I made it 45 minutes in and turned it off to read a book. Wow that movie sucked. I was under the impression it was supposed to be a James Bond movie not just another action flick. They missed that mark by miles. Slow, crappy CGI, no naked girls in the intro, no corny "Bond, James Bond", not shaken but stirred, just generally a bad movie. I give it a C-. I want my $20 back. 
Maybe it's just me, but movies seem to be getting worse. Maybe I'm just getting old.
2/15/13 8:32 p.m.
I like it. I thought it was a good transition in the Craig movies. Remember, Bond is an incredibly shallow character, and anything that opens him up, his past, loves lost, his relationships with other characters, I think all of that is valuable and fun to watch.
I just saw it recently, and I thought it was one of the best Bond movies.
meh. I'm not to into the Craig series.
spoiler alert:
I thought this was going to be about the asteroid.
I enjoyed Skyfall, I am not really a Bond fan, but I thought this was the best movie and the best Bond to date
And if you want the boat.. pony up 15 million.
S/Y Regina
The last couple of Bond movies have been more action flick than Bond movie, but this one I think did a good job of transitioning to the next generation which won't resemble a Bond movie in any way except the name so they can keep the money making franchise alive.
Bond died after Pierce Brosnan.
I thought it was more of a Bond movie than we've seen for some time. Definitely a big step up from the wanna-be-bourne stuff we've seen the last couple of times. I really enjoyed it - and I'm the sort of guy who's got the complete series on DVD.
carguy123 wrote:
Bond died after Pierce Brosnan.
Amen, brother. Craig is like an underwear model. He might seem great in one-out-of-a-thousand shots, but put it in motion and he's just a fat-lipped, emotionless waste of space.
Bond has swagger. Bond is a salesman from whom you would buy anything. Bond has confidence. Bond has a reputation. If your girlfriend left you for Bond you would say, "good for you, girl." If you lost your girlfriend to Craig's Bond you would say, "good luck with the eye candy, bitch."
I'll be honest, after the first motorcycle scene the movie was over to me. Best Bond ever! Complete sleeper, I wish Bond had taken the enemy up for some crazy gay sex as it would have at least added another dimension to Bond and explained his fashion choice, Nothing personal but that movie cost me 2hours of prime beer drinking time
carguy123 wrote:
The last couple of Bond movies have been more action flick than Bond movie, but this one I think did a good job of transitioning to the next generation which won't resemble a Bond movie in any way except the name so they can keep the money making franchise alive.
Bond died after Pierce Brosnan.
you spelled "Sean Connery" wrong..
I agree, Sky Fall was awful. I love Bond, but it was nearly unwatchable.
Skyfall is a great movie. The Brosnan films were much much worse. Daniel Craig brings another 2 dimensions to the bond films, something that Brosnan never did.
I didn't like it. It couldn't decide if it wanted to be deeply charactered or gratuitous Bond. So instead it managed to be neither. I spent most of the movie wondering "what the hell is happening and why?" By the end I still didn't know what the point was. I know Bond films are supposed to be brainless popcorn flicks, but after the opening motorcycle chase, it didn't even provide that.
novaderrik wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
The last couple of Bond movies have been more action flick than Bond movie, but this one I think did a good job of transitioning to the next generation which won't resemble a Bond movie in any way except the name so they can keep the money making franchise alive.
Bond died after Pierce Brosnan.
you spelled "Sean Connery" wrong..
Timothy Dalton was my favorite.
curtis73 wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
Bond died after Pierce Brosnan.
Amen, brother. Craig is like an underwear model. He might seem great in one-out-of-a-thousand shots, but put it in motion and he's just a fat-lipped, emotionless waste of space.
Bond has swagger. Bond is a salesman from whom you would buy anything. Bond has confidence. Bond has a reputation. If your girlfriend left you for Bond you would say, "good for you, girl." If you lost your girlfriend to Craig's Bond you would say, "good luck with the eye candy, bitch."
I totally disagree with this, but it is an awesome post nonetheless.
2/16/13 6:21 a.m.
Here's how I'll judge it: How is Skyfall if you take the name "Bond" out of it? If it's still meh, then it's pointless. If it's good, but just not a good Bond film, I maybe give it a pass (haven't seen it yet).
A worse offense, to me, is the new Die Hard movie. Die Hard is my favorite action movie of all time. The second one was a worthy sequel, but after that...ugh. And this new one looks like a Mission: Impossible level turd. I think we should be able to do class action lawsuits against film makers who ruin a good brand. It would also be nice if we could collectively sue Nicholas Cage for every movie he's done after Raising Arizona.
curtis73 wrote:
Bond has swagger. Bond is a salesman from whom you would buy anything. Bond has confidence.
Bond could sell you a Maserati BiTurbo that "just needs a battery".
But he wouldn't.
2/16/13 7:56 a.m.
Not a Bond fan, but I really liked it.
Maybe that's the problem. I went into it wanting to watch a Bond film and this one definitely isn't. Too much touchy feely crap and not enough Bond. Curtis pretty much nailed it. Bond is classy, the new guy, not so much. Yes the old ones can be kind of corny, but that's Bond. I guess they are trying to bring him into the 21st century and make him a 3D character with feelings, but that's killing it for me. Now it's just another flick and not worth the watch.
Don't even get me started on the Die Hard movies. Damn Hollywood, please stop at two. Y'all are getting as bad as Octomom. Cheap, worthless and out for the money.
Sorry, I like the new Bond simply because he is more than a 2 dimenional wonder. Yes, he has feelings, but you do not see him breaking down and crying. He gets beaten up, he gets almost killed, he carries his scars, but not with pride. He is a man
And personally, unlike the rest of you.. I don;t think he is all that good looking a man.. certainly not a "pretty boy" but more rugged. I thought Brosnin was a pretty boy.. same with Moore
Ok, first of all...
When did skyfall become good cinema? It was a terribly E36 M3ty movie. The action was mediocre, the plot sucked, and the hot chick that everyone is supposed to dream about wasn't hot (she was like 50!)
The movie has no redeeming qualities about it, bond movie or otherwise. And it's pretty berkeleying gay for Bond to have any emotions besides complete the mission and berkeley.
2/16/13 9:18 a.m.
Well crap, I was planning on adding Skyfall to my Netflix que (probably not out yet).
I've seen a handful of Bond films, but sadly the only one I REALLY know I've seen start to finish is Moonraker (at the cinema down the street when I was a kid). I just watched a documentary about the Bond franchise from the first book, to the first movie, up to Craig's first film. I remember bits and pieces, but it made me want to go watch a few.
Probably give this new guy a chance at least (hey, I just received Tokyo Drift & willing to give that crap franchise a second chance). And totally agree with the Diehard comments! Seriously, if I saw that grandpa going into my building I'd run the other way. Always ends with explosions and one-liners.