I've known him for about two years, though I no longer know him, if you catch my drift.
This guy is a small business owner of 30 plus years in the North Atlanta area. His business is his life, and he cannot imagine not being there for upwards of 10 hours per day, even though he greatly decreases the chances of his business making a profit.
This guy is a real peace of work. There is nobody in the world quite like him, and that's a good thing. He is megalomaniacal, he is Paranoid, he is a classic case of a Sociopath. I am near certain that he has acute Aspergers syndrome.
He micromanages like crazy. He has several employees that are over qualified, and do a fantastic job, but he undermines them, calls them stupid, focuses on every little problem, and is extremely passive-aggressive.
The worst is what he says. It's like he doesn't have a filter on his mouth. Extreme racism, sexism, antisemitism, and prejudice tumble from his mouth like a waterfall. I have heard with my own ears the following sentences
Speaking of the falsified test scores in Atlanta schools. "The teachers had to fake the test results, because THOSE kinds of people are ineducable. THEY all have single whore mothers who don't care about them. Spending all of their money on crack, meth, booze, and cigarettes.".
Speaking of abortion "It's simple, you just take her down to the doctor and get that thing cut out of her. Then you buy her a trinket and everything is fine."
Talking about his wife, while she is standing no more than 2 feet away from him. (side note, she is also his accountant) "She isn't much to look at, but she is good with those numbers."
Talking to his sales manager (who happens to be Jewish) "I want you to call them and get us a lower price. That's why I hired you, that's what you Jews are good at!"
Each of the customers of his business has a "Comments" section in their file. He would often write deprecating tidbits about customers who were "cheap", and often wrote something along the lines of "no more orders for this weeny", or "this shiny happy person argued with me, make it hard for him to order next time. Charge extra.". My favorites were
and "Cheapskate from hell. Always trying to score some deal. I think he died. Good riddance".
He said the words "Why in the hell did you hire that fat piece of E36 M3 berkeley." talking about me.
He has run his business like a crazy man. He pisses off customers, suppliers, and employees on a daily basis.
Sorry, just had to vent. That bridge is burnt to the ground, and I am never speaking to him again!
Nice guy...
Congrats on the new job again btw. :)
Yep. Its a good change for ya, brother.
any chance he's vengeful too? because he could probably cost you some money over the stuff you just posted.
AngryCorvair wrote:
any chance he's vengeful too? because he could probably cost you some money over the stuff you just posted.
no names were mentioned. this was done for a reason.
I am not saying who this man was, how I know him, what the name of the business is, or anyone related to the story. There is nothing connecting "him" to this story.
Also, it isn't libelous or slanderous if it is stating facts.
I take it he is your former boss.
If so, then you have voted with your feet. Good!
Sounds like a That's My Boss entry.
ouch.. and I thought some of my bosses were shiney people
mad_machine wrote:
ouch.. and I thought some of my bosses were shiney people
LOL. I've tried to tell people before, but they just don't understand.
I am certain that I have not seen the worst of it, and it won't stop any time soon!
I worked for a person that is very similar to what you are describing, down in Clarkston. Amazed me that he ran a business with the mouth he had on him...
Nothing I have ever heard about that guy was good. I swear I worked for his long lost twin brother over in Gwinnett.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
I worked for a person that is very similar to what you are describing, down in Clarkston. Amazed me that he ran a business with the mouth he had on him...
Ford stuff? If so then I know the place. No idea how it stays in business either.
Come on guys, if you sucked half as much as that guy, I'm sure you'd hate the world too.
9/2/11 10:08 a.m.
Just for fun here are a few things my old bosses have done:
Charged an employee for using the emergency eye wash station in an actual emergency.
Asked me to shill bid on a bunch of company eBay auctions to get the prices up.
Charged another employee for using a fire extinguisher to put out a customer's car that was on fire.
Sold alcohol in the showroom without a liquor license because it was a "collector's item" (King Cobra beer, Shelby signed wine).
Wrote off damaged parts, then sold them in the showroom as "misc" items.
Hired "escorts" as clothing models.
Routinely replaced quality items with cheap knockoffs without changing the descriptions to reflect the difference. Often "concours quality" and "bargain" parts were exactly the same except for the huge price difference.
Placed bonus structures that were unreachable, then berated us for not meeting the bonus goal.
If you ever did reach the bonus goal, payment never occured and a new "improved" bonus goal was put in place.
We were not allowed to have our own copies of the employee handbook, but were expected to sign paperwork stating that we had read it and understood it. Changes were made often and never communicated to employees. We all kept bootleg copies stashed to tick off management.
Salesmen were expected to grow their accounts at a consistent rate to a certain point. Once that point was reached the salesman no longer got commission on the account. If the account did not grow at the stated pace, the salesmen also did not get a commission. Sales people learned to only grow their account the minimum amount to keep from losing their pay.
Had three different desks around the company so that he could sit and micromanage employees.
After instructing a middle manager to fire "whoever made the most money" the owner then greeted the now fired employee in the parking lot and asked how his day was, not knowing he'd just fired the poor guy.
Man I could go on for hours. I've worked at some bad places, but now I'm am truly blessed with a great job and a great manager.
slefain wrote:
Nothing I have ever heard about that guy was good. I swear I worked for his long lost twin brother over in Gwinnett.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
I worked for a person that is very similar to what you are describing, down in Clarkston. Amazed me that he ran a business with the mouth he had on him...
Ford stuff? If so then I know the place. No idea how it stays in business either.
yeup, the Mustang place down that sketchy alley...
Whats funny is that for about the first half of the OP's post, it sounded like myself (that would be 1 through 4).
AND I work at a government job, fooled them good didn' I?! 
I was thinking the same thing
HiTempguy wrote:
Whats funny is that for about the first half of the OP's post, it sounded like myself (that would be 1 through 4).
AND I work at a government job, fooled them good didn' I?!
You are cavalier about abortion, you say all people of African descent are mentally retarded, and you think the only thing Jewish people are good at is saving money?
I'm not sure I would like meeting you either...
Oh, I forgot about my favorite one. I heard it so often, I thought of it more as his catch phrase than a terrible thing to say.
When speaking about the orders being shipped out the door he would often say "It's about quantity, not quality. I don't care if these people don't get what they want, as long as we get their money."
I think I've had his cousin as a boss. World Class Cheapskate, too.
"Don't send catalogs to Japs. Never send catalogs to Japs"
Exact quote from a former "guy I knew".
You are cavalier about abortion, you say all people of African descent are mentally retarded, and you think the only thing Jewish people are good at is saving money?
I'm not sure I would like meeting you either...
To answer you properly would probably cause GRM to explode due to the PC whiplash that would occur. Suffice it to say, most of the words that come out of my mouth are in a JOKING manner with no serious tone (or ill will) meant.
Having said THAT, most jokes are based on a truth (or belief of a truth). Society is cavalier about abortion, why can't I be? In a system that FOR THE MOST PART treats everyone equally, african americans have a disproportionate issue with the law. And finally, jews are stingy bastards (did you see what I did with that final one? Harhar).
Anyways, I think the point you are trying to make is that he is just an overall shiny happy person. He sounds like it. The way you describe him in the 1st 4 points, makes him out to be someone I'd hang around and have some good laughs with. The last points clear that up.
This is going to be fun, I can feel it...
I have an idea who this is about and it is high time someone spoke about the issues with this place with a perspective of an insider.
Needless to say, this person and their company deserve to be outed and shamed into resolving their image or folding up shop and going away. Permanently.
Congrats on the new job!
Under Comments; "must be a homo". What is this still the 1970's?
That guy must be a real piece of work to deal with. I too would be glad to move on.
The show Steward in one of the places I work at is like this. He drops the F bomb every third word, gets in people's faces about the smallest of things. I actually stopped accepting work from him due to his mouth an an "issue" I had with him one night where he got in my face about not wearing the Tee shirt I was "issued" (We get coloured Tee shirts during load out so the roadies can tell who is on what team). I had it over my shoulder and was going to put it on when the call actually started.
When he yelled at me that my attitude sucked and that if I didn't like it I could leave.. I came very close to throwing the tee shirt at him and leaving.
mad_machine wrote:
The show Steward in one of the places I work at is like this. He drops the F bomb every third word, gets in people's faces about the smallest of things. I actually stopped accepting work from him due to his mouth an an "issue" I had with him one night where he got in my face about not wearing the Tee shirt I was "issued" (We get coloured Tee shirts during load out so the roadies can tell who is on what team). I had it over my shoulder and was going to put it on when the call actually started.
When he yelled at me that my attitude sucked and that if I didn't like it I could leave.. I came very close to throwing the tee shirt at him and leaving.
I believe the prefered nomenclature is "t-shirts of color."
9/2/11 8:58 p.m.
If it pissed you off so much you should have left much much earlier. Maybe that's how he feels about stuff. Did you ever tell him it hurt your feelings?