My son the chef has started a blog about many of the foods he's been cooking. Some are for work and some at home. He did this on on sandwiches that I thought seemed to be just about what many of you'd appreciate.
He also just did one of meatloaf on a stick wrapped in bacon that's on there somewhere.
2/8/12 12:29 a.m.
While I generally loathe food bloggers, when a chef is a food blogger, it's a whole different story. I have great admiration of chefs. As a foodie (who doesn't blog) I put them on a very high pedestal.
That stuff looks ridiculous.
I rarely make my food look all "cheffy" 
I probably shouldn't have looked at that since I skipped breakfast. Now I am starving.
I do have one question, though: Is it still a po-boy if it has been cheffed up?
I'm a good cook but I'm not a chef. I don't want nor have the need to make things look all "cheffy", but apparently you need to do that in a higher end restaurant.
I tell him if you can't put it in a blender and have people love it then it's not good enough to fancify the looks. Pass the blender test and then fancifying it is OK.
He makes stupid high sandwiches that while the look good are tough to eat and are a meal for 2. One of his burger creations was name the best burger in Dallas and was on magazine covers. They're usually so high you'd have to unhinge your jaw to eat it but are really good combos of ingredients.
carguy123 wrote:
I tell him if you can't put it in a blender and have people love it then it's not good enough to fancify the looks.
Quoted for Truth. I've always felt the same, now I have the words to express it. 
carguy123 wrote:
I tell him if you can't put it in a blender and have people love it then it's not good enough to fancify the looks. Pass the blender test and then fancifying it is OK.
I disagree. Blending things would ruin texture. Part of the reason a croissant is desirable and unique is because of its flaky texture. Putting it in a blender would ruin that.
2/8/12 1:27 p.m.
^^ If that's the way you pronounce "croissant", you should probably stick to Wonder Bread. If you do venture into a real bakery don't be surprised to find yourself given a swift but thorough beating with the baguettes.
Croissant + Neutella = Fancy Euro Breakfast
(Croissant + Ham + Egg) x2 = High test hunting breakfast
carguy123 wrote:
I tell him if you can't put it in a blender and have people love it then it's not good enough to fancify the looks. Pass the blender test and then fancifying it is OK.
Yeah, Jambalaya as "shake" or a burger, or anything else.
Quite possibly the most inane thing I've read here in a while.
I am a texture eater also, dont blend my food, I love the feel of grains, steak and about everything else. That is part of the experience IMHO
A croissant isn't worth eating in or out of a blender.
Recently I've had the opportunity to test my blender theory.
My wife and I went on a diet. We had 3 days of fasting and then went to smoothies. Most of the smoothies were bland so I began "cooking" my smoothies. By that I mean seasoning them and adding trace elements of this or that to give things a good flavor.
I did heat one or two. I made an excellent spinach lasagne smoothie that, while not as good as the real thing because there wasn't any cheese in it except some cottage cheese, was very recognizable as a smoothie.
I thought the smoothies would be horrible but now we are continuing a smoothie a day and have found some really cool combinations. I never thought I'd ever say something other than a fruit smoothie would even be edible.
2/8/12 7:02 p.m.
In reply to carguy123:
Freud would have a field day with a father desecrating food while his son treats it so lovingly/artistically. 
[morrison]Father... I'm going to kill you[/morrison]
Polenta grilled cheese samich!
BTW for you uneducated people north or the Mason Dixon line Polenta = Grits
2/8/12 9:08 p.m.
Mmmm, num, num, num.... ---> off to the kitchen in search of munchies...
2/8/12 9:38 p.m.
gamby wrote:
While I generally loathe food bloggers, when a chef is a food blogger, it's a whole different story. I have great admiration of chefs. As a foodie (who doesn't blog) I put them on a very high pedestal.
That stuff looks ridiculous.
I rarely make my food look all "cheffy"
I should have clarified that I meant "good-ridiculous". 
2/9/12 4:34 a.m.
Here's ours:
We are having fun eating our way through the alphabet.
Jay wrote:
^^ If that's the way you pronounce "croissant", you should probably stick to Wonder Bread. If you do venture into a real bakery don't be surprised to find yourself given a swift but thorough beating with the baguettes.
lol, if it was a french baker, I think Id take my chances
Clearly you guys are doing croissants the wrong way. I have a recipe for brioche dough (the same dough croissants are made of) that contains 3 sticks of butter and a cup of sugar. It makes one (ONE) loaf that is slightly bigger than a standard loaf pan. Three berkeleying sticks! If that isn't awesome, I dunno what is.
And those sandwiches look delicious.