ive been on night shift for almost 5 years now, and i wouldn't go back. my reasons are somewhat situational, but they are pretty big to me.
no production on my shift. this means i get to fix things in peace, and fix them right. i don't have to cobble crap together to make it run till the end of the day, then re-do it later. i like this. a lot.
there are 240 employees at my facility. 5 of them are here on nights. none of them are managers. this is awesome.
i schedule all my own stuff. i dont have to work around what tank is empty, what line is running, etc etc. i pull a work order, and go fix it. then i do that again, till its time to go home. this is also awesome.
i leave for work the same time my family goes to bed. other than my wife sleeping alone 4 nights a week ( i also work 4-10's, which rocks), this is fine. i get home just in time to cook breakfast, and see the kids off to the sitter, and the wife off to work. then i sit in my quiet house for an hour, hit the hot tub, and go to bed. life is good.
vacation days are easy. being expendable labor (no production requiring minimum personnel) i can schedule time off almost at will.
i can 'work my sleep'. not everyone can do this, i'm great at it. what i mean is, for those of you on normal 9-5 shifts, is i if know i need to sleep now, cause i need to go to work in 5 hours, i can lay down and sleep. anywhere. anytime. any noise. any light. doesn't matter. if i tell my brain to sleep, i sleep. i can sleep in the morning when i get home, or later in the day before i go to work. doesn't matter. i can skip it all together for about 36 hours, as long as i can find 5-6 hours afterward to crash, i'm good. i skip sleep altogether at least once a week. also, i only sleep 6 times per week. cause when i make the switch, i don't sleep after my Friday, i stay up for 24-28 hours, then sleep with my wife. then on sunday, i skip the nap usually, and go straight to work, pulling another 24-26 hour awake-a-thon. the result is i really get 4 days off. i clock out thursday morning at 6:30a, so i get thu, fr, sa, and almost all of sun, when i go back at 7pm. so i work 4 days, and get 4 days off, in a seven day week. cool huh?!!!?
either you will get used to it (give it 12-14 weeks minimum) or it will make you old fast. if it does that, get out. in all honesty, night shift can shorten your life if you can't handle it, there's numerous studies on the matter.
good luck!
and text me sometime, im always up! :P