WonkoTheSane wrote:
Hmm. I'm guessing all 6 are the same, too. This was on a 91, perhaps it changed later in the run? Looks like yours is a 95ish..
mine is a 93, from what I can tell, the whole NA line used the same ones. I don't get it. the 10x1.25 just slides in and out, doesn't make contact with the threads. the 10x1.5 doesn't go in the hole. Unless they managed to stretch the holes but keep them round it doesn't make sense. I'll find out for sure tomorrow with a nice OEM bolt.
That doesn't make sense at all.. I know it sounds dumb but I snapped a pic of the baby tooth mounting so you can ensure you're using the correct holes..
They make it tricky because there's two untapped holes in the sheet metal that look almost the right size:

My only other thought right now is mislabeled bolts at the hardware store or a bad run. I use a small mom and pop store because they usually have inventory, but stuff doesn't always get put back properly with their divided box trays. It just throws me off that the rears don't fit, but i've been through so many forum posts I don't remember if they are supposed or not. Searching miata babyteeth on google is a painful experience

mine. unless I'm a complete idiot, and that pattern is identical on the other side and for something else.

This was the first spot I picked, but it has such a weird bolt through it. Couldnt thread it on to anything on the thread measure at the store, a 1/4 inch unthreaded spot at the tip, and under the head is an 8th inch thick 1/2 inch wide washer looking thing
The first picture definitely identifies the holes, and the three that are tapped for M10x1.25 are under the "FR" of "FRONT", to the right and directly below the "FR." The other two holes (above "NT" and diagonal to "FR" aren't tapped at all, it's just a bit of overlapping sheet metal.
The second picture is the bottom of the plastic bumper, that why it has a weird bolt/washer setup. I don't know that thread pitch off the top of my head, and I'd be worried it would vibrate itself loose from being mounted over plastic there..
I was trying them in the ones I could see thread in, but only tried the passenger side. Which might have been wrong. Try again tomorrow, depending on if the bolt gets in before the wheel I needed replaced. I don't think I'll get anything done once the wheel comes in, my tires are mocking me from the shop waiting to be broken in.
Well, that's that problem sorted. The damn bolts from the hardware store were wrong. Pictured: the black is the 10x1.25 from the hardware store, the silver is from the dealership. I put the cig in for scale, it's a camel wide so a little wider than a normal one.