You're statements are either devoid of facts or run completely contrary to factual information freely available to anyone on the internet. I've quoted the statement you made and then corrected it with data I found, and cited so you can check it's veracity, below.
wcelliot wrote: Our founding fathers (metaphorically) wanted the Federal government setting no speed limits at all ... leaving that to the states. The current Federal government (metsphorically) wants that speed limit around 35mph (about what it is in Europe) to protect us from oursevles...
The speed limit on motorways is generally 110, 120 or 130 km/h and the limit in built-up areas is 50 or 60 km/h.
110 kph = 80+/- mph
50 kph = 30+/- mph
Stick with me. That's my warm-up lap.
wcelliot wrote: As to Sweden, they became a very wealthy country due to rampant capitalism from the late 1800's forward... combined with extremely restrictive immigration policies. By the 1960's, they had a per captia income near that of the US. Then they created the welfare state.
Between 1750 and 1850, the population in Sweden doubled....Sweden remained poor, retaining a nearly entirely agricultural economy even as Denmark and Western European countries began to industrialize. Link
wcelliot wrote: In just a few years, Sweden was a tax and regulatory nightmare. Economic growth nearly stopped, they fought massive inflation, their currency was nearly worthless, etc. In the 1980's they liberalized their policies, reducing taxes, doing privatization of numerous Government functions, etc.
After World War II a succession of governments expanded the welfare state by raising the tax level. During this period Sweden's economic growth was also one of the highest in the industrial world. A series of successive social reforms transformed the country into one of the most equal and developed on earth. The consistent growth of the welfare state led to Swedes achieving unprecedented levels of social mobility and quality of life—to this day Sweden consistently ranks at the top of league tables for health, literacy and Human Development—far ahead of some much wealthier countries (for example the United States). Link
wcelliot wrote: This (Sweden) is not a "melting pot" like the US is...
Beside the Swedes, the Sweden-Finns are the largest ethnic minority comprising approximately 50,000 along the Swedish-Finnish border, and 450,000 first and second generation immigrated ethnic Finns. Also in the farthest North a small population of Samis live. More than 100,000 Assyrians/Syriacs live in Sweden, including around 40,000 in Stockholm County. The first group of Assyrians/Syriacs moved to Sweden from Lebanon in 1967. Many of them live in Södertälje (Stockholm), also known as Mesopotälje (after Mesopotamia).[1][2] There are around 40,000 Roma in Sweden. Link
wcelliot wrote: But as alluded to before, the poor in this country live a lifestyle that most of the rest of the world would consider pretty darn comfortable. (The vast majority of poverty comes from irresponsible breeding and failure to work (in the homes of children living in "poverty" (which doesn't count all the Govt assistance they get), the average work hours per week is 18. That's not per person, that's per household. )
From an article on the Global Research website entitled: "“Working Poor” report: Nearly 30 percent of US families subsist on poverty wages. "
These families struggle under poverty conditions despite parents working long hours. According to the report, "Adults in low-income working families worked on average 2,552 hours per year in 2006, the equivalent of almost one-and-a-quarter full-time workers." Link
I hate to be such a jerk here. I just can't sit back and let disinformation be spread. Especially in the service of EVEEEIL like the right wing parties. (That last sentence was a joke son. Laugh when I say that.)