You know my son's 9-5 was stolen, he got it back, sold it and the owner is VERY happy.
Ian gets Saturday and Sunday off, unheard of in the restaraunt business, takes the bride to the beach for two days of bonfires, wine and hot tubbing.
Sunday he stops at the Outlaw's hous on the way to pick up his 9-5 replacement; a 2006 VW GLI.
FIL backs his Harley Davidson Edition F-250 down the side of his GTi.
I guess if it weren't for this, you wouldn't really appreciate the good times, eh?

Wow, sucks.
Is it just the two body panels (doors) that took the hit?
When I saw the title I feared Ian and suffered another theft which would then make it personal (so it could be worse) but sorry to hear it either way.
looks like mirror signal lens, two door skins, and at least some buffing on the rear 1/4. not fun. at least he knows who did it this time
FIL was upset, offered to pay, offered a replacement car while it was being fixed. Took it to a body shop and the guy said to call the insurance company. There's some krinkling of the rocker panel which causes concern.