None of my bad decisions ever killed anyone, either. For that, I am thankful.
Remember, pride goeth before a fall. Sometimes that fall even winds you up in a pit full of wild dogs. (And keeping that in mind, was this mom's mistake really any different, in substance, from what we've seen displayed here this morning? Or did she just get hit with a big bill for her arrogant assumption that the rules didn't apply to her?)
Pride goeth before the LOCK. 
11/5/12 8:56 a.m.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
So was this mom's mistake really any different, in substance, from what we've seen displayed here this morning?
It is to me.
But I'm going to heed that "pride goeth before a fall" part, and leave this topic now.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
was this mom's mistake really any different, in substance, from what we've seen displayed here this morning?
I would say, absolutely. I hold those in charge of the safety of others to a higher standard.
Why did they have to kill the dog? 
93EXCivic wrote:
Why did they have to kill the dog?
In attempt top save the child (I would assume). I would have hated doing it, but I would do it.
N Sperlo wrote:
I hold those in charge of the safety of others to a higher standard.
So does life. I just think this one is handled.
In reply to Marjorie Suddard:
I agree.
I'd hazard a guess that most of us have made errors of judgment that could have ended up in a loss of life, either for us or someone else, many times over our lifetime.
Only difference is, fate wasn't so kind to this woman or her child.
In reply to oldtin:
I have to pee. Its not nice to make me laugh that hard.
I didn't see it happen.
There is no description of whether she stood the kid on the rail and stepped away, or maybe sat him there, leaned back against her but something happened.
There are a huge number of people. Stuff that shouldn't go wrong eventually does, for someone. Sometimes, horrifically.
Maybe her behavior was criminally stupid, but frankly, I think you have to have ignored benefit of the doubt (I know, humanity makes it hard to have much doubt, but I think it's important to remember what we don't know) and made some assumptions about the situation in order to be convinced based on the news story.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
ValuePack wrote:
Please tell me the mother is going to prison. Please.
She is. Life sentence. She started serving it yesterday.
My sister lost her 18 month old son due to an unknown heart issue he had. She never recovered nor her husband nor did they seek the proper counseling or outside help.
I can't imagine losing a kid like this........
oldtin wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
I <3 irony
There is no irony in that statement.
11/5/12 9:39 a.m.
She screwed up. I've done some pretty stupid things in my life, and if I live one more day I'm pretty sure I'll do at least one more stupid thing.
If someone is texting and runs into a tree and is killed, that sucks. I feel for the family. If that same person was texting and ran a stop light, killing someone else, it's in a different league in my mind. Same stupid decision, but someone else pays the price.
As a man that watched his son die before my eyes as a direct result of someone else's stupidity, this cuts particularly deep for me. That being said, she will pay the price for this lapse of reason. If she never steps foot in a courtroom, her sentence has already been handed down. She has to go home and step into her son's room and begin packing his belongings. 10 years from now she'll wonder what kind of a teenager he'd have been. 10 years after that she'll wonder if he'd be getting married soon. It goes on. Trust me, my wife and I live it. The silver lining? She'll appreciate any other kids she may have soo much more after this.
sorry for being a downer folks.
alfadriver wrote:
Duke wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
If it was just her own self suffering the self-inflicted punishment? I wouldn't heap any more bad wishes on her.
But it's *NOT* .
AND? Why do you feel the need that you need to express your judgement?
do you think you are a better person? Or that your bad choices are somehow not so bad since you think this person is so horrible?
man, this group really likes to look down on people.
It seems clear to me that you are doing the same thing to him (and the group in general) as you are accusing him of. Aren't you judging us right now? You must think you are somehow better, right? How is your judgement of us any better than our judgement of her? In fact, it's worse, as you are making us aware of your judgement.
Commenting on bad behavior is not equivalent to engaging in bad behavior. I'm afraid that Alfadriver has a good point.
alfadriver wrote:
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board? Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
I just have a low tolerance for stupid. The problem is that in todays society people who once would have been too stupid to live survive stupid things that should have killed them, without consequence.
Dare I say that car are too safe, consumer grade chemicals too weak, and power tools have too many silly safety features solely to keep morons alive?
And that makes you what, then?
You think you are better than people you look down on? In what way?
Or is it that life risks need to be ratcheded up to weed out people you think are weak? That's kinda scary.
I'm better in that I'm alive due to thinking before doing stupid things, it takes a bit of premeditation to think "Yes, I should lift my son into a position where not much is preventing him from falling into a pit of wild carnivorous animals." I guess you could say I'm a big fan of natural selection.
In reply to bravenrace:
There is a difference between observation and judgement.
dculberson wrote:
Commenting on bad behavior is not equivalent to engaging in bad behavior. I'm afraid that Alfadriver has a good point.
Exactly! How could you say this person should be in jail, when you can't make observations about the things they have done?
Zomby Woof wrote:
In reply to bravenrace:
There is a difference between observation and judgement.
Am I the only one here who is more observing the judgemental nature of this board?
Interesting that so many of you need to add into someone else's issues like that.
(disguised) Judgement
Thanks for pointing that out.
Zomby Woof wrote:
In reply to bravenrace:
There is a difference between observation and judgement.
Not if the observation in itself is judgemental, which in this case it was.