At this point, I'd tell her that everything is technically legal and if they don't want it, they can sell it on.
If they want to "press charges" then you can speak to my lawyer.
That, will work like hitting the gas, either it will solve the problem because you called her potential bluff about the LEO involvement or it will force the LEO to reach out, at which point you can retain a lawyer who can request the documents and help mediate the situation.
My guess is that she's being unreasonable because of displaced anger towards the husband about buying the thing and you're the bad guy here.
5/23/16 6:55 p.m.
Well this just keeps getting better. I've been trying to find out their address so I could send updated bill of sales for everything and she won't tell me. I was able to find them through facebook and subsequently found a bunch of ripoffreports for their business and basically everyone complaining that this lady is nuts. At this point I'm thinking they either broke something on the ski when they were riding on it Sunday or are trying to talk some $$$ out of me post sale. I gave her an ultimatum and said the option is to give me copies of the title so I can have my FIL fill out a BOS with whatever name he used on the title and then I will put them in contact with the dealer that fixed the ski or they can sell the ski to the next person. Originally I was going to have the ski fixed or just return them some cash since they are 2 hours away but at this point I think she's just a nut and I need to let them be. I REALLY regret having these people come to my house but oh well.
5/23/16 7:08 p.m.
Good god she's claiming all this stuff about forged signatures and how she will be prosecuting. Honestly I am frightened because I don't want to deal with whatever happens if she decides to do that. I assume it's not cheap.
It’d be a real shame if the drain plug fell out when she was a couple miles off shore…real shame.
5/23/16 7:27 p.m.
So seriously what happens if they decide to press charges or do something radical like that? I have no doubt that I am in the right here but I wonder what happens should I need to defend myself
Loosers that threaten legal recourse rarely do.
You did not sell it to the wife do not talk to her.
The sale is legit and legal, they would have to prove it is not before they could come after you.
Then they would have to prove intent and prior knowledge and they can't because it is a legit sale.
Tell them to go pound sand.......
Note - I always get drivers license info from the buyer and keep a copy of the BOS
5/23/16 7:34 p.m.
Enyar wrote:
So seriously what happens if they decide to press charges or do something radical like that? I have no doubt that I am in the right here but I wonder what happens should I need to defend myself
Don't worry. There is nothing to pin on you--no proof that you did anything wrong, you have the original owner of the watercraft, and could get the original owner of the trailer no problem. They paid in cash, so there isn't even a paper trail really.
Like I said, threaten to get an Attorney involved and she may back down since she'd be forced to get her own Attorney and that would cost her money and force discovery and legal proceedings that she couldn't manipulate.
If there was a serious case, the police would have come knocking already.
Basically tell her to pound sand, she's got the owner of the trailer's name and she can track them down herself.
My suggestion is to start recording the calls and to make sure to get ALL of the facts on tape. Be calm and curteous on the phone and let her vent, rant and rave. Use whatever names and dates you have. State clearly the name of the dealership that did the work, the costs involved and that they should contact them directly since the husband saw that it ran and had no issues prior to buying it. Explain that the sale is as-is where is and that the trailer title can be resolved by either providing the name and address of the listed owner or by returning the trailer for a partial refund. If this isn't satisfactory to her, then she can speak to your lawyer.
Basically, she's a bully and she's trying to bully you. So kill her with kindness, but don't let her screw you because of it.
New Reader
5/23/16 7:55 p.m.
After half a lifetime of dealing with the occasional happy shiny person like her (30 years in truck sales, 15 as sales manager) your best bet is to call her bluff, tell her to send you copies of the paperwork and you will provide the legal doc's she needs for titling and/or licensing purposes. If she refuses then stop all communications with her/them. Not sure what state your in but in Ohio the local police departments will tell her it's a civil matter, resolve it in a civil manner (as you have offered to do)or call your lawyer.
You have done your due diligence, discovered she is a flake and has probably done this same deal to many others.... so don't be a sucker, call her bluff.
5/23/16 8:11 p.m.
Since she is refusing your attempts to reach an amicable solution, my recommendation would be to stop answering the phone.
Tell her to stop calling and to send her complaint and documented evidence to you via certified mail.
At this point I'd be blocking their number, and forgetting the whole mess. You tried, they've shown their true colors, they're nuts and/or scammers, nothing for you to be worked up about.
It ain't forgery unless they press charges, your dad gonna do that? AZ for crazy beeotch, you pays your money, you takes your chances. Left your house in the back of a pickup, dunno nothing but no trailer
Be careful with recording the conversation without their knowledge. I am pretty sure that is illegal in Florida.
Dont sweat over this. I would stop all comunication myself.
Enyar wrote:
Good god she's claiming all this stuff about forged signatures and how she will be prosecuting. Honestly I am frightened because I don't want to deal with whatever happens if she decides to do that. I assume it's not cheap.
She's got you where she wants you.
Take the others' advice and cease all contact, and take a deep breath. Don't threaten legal action either.
Tell her that since the PWC's title is now in their name, there's nothing you can legally do about it now, and that if she threatens legal action again, she will have to go through your attorney.
Slippery wrote:
Be careful with recording the conversation without their knowledge. I am pretty sure that is illegal in Florida.
Dont sweat over this. I would stop all comunication myself.
I wasn't suggesting doing so, but it's a good point to bring up.
How much money are we talking about here? Is it within your states small claims court limits?
If it is a small claims issue, even if they want to go to court it should be pretty cheap. Just make sure to have as many documents as you can, and keep records of your conversations. Emails will be much better then phone calls in that case.
Good god, man, stop answering the damn phone.
5/24/16 6:12 a.m.
OHSCrifle wrote:
Tell him "sorry, wife says no refunds"
I like this one!
Tell him your wife already spent the money.
Just for perspective...How much money is a 14 year old jet ski worth?
Slippery wrote:
Be careful with recording the conversation without their knowledge. I am pretty sure that is illegal in Florida.
Dont sweat over this. I would stop all comunication myself.
Tell her you are recording the conversations. That may scare her off. She has deliberately refused to cooperate.
I too would stop answering her calls.
Can you imagine what her husband is going through?
Stefan (Not Bruce) wrote:
Slippery wrote:
Be careful with recording the conversation without their knowledge. I am pretty sure that is illegal in Florida.
Dont sweat over this. I would stop all comunication myself.
I wasn't suggesting doing so, but it's a good point to bring up.
A trick my dad employs is to write copious notes for every phone call and transaction. It takes up an assload of room but when questioned he always has notes.
To the OP; I have seen this before. This woman's (both of them actually, they act as a team) objective from the very begining is, was, and always will be, to end up with both the boat AND your refunded money, and make it appar legal. You have been bitten by a team of bully-scammers, and your best recourse is to make the taste of you so bitter they will let go for good. At this point I would talk to an LEO/Assistant DA and tell them you suspect that they are gaming you to try to bully you into refunding them AND retain legal title to the boat, leaving you with neither the boat nor the money; a "legal" shakedown. That way you can tell HER (by email so there is legal proof of the conversation), truthfully, that YOU actually did call the LEO/DA about her apparent attempt to manipulate you out of both your money and the boat, and that her activities in this matter appear to fall under your state's racketeering laws. Then, tell her that you are willing to let the matter drop if, and only if, she gets out of your life forever and never attampts to contact you again.
I can assure you that you are not their first victim.
5/24/16 8:21 a.m.
- SHE isn't pressing any charges unless she is the county prosecutor.
- Since she claims she is taking legal action (which would be a civil case most likely), cease all communication.
- I would wager she hasn't contacted anyone or plan to take any real action. This is a scam to get a free (or greatly reduced price) PWC. She expects you to hand her a wad of cash to go away, I higly doubt they really intend to return anything to you even if you were willing.
The only time I dealt with something similar was when I sold a (rough, titled but not road worthy) project triumph TR7 for a grand total of $400. They wound up stealing a battery from me.
Your lesson here is to do the paperwork to the letter of the law. It sounds like you jumped title on the trailer, so they probably do have some leverage on you. I did everything by the book and only lost a battery, a couple hours of my life, and my hope for humanity. In your case, I think they are looking for a fist full of dollars.
Also, don't be fooled by the husband & wife good cop - bad cop routine. They are playing you.
If you're going to continue answering the phone for her, make it a point to remind her the call is being recorded as soon as you answer. That's the trick to it.
"Hi this is enyar and this call is being recorded, how can I help you"
Will take care of the wiretapping issue of call record consent, but at this point, I'd just block the number. If their fb is full of E36 M3 from customers, then it's a good sign this is how they make their money. Screwem. Your time is to valuable.