sign up for a virgin mobile pay as you go phone. a couple months ago i started getting "you need to pay by tomorrow to keep service" emails. i contacted virgin customer service and let them know this was an unauthorized use of my email address and they said "maybe someone in your family did." my reply: not possible, please remove my email from this account.
today, another payment reminder. for the heck of it, i tried to log in and clicked the "forgot password" key. they sent me a link and let me reset the password, without a security question. that let me log in, and now i have this person's name, address, phone number, etc... i could do something with it i'm sure if i were a POS. but all i did was change to a fake yahoo address and changed the password so i would stop getting the emails since virgin customer service refused to help me. i almost wanted to call the woman and ask why she used my email address, she lives about 25 minutes away. why can't people stop being stupid and use their real info before they sign up for crap?
the last time someone used it a 23 year old african american guy in houston signed up with it to an interracial hookup site. i logged in and changed all his preferences for the type of ladies he was looking for.
Does you legal name happen to be John Doe, Jack Johnson, Jim Smith or something like that?
Nice way to get things off your back. 
5 years ago, I was the sales manager for Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile for Indiana, Ohio & Kentucky.
The world is full of idiots. They either typoed the address or gave a fake so as to not be spammed.
Don't worry, the Virgin Mobile brand in the US could be done by the end of the year.
Sprint is scrambling to keep from completely going out of business.
Be thankful you were not the owner of the potentially fake credit card used to set up the account.
I'm enough of an angry shiny happy person to show up on her doorstep and ask her WTF in person.
Why show up, just call her on the phone since you now have the number.
If you change her account password, she's pretty much f'ed. If she tries to change service and wants to bring that phone number with her or make account changes she will need to know account password or SOL.
The VM web site doesn't say anything about it. It is business as usual. I have a PayLo, per your advise years ago, and they charged me another $30 a few days ago. I also have a grandfathered in 5GB/"unlimited" data plan on a 3G dongle, and that gets charged in a few days.
Karma has 15GB for $50. I think that's about the best deal going right now. It's private label Sprint 4G/3G.
In reply to Dr. Hess:
Im out of the loop but I suspect VM will continue to deliver you service but will not recruit additional customers for broadband.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
Why show up, just call her on the phone since you now have the number.
If the person who's address your abusing shows up on your porch to talk to you, it makes a profound impression.
she lives in a very rural very "i have the right to blow you away for knocking on my door" area in the next county south. not showing up in person.
i guess she's pretty well locked out of any account access as i changed the email, password, and just to get even for my inconvenience and because i'm hopped up on dayquil and feeling extra crappy, changed the answers to her security questions.
Don't worry, they will blame her for having changed it herself or someone else in her family; similar to what they told you.
Also, rural County to the south...the Sprint coverage likely sucks there anyway.
The county to your south IS a don't show up on my doorstep county. I approached a house that had a dilapidated Jetta coupe in the driveway and they waved me off with a rifle. Um....ok, moving on now.
yeah, you guys know what i'm talking about. it's a whole different world down there. i went down there in my younger days to hook up with a girl i met in the yahoo car chat room. when i saw her redneck truck waiting for me i kept on driving and never did meet her.
patgizz wrote:
yeah, you guys know what i'm talking about. it's a whole different world down there. i went down there in my younger days to hook up with a girl i met in the yahoo car chat room. when i saw her redneck truck waiting for me i kept on driving and never did meet her.
You sure it was evena girl? Does the phrase, "Squeel like a pig!" mean anything to you?
Well...he does have a pretty mouth.
How did someone 25 min from you get your email to use? That is one hell of a coincidence. I'd be somewhat concerned. Somewhat...
In reply to N Sperlo:
She learned it years ago when she was talking to him in a Yahoo car chat room, they were supposed to hook up but he never showed. Now she uses his email for all of the pain in the ass stuff that she doesn't want to use her real email for.
It would be cool if you could ad-lib some new questions like "why are you using a stolen email address for this phone?"
In reply to gearheadmb:
You just made my Monday a bit brighter. Thank you, sir! 
patgizz wrote:
and now i have this person's name, address, phone number, etc...
They didn't use their real email address; what makes you think the rest of the info is legit? Except maybe the phone # if it's the one the bill covers...
N Sperlo wrote:
How did someone 25 min from you get your email to use? That is one hell of a coincidence. I'd be somewhat concerned. Somewhat...
I don't know Pat's email address, but if it's anything like mine, they just entered their email address wrong. I get lots of email for people with similar names, and their email addresses are things like dculberson1980@ or dlculberson@ or what have you.
There are people out there that can't spell "something." They certainly can't remember let alone correctly type in their email address. Nothing nefarious about it, just plain old dumb people.