my wife is awesome, therefore we're going to the sold out Social Distortion concert sunday for my birthday present. Those of you who know them can comprehend the level of excitement that I must be feeling. Those who don't, well, get off my lawn and go find yourself some billy ray cyrus tapes to listen to.
CLE House of Blues.
I did not know.
I am not a big concert goer but that is one I would have liked.
Nice, small venue.
When I read the title I thought this must be some kind of neat, new, politically incorrect holiday. Never heard of the band.
Awesome! Mike still puts on a great show.
I have seen them 6 times now. Earliest in the 92 and as recently as last year. I think I am done going to see them though. No issues with the band themselves although I probably like them less now than I used to. It is the other fans. Something about them just rubs me the wrong way. There must have been a dozen fights at the last show that the cops had to intervene. Tons of guys with backwards ball caps and goatees looking to punch someone, while all of us old punk rock people sat in the back, sipping our beers trying to watch the band over all the fighting going on.

I think I will put this album on today and remember the better days
8/14/15 11:36 a.m.
My wife caught me belting out Ball & Chain the other day. Enjoy the show!
We're going tomorrow at Royal Oak
We were right at the stage last year in Kalamazoo where Mike ended up beating on this 6'2" guy that threw a beer at him - good times
That made me realize that I'm way too old for that mosh pit crap, so I bought reserved seats in the mezzanine this time.
Awesome, I've seen them twice and I'm jonesing for another show. Have fun man.
That pisses me off. I went and saw Primus at the Eagle (sweaty) Ballroom in Milwaukee last Thursday. They gave away Social D tickets. Prior comments prevented me from going.
I went online to get tickets the day they went on sale and they were sold out. My wife is cool enough to have picked up on that and got us a pair on stubhub.
berkeley, they're in Pgh on 8/21.
so i don't know where the "you're getting old" line comes, but i used to get all dressed properly for a punk show. "don't care how crappy these are" jeans, studded belt, random worn out concert t-shirt, E36 M3kicker boots. and now i just don't care and i don't care who thinks i'm not cool because cargo shorts are comfortable as hell so i'm wearing them, screw jeans when it's over 70 degrees out. i may get the belt out for the heck of it, but honestly i put it away when the studs started cutting patterns of holes in my shirts from laying on concrete under cars.
darn kids with their skinny jeans and wristbands and fauxhawks don't know what cool is. /getoffmylawn

insane show. hour and 50 minutes, and the opening acts were good too.