Keeping this short and sweet, I'm trying to sign a letter saying "Thanks for your time, and I trust you won't be a heartless bastard"... But obviously this isn't a good way to do it. Any thoughts?
Keeping this short and sweet, I'm trying to sign a letter saying "Thanks for your time, and I trust you won't be a heartless bastard"... But obviously this isn't a good way to do it. Any thoughts?
Context makes it more difficult!
Girlfriend had surgery, and I'll need to be over a lot to help take care of her. I'm trying to get a parking pass at her apartment complex (there are at least 50 open spots and 10 in the immediate vicinity) so that I won't get towed by the trucks that go through there at least 5 times a week. And yes, I would be willing to pay.
I've learned that the majority of us are paid to do our jobs, not to think. Thinking involves treating each case in its context, and giving different opinions to different situations.
Personally, I'd go over there and talk to them yourself, because chances are anything else will just get forgotten about and ignored.
"Thanks for your time, your assistance through this difficult period would be greatly appreciated" is probably as close as you can get without actually saying "heartless bastard."
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
Simply put:
No need to expand.
Have the girlfriend request the pass for you. She has an established relationship with the complex and is in obvious need. They will listen to her, they don't know you from Adam.
Good on you for pitching in to take care of her after her surgery. I hope she is feeling better soon!
EastCoastMojo wrote: Simple: Have the girlfriend request the pass for you. She has an established relationship with the complex and is in obvious need. They will listen to her, they don't know you from Adam. Good on you for pitching in to take care of her after her surgery. I hope she is feeling better soon!![]()
Maybe he is Adam?
But, ECM has a valid point. Your GF is the one that gives them $ every month and they might wish to keep happy.
Hope your GF gets well soon.
If she is on bedrest, just borrow her car and leave yours at home.
If that's no good, then can you park her car at your place while she recovers and use her parking pass in your car?
The girlfriend is doing great--just no lifting or driving for 2 weeks (overkill, but w/e) and will just need help around the house in general for awhile.
I sent an email, and went in to the office. The girl working in the office didn't know about the email, but she did give me a Temporary Parking pass for 2 weeks. It might have helped that I walked in there 2 minutes before closing time (she wanted out of there) and I was dressed in business casual and well groomed--a big departure from the regular clientel of this complex.
A few hours after I get the pass, I get an email back stating that they don't have extra parking spaces, they are actually short on them! Well, that is simply BS. I went around and counted, they had no fewer than 16 open permit spots as well as at least 15 open unit spots. He also said they have no way of offering a temporary parking permit... Oh? Then what is that thing your office gave me in the back of my window? As you can tell, this is your average lying dirtball of a slum-lord. Oh, and he is shockingly rude on top of it all.
The big problem here is that if he wanted to, he could find out that I'm over wayyy more than I'm allowed to be (i.e., I practically live there... Long story we're not getting in to right now). However, he has much more... problemsome things to worry about than a college grad with a job and no record whatsoever who is living in one of his units. Things like the girl who got shot 4 units down.
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