Come on, winter! 98 deg and 90% humidity suxxors. I can always put more clothes on, but can only take so much off before getting arrested or making people puke.
I used to really look forward to 45 degrees and 40% humidity when racing dirt bikes, those days were like heaven...
But....without can't do this:

9/17/12 7:17 a.m.
This line of thinking that you can always wear more clothing is BS.
I work in a building that is not well climate controlled. I can put on awesome wool socks, wear 2 sweat shirts, and fingerless gloves. I'm still freezing my bum off at my desk. I'm not a skin and bones sort of fellow, I've got enough insulation.
I'd rather have 100 F and high humidity then anything below 40. I can't do crap outside when it is that cold but I can still do sports in 100 F.
I like the first half of Fall, but after that wake me in spring. I spent my down time this summer in a 90 degree room, on a leather couch, and loved it. I miss being down south.
I hate anything colder than 50F and I'm getting to the point where I don't like anything above 90F. Too much time away from the south...
On wearing more clothes: the type is as important as the thickness, probably more so. For me, cotton socks don't get it. My feet get cold and that sucks, turns me into a real grouch. Thin leather shoes make that worse. OTOH, if I wear polyester socks and running shoes, my feet are warm as toast and I feel much less curmudgeonly.
Sweatshirts are cotton, don't insulate the old fat dude very well. Wool sweater and leather 'shell' jacket = comfy, prhaps a little too warm.
As I age, my range of temperature tolerance gets more and more narrow. I was never a fan of the heat, but 95 used to be really hot for me. Now, anything over 75 is getting to be a pain. I used to love the cold, but more and more, anything below 40 is kinda rough. Eventually, I am going to want it 60 everywhere, all the time.
My sad day is the last time sculling of the season. I'm an evening rower generally, so it's a race between the dwindling daylight and falling river temperature. If you flip your shell at dusk in a 50 degree river you're in real trouble. I'll go out on a warm-ish weekend morning a couple times in November, but I stay close to shore. Then I'll look longingly at the boat while I'm in the garage 'til the river warms up again around April. You can get a freak 70 degree day, but the river is still under 50.
So I go back to road cycling a few mornings a week. Even with the best high-tech gear, a 30 mile ride leaves me with that pervasive deep-body cold feeling that lasts for hours.
I've lived where the cold can kill you and where the heat can kill you.
I have no preference. Both of them are kind of awful.
My favorite day of the year is the first frost. I just imagine the mosquitoes dying by the millions. MILLIONS!
9/17/12 10:20 a.m.
I've seen -5F and 110F and barring disease you can get used to both in about a week, just let your body work its magic.
9/17/12 10:29 a.m.
Nope not alone, I hate winter.
9/17/12 10:30 a.m.
In reply to mad_machine:
Nature is just getting back to normal in the midwest........something something something about 90-115* temps for over a month straight....
That E36 M3 in Indiana of 29 days with a low above 80*F was complete crap.....
9/17/12 10:31 a.m.
Grtechguy wrote:
But....without can't do this:
Sure you can, and it hurts less when you crash. 

9/17/12 10:33 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
As I age, my range of temperature tolerance gets more and more narrow. I was never a fan of the heat, but 95 used to be really hot for me. Now, anything over 75 is getting to be a pain. I used to love the cold, but more and more, anything below 40 is kinda rough. Eventually, I am going to want it 60 everywhere, all the time.
This is why I want to live on the central California coast. The weather there is pretty much perfection year round.
Between 70-85, please, and sunny.
I don't wilt completely 'til we hit about 100, but my preference is a bit below that.
That being said, I get a bit sick of wearing shorts and T-shirts all the time, and cyclocross doesn't make any sense without cold and wet, or at least wet.
I'd miss the summer a lot more than the winter if one of them vanished.
I try to enjoy everyday for what it offers. When it is cold I dress for it and do hard work outdoors. When it is hot I tend to loaf and fish on shady streams. The worst weather that I endure is 33-40 degrees and heavy rain. Those days are plain miserable.
9/17/12 10:48 a.m.
e_pie wrote:
pinchvalve wrote:
As I age, my range of temperature tolerance gets more and more narrow. I was never a fan of the heat, but 95 used to be really hot for me. Now, anything over 75 is getting to be a pain. I used to love the cold, but more and more, anything below 40 is kinda rough. Eventually, I am going to want it 60 everywhere, all the time.
This is why I want to live on the central California coast. The weather there is pretty much perfection year round.
Camel, I think I would love to live there, now where did I stash that 3 million dollars for a 2 bedroom house?
As far as taking your clothes off, you are much more comfortable with fewer clothes than with the multiple layers it takes to keep the center of your body warm. And they do nothing to keep your extremities warm and supple.
In the summer you can wait out the hottest portion of the day as well as jump in water or turn the A/C down a little with the certain knowledge that in a short while the temps will be reasonable and you can get back to what you are doing.
Nothing like that exists for winter. The hottest part of the day is still miserable so you can't wait it out and do your work or fun later.
I should like the weather this time of year, but I can't because I'm on edge knowing that soon it will all end. We don't typically get frost of a freeze till just before Thanksgiving, but that's too soon for me.
After this past summer, when it was so hot it made my MS symptoms constantly flair up, I had thoughts of retiring in northern Michigan. Then it cooled off. Now every joint in my body aches, and the arthritis in my hands is hard to deal with (I'm a trumpet and piano player). So I'm back to hating the cold...
Single digits is the coldest I've seen. Of course I'd prefer a 70 degree day, but I'll take 10 degrees over 100 degrees in a heartbeat. I can always add more clothes. I can only subtract so much.
poopshovel wrote:
Single digits is the coldest I've seen. Of course I'd prefer a 70 degree day, but I'll take 10 degrees over 100 degrees in a heartbeat. I can always add more clothes. I can only subtract so much.
But you can't DO ANYTHING once you're garbed up. It's too cold to do almost anything.
carguy123 wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
Single digits is the coldest I've seen. Of course I'd prefer a 70 degree day, but I'll take 10 degrees over 100 degrees in a heartbeat. I can always add more clothes. I can only subtract so much.
But you can't DO ANYTHING once you're garbed up. It's too cold to do almost anything.
I can slide down my steep ass driveway on an inflatable mattress and hit a big jump at the bottom! I've seen me do it! On non-snow days, I get in the car, drive to work, work, and drive back. All of these places are warm.
carguy123 wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
Single digits is the coldest I've seen. Of course I'd prefer a 70 degree day, but I'll take 10 degrees over 100 degrees in a heartbeat. I can always add more clothes. I can only subtract so much.
But you can't DO ANYTHING once you're garbed up. It's too cold to do almost anything.
I guess it's a temperature difference thing. Around here it will occasionally hit zero, the coldest I can remember was -4 deg F. Most of the time it hits the teens at night, 40's during the day. Cold enough to be bracing. Only complaint: ever try to get 40 deg race tires to 180 deg? Ain't happening.
worst I remember it.. I was working in an unheated warehouse. It was the slow time of the year (january) and we were supposed to be doing inventory.. but it was 10 degrees in the building and all we did was huddle around the lone electric heater. Even the watercooler (that supplied hot water too) froze... This went on for over a week and the boss was NOT happy we did not get anything done