toledo in the middle of the damn summer on my own dollar to MAYBE be reimbursed.

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
6/18/13 2:37 p.m.

I got summoned for the day of the Zimmerman case in that county! Luckily I was excused due to some circumstances, I would have hated to be part of that circus.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/18/13 2:37 p.m.

Shnaps. Thanks for the reminder. I've gotta go on Monday.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
6/18/13 2:38 p.m.

If all else fails, say that you're prejudiced against all races

Cone_Junky Dork
6/18/13 2:40 p.m.

That's something I've never done. I don't get payed leave for jury duty at work and I just cant afford to take more than a day off (if I get selected). Too bad I never got summoned while on my many disability leaves.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/18/13 2:42 p.m.

Meh. It's my civil duty. God forbid I'm ever "The Defendant," I hope it will come back around one day; that I'm surrounded by a jury of my peers, and not a jury of mouth-breathing, unemployed numbtards who didn't have anything better to do.

beans Reader
6/18/13 2:44 p.m.

If you get selected, its something like $12 an hour. Not bad.

If I had $1000 burning a hole in my pocket and had nothing better to do(not to mention had vacation time), I'd probably jump on it.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/18/13 2:47 p.m.
poopshovel wrote: Meh. It's my civil duty. God forbid I'm ever "The Defendant," I hope it will come back around one day; that I'm surrounded by a jury of my peers, and not a jury of mouth-breathing, unemployed numbtards who didn't have anything better to do.

Yep. I got called up for jury duty two years or so ago. Before voir dire, the judge politely said, If anyone has an idea for a better system, let's hear it.

Sure, it's a pain in the ass. What's the alternative?

By the way, everyone at the Volusia County courthouse in DeLand, Fla., was very nice.

FranktheTank Reader
6/18/13 2:50 p.m.

I've been on jury duty for 11 months!!!! I'm finished in the middle of July. I'm going to throw myself into a piece of equipment at work if I get chosen for it again. 12 dollars a day. No travel and last month they had a trial go for4 days 8am to 7 pm. No additional reimbursement. It is a paid day off work but its no vacation.

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
6/18/13 2:52 p.m.

Florida pays you like $0.12 a day to be on Jury duty (exaggerating) plus no paid leave = no fun. It's never been a pleasant experience for me.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/18/13 3:19 p.m.
beans wrote: If you get selected, its something like $12 an hour. Not bad. If I had $1000 burning a hole in my pocket and had nothing better to do(not to mention had vacation time), I'd probably jump on it.

Um. No. Not in GA anyway. Fulton county (ATL) is $25 a day. I think it's like $15 in my county. Per day.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/18/13 3:22 p.m.
Yep. I got called up for jury duty two years or so ago. Before voir dire, the judge politely said, If anyone has an idea for a better system, let's hear it.

I was not afforded that opportunity, but would've loved to offer some suggestions on what should constitute a "Jury of my peers."

That said, after the hearing, we were invited to stick around and ask questions.

  1. I was really interested in why the evidence was so sketchy, and so many of the officers were unavailable. Answer: Backlog of cases. Apparently, if you're going to get popped for a DUI, my county is the place to do it, because half the cops have either moved, are dead, quit, or are in jail (no joke...they even had an interesting little abbreviation for it, like "DMJ" or some E36 M3.)

  2. I wanted the judge to remember me, and how thoughtful and polite, and cool I was. You know. Just in case.

Jerry HalfDork
6/18/13 3:32 p.m.

I got summoned for KY after I had moved back to OH. Simply returned the form with the "Why not?" part saying I ain't no KYian anymore.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
6/18/13 3:39 p.m.

I got chosen a couple of months ago for the city court. Smartest thing in the world. Court starts at 6:30pm and runs till 9:30pm. Reimbursement = $0.00 though.

Unfortunately I completely forgot about it and didn't show up. I called the clerk of court as soon as I realized it. Their response was don't let it happen again. As much as I think it's a joke a lot of the time, I felt like an ass.

petegossett GRM+ Memberand UberDork
6/18/13 4:17 p.m.

I've done it. While not fun, I'd do it again. I was a shy and somewhat sheltered 20-something at the time, and it was rather eye-opening to see just how idiotic a "jury of your peers" really can be.

wbjones PowerDork
6/18/13 4:33 p.m.

last time I served the reimbursement was $12 per day

my company pays a normal days pay for each day of jury duty ... but you have to turn in the County check

aircooled PowerDork
6/18/13 4:58 p.m.

I once had a class where the professor told us he never makes it on a jury. As soon as he tells them he is a logic professor, they use an exclusion on him.

02Pilot HalfDork
6/18/13 5:13 p.m.

Last time I got it it was Federal District Court in lower Manhattan. What a colossal waste of time. Sit around for three days, get called to one actual courtroom as part of a herd, then get sent out along with three-quarters of said herd 45 minutes later. Meanwhile it took hours to get down and back every day (like four, by the time I got to the train station, got into the city, and then took the subway downtown, then did it all in reverse), and they conveniently timed it so that at the end of my last day I had to go straight off the train to the first meeting of my first class of the semester. In case anyone was wondering, serving that kind of jury duty does indeed have a direct effect on the sort of lecture one delivers to a poli sci class.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/18/13 7:35 p.m.

when I lived in Cape May County (lowest part of NJ) I used to get called every 6 months.. if I had served, I could return the form saying so and they would put it off another 6 months.

My mom never got called, my father never got called, my sister never got called.. nor did any of my friends.. by my gods they loved me.

NJ pays $5 a day.. and as I work on demand, I do not get any kind of work reimbersement.. thankfully I can use that as my excuse now if the times are during the summer. Winter I do not mind.. bt summer is when I make a majority of my yearly income

neon4891 UltimaDork
6/18/13 7:46 p.m.

I went yesterday. I was pulled in the first round. The case involved a former local field hockey coach. My wife and M-I-L are field hockey refs and followed the original case closely with very strong opinions over the matter.

I was out shortly

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
6/18/13 8:08 p.m.

I've been called a few times: twice for the county and once for Federal (in Philly). Fortunately, my company pays for a couple of days, so I don't mind too much. One time I was called during a time I was scheduled to be on vacation, but a quick call to the courthouse got it re-scheduled.

I only served on a jury once for the county and it was a bit surreal. The jury was selected after lunch and we went straight into the trial (robbery case). The prosecution had crap for evidence and their case was solely based on the eye-witness account of the store clerk. The defense pointed out a number of inconsistencies in the witness testimony. By 3:30, we were sent to deliberation, which took about 30 min since we all pretty much agreed that while the guy could have done it, there simply wasn't enough evidence to ruin somebody's life. There was one hold-out, but he conceded after a bit. By 4:30 we were done.

My company supposedly wants the check I get, but it's such a small amount it would cost them more in man-power time to process it. For whatever reason, I've never felt right cashing them so I just shred them.

poopshovel MegaDork
6/18/13 8:22 p.m.

In Georgia "I have to work" is not an excuse.

Honestly, the "excuses" sicken me.

I am not a Christian, but I am a big fan of thee ole "Golden Rule."

My legitimate excuse was going to be "I am in a band. The date I am scheduled to appear in court is the first day or our tour. Here is our tour flyer. I have my guitar in the car. I can knock out 'We Kill For Satan' note-fore-note if it pleases the court."

Now that said tour is off, I'll show up and try to keep some poor sap away from the salad-tosser...or sentence his ass to daily brutal DP's.

Regardless, as I said, I feel like it's doing a solid for my community. Funny that it's often the ones screaming about "GIVING SUMTHING BACK TO THUH COMMUNI-TEH" and "IT TAKES UH VILLUDGE" who try to convince the world how smart they are by their ability to dodge jury duty.

I could E36 M3 my pants, then walk into the Clerk of Court's office and get out of this thing in a heartbeat. That doesn't make me a genius. It just makes me some self-important E36 M3-ass.

To the OP: A five minute call to the Clerk should set you home-free. "I don't live there anymore" is a totally valid reason for not showing up.

friedgreencorrado UltimaDork
6/18/13 8:40 p.m.
aircooled wrote: I once had a class where the professor told us he never makes it on a jury. As soon as he tells them he is a logic professor, they use an exclusion on him.

Yeah, I was thinking about that when Poop was talking about civic duty, and hoping that if he ever had to go to court, the jurors wouldn't be morons (a sentiment with which I agree). OTOH, it seems that morons are what the lawyers (prosecution and defense) actually want.

Oh, and just in case there's someone here who hasn't seen it, here 'tiz. Ninety-six minutes of brilliance:


mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/18/13 9:03 p.m.

I only get out of it because I got called so often. Literally every 6 months for years. It was a royal pain.

DoctorBlade UltraDork
6/18/13 10:48 p.m.

I went once for Federal Jury Duty. Easy insurance case. County was suing phone manufacturer (again) for alledged defect that cost county one Courthouse. First was went to the County, but on appeal to the 5th, the state changed the rules. So we were round two. Got through four days of boring testimony, went to lunch, got back and they'd settled out of court. Seems the State of MS had fiddled with the relevant laws again... I got my check anyway.

Our Judge was a great guy though, he said "if any of ya'll have any problems with your bosses, tell them to call me. I'll settle it for you." He was smiling, but I didn't doubt he'd do bad things to people.

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