Flashback to 19 April, 2017 we see a younger, stronger Mofo working on a large piece of machinery. The boy contorts himself into the machine to fix a bearing and there is a pretty aggressive jolt to his abdomen. The company doctor checks it out and determines it to be an abdominal strain known as a Diastasis Recti and tells Mofo to just take it easy for a few weeks. Unbelievably the young boy follows orders and relies on others to do the majority of the really heavy stuff right up to the point where he was sitting in a chair and dropped a center punch on the floor. Being within the scope of his allowed weight limit Mo reached to grab the pencil sized instrument. A reaction within his upper abdomen resulted in a tear 3cm long about 8cm above the navel in the tissue that binds the muscles together. Yep Quasi done got a hernia picking up a center punch! Now most of the time this little incident would not require a surgical intervention but out hero is not most people. Nope he managed to tear it in such a way that in order to heal at all a fancy screen door would need to be installed in his belly. On August 1st that procedure was tasked to the surgical team at Bronson hospital in Battle Creek, MI.
Did you know that if people put six large sticks hehind your abdominal wall and unroll a screen mesh that there could be pain involved?
Holy crap.
It's getting better every day but good gravy Margaret this is uncomfortable at times!
I'll be off works for a few weeks... I may get something done!
I had something like this a couple of years ago. I wasn't prepared for the pain involved. You don't realize how much you use that area of the body to do...well... anything. Good luck!
It's the breathing/coughing/laughing that gets you 
Mine was just standing up, breathing, any type of movement, etc.
I've got two pieces of screen door in my crotch. 3 years apart. the second one was the worst because I KNEW what was coming. The very worst was the OIC that followed the surgery, and the inability to "bear down" to get that first one out.....when it did, it felt like the heavens opened up and the angels started singing.... but then I realized I'd just passed out. I rotated 4 bags of frozen peas for 3 days.
QuasiMofo wrote:
It's the breathing/coughing/laughing that gets you
So much for making good jokes. Dang.
Yep. Going to have to avoid the Mel Brooks movie marathon on Comedy Central. Hope you feel better soon.
8/3/17 6:26 p.m.
I'm going to take your word on it. I'll try to avoid it myself.
My co-worker buddy just had a navel hernia fixed in May. Dang thing stuck out like a pickle, did not need to see that. He put in for one week sick leave but he was out for over two weeks. Don't push it, mend well.
QuasiMofo wrote:
It's the breathing/coughing/laughing that gets you
Sneezing is fun too. When I had my prostate removed, they also fixed three hernias, two with mesh. Getting up from a chair took a few minutes. But, I never took any pain meds.
Mine was after eating at the Indian food buffet two days in a row, picking up something stoopid. I don't remember if it was a Diablo 630 or a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Called up my boss. "He Buddy. Hey Hess. You wanna fix my hernia? What are you kidding?"
8/3/17 9:06 p.m.
For a while I was convinced I had one, but it hasn't bothered me in over two years.
I'll have one eventually though. My younger brother had one. Dad has had 3. Grandpa one, all my uncles at least one. Two cousins that I'm aware of... yeah, we get them in our family apparently.
I have one in my groin from being a stupid meat head on an incline leg press when I was 17.
Made it hard for the doctor to find the tube to cut for my vasectomy...
Sadly, but surely, Mofo, we're all getting older. I've come to that realization finally... Who am I kidding. No I haven't.
8/4/17 6:35 a.m.
I've got one right below my navel, about the same size. Not sure how I did it originally but it appeared when I got a cold right before we left on a week's vacation. So I spent a week downing acetaminophen by the handful, coughing with a hand over my belly, and poking the weird protuberance back in that popped out every time I sneezed.
You'll heal, but it will take a while. 10 years on and I can hardly tell where mine is.
Other than the obvious "hurts where they put the shishkabob skewers" issue, I feel like a million bucks.
I had been working 7 day weeks no averaging 70 hour weeks since December so with this down time all the pain in my feet and legs is a faded memory. I know I'm not ready to do much but I really wish I COULD do more!
As I would tell my Mexican patients in the joint: No lifting your six brothers.
fasted58 wrote:
My co-worker buddy just had a navel hernia fixed in May. Dang thing stuck out like a pickle, did not need to see that. He put in for one week sick leave but he was out for over two weeks. Don't push it, mend well.
This is what I had. They also took my gall bladder out during the same surgery. It was a joy. 
I knew I was in trouble when my "inny" turned into an "outy". Under the knife within hours.
You guys and your quick fix surgeries. I got my inguinal hernia in week 5 of basic training (stepped in a hole.....while carrying a 230 lb guy.....running......in the dark). Finished the rest of basic holding my hand over the lump whenever possible (20 miles ruck march anyone?)
Then in for an exam and profile as soon as I got to advanced training. Even then it was a month before they got me in.
I got a double carrying a Miata motor from my trailer to the garage. Two screens as a result. To get out of bed to go take a leak I would take a pain killer and wait about twenty minutes before getting up. That went on for about two weeks. These things are no fun at all.