...and says "Hey, I have a car question for you. What does it mean if I have to step on the gas a little bit to get the car to start?"
This is the girl who thought the reasonable interval to hook up with another guy (who's 18) after a relationship of over a year and a half with me was FIVE DAYS. She also knows very little about cars, only that some are "pretty" and some are not.
So I can:
1. Refuse to answer it at all
2. Tell the truth and say "Well, it's a '92 Lebaron, and it's effing cold outside, it just needs a little extra motivation to start."
3. Say "Ooooh, that sounds serious, you might need to replace the battery, alternator, spark plugs, shift cables, and replace the blinker fluid."
I was really tempted to make it #3.
You guys ever have a situation like this? I ended up saying #2, by the way. And promptly hung up.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
1/4/09 5:38 p.m.
I would have gone with #2 as well. Then I would have asked if that made her boyfriend late to homeroom.
"Yeah, that's great honey. Don't call me anymore. Bu-Bye."
This was obviously her way to letting you know that she's now re-interested in you. Your response should be "gee, that might be serious, better come over and let me look at it." If nothing is there tell her it's O.K. and send her on her way. If there's still a spark or two, let nature take it's course. Make-up sex can be good. Then dump her.
She's playing games. So.. Tell her that the muffler bearings are bad and get her to go to a shop.
I've had one rule with dating that I always stuck too.. No contact between ex's.. period.
And see if you can do it without kissing her.
New Reader
1/4/09 6:44 p.m.
Dr. Hess wrote:
"Yeah, that's great honey. Don't call me anymore. Bu-Bye."
I'm with Hess on this one.
1/4/09 6:47 p.m.
+3 with Hess
Or tell her the hourly rate for your diagnostic help, payment up front please. You owe her nothing so she should not be expecting anything from you.
I would have said, "Ask my replacement."
I love you guys hahaha.
One of my buddies said I should send her a bill haha.
Oh, and while getting back together with my ex would be alright, I'm going to see about the cute brunette at my internship who gave me her number back in August 
either what the good Doctor would say or aussiemg, but the second option is a little childish.
1/4/09 7:09 p.m.
Play it cool (best option)
Tell her that adding a cup or two of sugar to her gas tank should help. 
I'd say play it cool. Always look like you have the upper hand.
I hope you're not just now going to call the cute brunette who gave you her number 5 months ago!! Dude, you should have been on that a long time ago!
1/4/09 7:42 p.m.
"berkeley you, don't ever call me again you whore" would have been my response, but I tend not to be the forgiving type
New Reader
1/4/09 7:45 p.m.
minimac seems to have this one figured out
She doesn't have car problems, she has current guy problems. Proceed with caution and call the girl from the internship already!
Yea, well, I was dating the girl in question when brunette girl gave me her number. So that's why that hasn't been acted on before. It certainly will be now. Come to think of it, I'll see her tomorrow, asking out in person > asking out on phone.
True, she might be interested again, but if the best way of expressing it is to make up a car question...
...and the funniest part is that most people still hold that women are supposed to be more communicative than men. 
my answer would've been (and i actually used something very close to this with great success back in the day):
"it means your current barney isn't hitting it correctly. you should stop by tomorrow after work."
and there was no kissing the next day after work. 
I tend to not burn bridges, I am still "kinda" friends with all my ex GFs. however, in this case, you prob did the right thing, besides brunettes are better anyway.
I tend to not burn bridges, I am still "kinda" friends with all my ex GFs. however, in this case, you prob did the right thing, besides brunettes are better anyway.
Nuke and pave, you don't want that aggrivation. Although I should take my own advice, i'm still in contact with my last ex who left me an a pretty ugly, hell, she up and left for germany after we were a few months into a lease in an apartment ;)
Tell her if her new man had a hair on his ass, he'd know how to fix cars.
You're responsibility as "personal mechanic" has been severed. Not your chick, not your problem.