11/5/12 7:24 a.m.
Cliff's Notes:
Woman puts her 3-year old ON the railing at the African Painted Dog exhibit so he can see beter (the rest of the barrier is glass, you can see through glass I think). He falls into the exhibit and is mauled by the dogs. Poor boy lost his life because his mom is an idiot.
Wow. That sucks. It's a shame idiots are allowed to have kids.
Please tell me the mother is going to prison. Please.
Like Hyenas but prettier.

tSucks that a dog had to be shot too, but do what cha gotta do, eh?
"Kraus said there was nothing to prevent visitors to the painted dog exhibit from jumping into the exhibit area."
Really? Oh yeah, except for that 4ft railing preventing people from jumping in. Everything except that. 
Matt B wrote:
"Kraus said there was nothing to prevent visitors to the painted dog exhibit from jumping into the exhibit area."
Really? Oh yeah, except for that 4ft railing preventing people from jumping in. Everything except that.
Or the idea that wild dogs might berkeleying maul you if you go in there.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Matt B wrote:
"Kraus said there was nothing to prevent visitors to the painted dog exhibit from jumping into the exhibit area."
Really? Oh yeah, except for that 4ft railing preventing people from jumping in. Everything except that.
Or the idea that wild dogs might berkeleying maul you if you go in there.
And the 12 foot fall from the railing.
ValuePack wrote:
Please tell me the mother is going to prison. Please.
She is. Life sentence. She started serving it yesterday.
N Sperlo wrote:
Wow. That sucks. It's a shame idiots are allowed to have kids.
The most important job in the world and we get absolutely no training for it. Not that it would have helped this stupid woman.
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
11/5/12 8:29 a.m.
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
If it was just her own self suffering the self-inflicted punishment? I wouldn't heap any more bad wishes on her.
But it's NOT .
914Driver wrote:
Like Hyenas but prettier.
They are cute lil buggers. Gotta love those big goofy ears.
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
I just have a low tolerance for stupid. The problem is that in todays society people who once would have been too stupid to live survive stupid things that should have killed them, without consequence. Furthermore, these idiots multiply.
Dare I say that car are too safe, consumer grade chemicals too weak, and power tools have too many silly safety features solely to keep morons alive?
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
No, I've noticed. I just don't give a berkeley.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
ValuePack wrote:
Please tell me the mother is going to prison. Please.
She is. Life sentence. She started serving it yesterday.
I'm not sure she needs bars on the windows to remind her of that bit of stupidity. That is going to be a tough one to come back from.
Duke wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
If it was just her own self suffering the self-inflicted punishment? I wouldn't heap any more bad wishes on her.
But it's *NOT* .
AND? Why do you feel the need that you need to express your judgement?
do you think you are a better person? Or that your bad choices are somehow not so bad since you think this person is so horrible?
man, this group really likes to look down on people.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
I just have a low tolerance for stupid. The problem is that in todays society people who once would have been too stupid to live survive stupid things that should have killed them, without consequence.
Dare I say that car are too safe, consumer grade chemicals too weak, and power tools have too many silly safety features solely to keep morons alive?
And that makes you what, then?
You think you are better than people you look down on? In what way?
Or is it that life risks need to be ratcheded up to weed out people you think are weak? That's kinda scary.
11/5/12 8:41 a.m.
Similar happened in Miami at the Serpentarium. 8yo boy stood on the wall around a gator pit, throwing rocks at the gators. Standing by his parents. Fell in, immediately killed by the biggest one in the pit. Owner Bill Haast killed the gator so they could get the body out. 20-30 years ago, but I remember it well. No lawsuits filed.
Duke wrote:
If it was just her own self suffering the self-inflicted punishment? I wouldn't heap any more bad wishes on her.
But it's *NOT* .
She berkeleyed up and killed her own son. What lesson would imprisonment teach that watching dogs eat your two year old would not? We already have more people in prison for stupid E36 M3 than most of the rest of the world combined. Would you like to write the check that feeds and cares for her for the rest of her life to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid again?
EDIT: Sorry Duke - that was a reply to ValuePack.
In reply to alfadriver:
Aren't you doin that whole looking down on people and judging them thing this very second with the posters in this thread?
Hello pot I would like you to meet kettle over here...
alfadriver wrote:
man, this group really likes to look down on people.
Throws stone.... hides in glass house.
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
Yes, for sure, she's already serving her own sentence. And, yes, I'll still judge.
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
I've wanted to say something in the past, but didn't because I don't think I could have put it as nicely as you did.
11/5/12 8:49 a.m.
alfadriver wrote:
Duke wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
If it was just her own self suffering the self-inflicted punishment? I wouldn't heap any more bad wishes on her.
But it's *NOT* .
AND? Why do you feel the need that you need to express your judgement?
do you think you are a better person? Or that your bad choices are somehow not so bad since you think this person is so horrible?
man, this group really likes to look down on people.
I didn't feel the need to express it, until you called us out as judgmental. I was perfectly content to feel sorrow for the poor child who lost his/her life through no fault of his/her own, and to feel a moment's displaced rage that so many idiots manage to have children when there are potentially careful, loving parents who cannot.
But some things should be judged. This was not a matter of the mother pushing the child into toddler beauty pageants, or teaching her questionable values, or something which comes down a matter of taste.
This was a matter of criminal stupidity that led directly to the death of an innocent child. Failure to judge decisions and people that should be judged is not constructive, no matter how superficially 'compassionate' it may be.
I have made plenty of bad judgments in my life, many of which had bad consequences for those around me. For that, I am regretful. But no decision of mine ever killed someone. To that extent, yes , I think I am a better person.