I live out in the country, 40 miles south of Chicago. My town is less than 3000 people. Apparently some psycho is driving around the countryside shooting people. He shot 3 construction workers about 2 miles from my house down a country road. He stopped and striked up a conversation then started shooting. One of them died the other two were injured. After that he drove over the state line into Indiana (I'm only 5 minutes from there) then went to the next town over and did the same thing to some poor farmer, he started talking to him, then shot him.
This is just nerve racking, I live in the middle of nowhere Illinois and there is guy going around shooting people with an unknown motive. It could have been anyone I know, it could have been me. I work for the cable company. I can't even fathom if someone came up to me while I was working on a pole or on a persons house and just shot me for no reason.
It's not safe to live anywhere.
Here's some news coverage.
10/6/10 12:03 a.m.
. That is sad to hear. I've been through Beecher a hundred times (at least I'm pretty sure... is there an Aurelio's pizza there?), and it always seemed like the little quiet town on Highway (its either 1 or 17) that we stopped for gas at. Never think that you'd see anything like this there.
Yeah, I've lived in Beecher all my life and its just scary to know that this can happen.
And there is an Aurelio's here. 
10/6/10 12:15 a.m.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Yeah, I've lived in Beecher all my life and its just scary to know that this can happen.
And there is an Aurelio's here.
I've never actually eaten at that one, but its good to know that I can get good pizza there. I just looked it up, when I go to visit my mothers family, we take highway 394 to highway 1 to 17 into Indiana...
I'm at school in Normal right now, and always feel like central Illinois outside of Chicago and St. Louis should be safe. It is definitely a reality check.
It shows it can happen anywherel lunacy knows no bounds. That said, if i were you, I'd be very anti-social with strangers until this is over.
Safety Sammy Says: Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
very similar to the guy that would go out for a drive on the weekends and randomly shoot people in rural ohio several years ago. It was so sickening to me and the fact that he had a wife and kid at home made it even more so.
Just don't be ruled by fear because of this...please.
It sucks...but it's uncontrollable. Your chances (over the whole of your life) are probably better at being killed by a tornado than a random gunnman. At least I hope so.
...a man who "police describe as unstable." Ohhh Kaaay. Got it.
10/6/10 9:14 a.m.
I hate to be racist and sterotype but before I opened the video I figured that it would a crazy middle age white guy. You can't trust 'em!
The video comments that the killer's opening conversation is about bees. Note to self: if you are in the area keep discussion of bees to a minimum. Bringing up the topic may get you shot by someone trying to protect themself.
I hope they catch this whack-job, but in the meantime, for something completely different.

So beware of fat men in Ford pickups?
Wow! I'm only ~80mi straight south of you... I'll bee(okay...really bad pun) keeping an eye open on this one! 
wow rob that's pretty freaky. stay safe man.
No updates today, they haven't found him yet. He could be meddling around Northwest Indiana or he could be to Michigan or Ohio by now if he decided to run. Hell, He could be back from Illinois for all I know.
All I know is, I am going to distance myself from the random people who come up to me while I am working to ask cable questions.
New Reader
10/6/10 2:36 p.m.
Fortunately, this is only newsworthy because it's uncommon. Way more people will die in Michigan/Ohio/Indiana/Illinois today in car accidents.
Doesn't make it any less batE36 M3 insane, though.
Update: they arrested a guy. He's a Lynwood police officer on medical leave.
Yeah, I couldn't believe its a cop. I hope this is the guy.
the top comment in Stuarts link sums it up well for me:
Mike said:
It's a shame that they didn't kill him in a shootout! Now we, the taxpayers have to pay for his prosecution and incarceration for many years.
10/13/10 11:45 p.m.
Apparently not the cop... Killer still on the loose.
"JOLIET, Ill. — With the real gunman in a pair of shootings on the Illinois-Indiana border still on the loose, prosecutors faced questions about their handling of an investigation that led to the arrest of a small-town police officer they now say couldn't have committed the crimes."
"Chuck Pelkie, spokesman for Glasgow's office, said a witness had identified Dorian as the shooter and Dorian's vehicle matched the gunman's.
But Pelkie said new evidence shows Dorian was on his computer until 11 a.m. the day of the shootings. The first shooting happened at 10:30 a.m. at a work site in Illinois. Ballistics from the gun in both shootings matched, meaning Dorian could not have been involved in the later one, Pelkie said."
Hm. I'm sure there's no way to make it look like you're at a computer when you're not? (scripts - delayed email sends - etc etc) :shrug:
I hope there's some more compelling evidence of his innocence than what was provided to the media on this given the witness and vehicle info...