Meet Boo Boo. 

We adopted him about three weeks ago, he's quite the showman. Binky was standoffish and a bit arrogant, Boo Boo is a real loving friendly critter. He's housebroken (there were a few mistakes at first though) and we have put a little weight on him.
New Reader
5/8/14 8:20 p.m.
Congrats on the new addition! Took my older cat a few weeks to accept my younger kitten
Thread hijack! 
I'll see your putty cat and raise you a Border Collie (which is sort of like having a royal flush). 5yrs old, from a rescue last Saturday. Meet Dillon:

Border Collie, have fun with that handful! (I've actually recently come around on mine though, she's a good dog, definitely a dog that requires active attention opposed to passive attention like the labs, goldens and even chessies that i've had in the past.) They're funny how they'll block you out like they can't hear you when they want, but then will listen to a complex string of 4-6 sentences, each with a command and then do them in sequence when they're locked in.
5/9/14 6:51 a.m.
Molly joined us a yr ago … she's 11 yr old, and lived with another 10 - 11 yr old dog in a family of 2 young Dr.s
they had a brand new infant and Molly became extremely protective of the baby, would growl and lunge at the other dog … the Doc's were concerned that the baby, when it started to crawl, could get caught between the two dogs … so she is now with us .. Mom and I are quite happy

Border Collies are awesome as long as they're kept busy. This is Elise we picked her up from the Humane Society a year ago.

Speaking of good pet news, Ace only peed on me yesterday. That's good news considering he likes to E36 M3 on my head.
Being the father of four adopted animals, I'm proud to see this group adopting and rescuing.
5/9/14 11:15 a.m.
This is an awesome thread. Congrats everyone!

My little buddy is turning 5 tomorrow. We've had him for 3 years, and got him from the Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia. He's moved with us from GA to OH, and now to NV.
He's getting a little more curmudgeonly as he grows up. He doesn't have the patience for strangers or other dogs anymore. He doesn't get angry, just sulks in the corner.
This is our Lucy dog. Border Collie with a little something else in there as well. Fantastic dog as long as you let her run out the energy.

We found a young female Black Lab cross running around on our farm last Friday evening. We suspected that she may have been dumped as she didn't have a collar on and we live next to a forest reserve. We took her to our local rescue group. It turns out that she had slipped her collar while out for a walk in the forest. She was reunited with her relieved family on Monday.
5/9/14 6:18 p.m.
We got a new cat from the shelter a month ago. His name is Tuffy and he is ~4 months old. We were a little worried how he would get along with Sylvester our 14 year old cat.
Tuffy has given Sylvester a new name. Pillow!!

5/10/14 6:09 a.m.
captdownshift wrote:
Border Collie, have fun with that handful! (I've actually recently come around on mine though, she's a good dog, definitely a dog that requires active attention opposed to passive attention like the labs, goldens and even chessies that i've had in the past.)
Oh, I've had prior experience with the "BC Nuttiness" as I call it. I did a nearly 13 year stint with "Zo-dog", a all-black BC mix who had all the nuttiness of a BC without the herding drive. She absolutely worshipped the ground I walked on, which was both flattering and tiresome. Everything that annoyed me about her was what I missed after she died, and now a lot of that stuff has been returned to my life. I'm oddly pleased. Obligatory pic of TheBestDogEver (tm):

5/10/14 11:15 p.m.
I thought I had seen a ghost for a second. My wife took in a stray who looked like that about 22 years ago. He lived to be 20, and we've been without him a couple years. Elvis was one awesome cat. Yours looks like he will be too.