If you happen to need one, you can buy a reconditioned crankshaft for your Citroen 2CV6, Dyane6, Mehari, etc. from a company in the UK. The web catalog entry includes this useful info: "Fitting a crankshaft requires that you fit it in a relaxed atmosphere with no time restraints; the writer prefers opera by Verdi perhaps sung by Dame Joan Sutherland." Good to know.
10/30/16 6:11 p.m.
Oh man. Please say you have a link
I tend to listen to baroque when wrenching or fibreglassing
Techno when I'm laying fibre glass and Bondo. The extra charge helps with sanding.
Stealthtercel wrote:
If you happen to need one, you can buy a reconditioned crankshaft for your Citroen 2CV6, Dyane6, Mehari, etc. from a company in the UK. The web catalog entry includes this useful info: "Fitting a crankshaft requires that you fit it in a relaxed atmosphere with no time restraints; the writer prefers opera by Verdi perhaps sung by Dame Joan Sutherland." Good to know.
Where is your build thread???!!
I admit to nothing except evil thoughts & bench builds. The 2CV is ugly and agricultural, but it's a remarkable design, and it makes, or can be made into, a racecar you just can't stop looking at. I may succumb to the sophisticated charms of a Dyane some day, though. GRM will be the first to know.
Oh, and baroque >> opera all day long.
Forgot to say "Thanks!" to Slippery for the link!