This actually looks fantastic.
This actually looks fantastic.
In reply to RevRico:
I dunno. Their dynamic on the Bieber roast was awesome and they both looked like they were having a great time, so maybe it's not as far fetched as it seems.
I just have fond memories of when Snoop was a somebody, feels like he's just a punchline or token stoner anymore.
What's a Bieber roast?
Even though it's on VH1, and I'll have to unblock that channel, I will probably tune in on the offchance of seeing Martha stoned out of her mind.
In reply to RevRico:
Doggystyle and Tha Doggfather are rap classics, but I feel this is a good thing. When most of your friends are either dead or retired, it's better to try things you never have before than to never try at all.
As for "Bieber roast," that's The Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber. The Rob Lowe one was way better.
Snoop is West Coast (The LBC)
Martha is East Coast (The Hamptons)
This could not end well.
Is this what Tupac and Biggie died for?
Is Suge Night controlling this from inside the jail house?
They really are friends; odd as it seems. Farmer Five doesn't have vh1 so hopefully I can see it on YouTube later on.
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