Golden Earring - Radar Love
Cake - The Distance
Rage Against the Machine - Wake Up!
Powerman5000 - Bombshell
Korn - Another Brick in the Wall
Blur - Song2
Phil Collins - In the air tonight (invokes Miami Vice imagery!)
Foo Fighters - DOA/Pretender
Korn - Freak on a leash
lots and LOTS more. 
11/3/09 12:12 p.m.
Slipknot...just dont try to keep your feet up with all the double bass thats going on in their music. 
Rexseven said:
-"Blood and Thunder" by Mastodon
My personal Lamb of God "holy crap I'm doing 90:"
I have too many name. But I would like to had most Hollywood Undead.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Ace of Spades - Motörhead.
I am guaranteed to be screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs while speeding when this song is playing.
Beat me too it - awesome driving song. You would never catch me singing along though......
Queens of the Stoneage- Song For The Deaf
Primus- Mr. Knowitall, John the Fisherman
Johnny Cash- Cocaine Blues
Deep Purple's - Highway Star, I defy you to not speed
The entire Vegas album by The Crystal Method.
11/3/09 8:48 p.m.
I can't be certain but I'm pretty sure every accident I've ever had was accompanied by AC/DC.
I don't listen to them in the car anymore.
Playing these two from the Top Gun soundtrack was always a good way to get myself nearly killed.
Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins
Mighty Wings - Cheap Trick
Is playing music while autoxing allowed?
11/3/09 9:40 p.m.
shuttlepilot wrote:
Is playing music while autoxing allowed?
All the ones I've been to it is. I don't see why it wouldn't be
11/3/09 9:54 p.m.
shuttlepilot wrote:
Is playing music while autoxing allowed?
I have a confession to make:
When I carve cones in Mikey, I like to listen to "Son of a Preacher Man", by Dusty Springfield. I figure autocrossing is more about relaxed, smooth rythym than about a hard driving beat.
On the open road, though, "Highway Star" is more appropriate. 
11/3/09 10:03 p.m.
"Voodoo People" - the Prodigy (pretty much any of their songs)
First auto-x I went to I had J S Bach cranked on the stereo for at least one run. I think that may have been my fastest of the day actually. I really can't add anything else to what everyone has already said. Though a good techno mix will do it for me too.
V-8 Nightmare - Koffin Kats
Wolf Like Me - TV on the Radio
Map of the Problematique - Muse
Regular John - QotSA
Long Cool Woman - The Hollies
Watershed - Foo Fighters
Dig Up Her Bones - Misfits
Shut Down - Beach Boys
Going Steady - Death From Above 1979
Infra-Red - Placebo
You're Gonna Go Far Kid - The Offspring
We're In This Together - Nine Inch Nails
Their are always others but these seem to pop up more when i am flicking through my ipod
I can't drive 55- Mr. Sammy Hagar.
most system of a down songs = instant leadfoot
OK, gotta add this one after a little stint on I-75 yesterday afternoon:
The Offspring, Your gonna go far kid
Helmet- unsung /
Kitty- Brakish /
Primus- Tommy the cat /
ICP- Hocus pocus /
KMFDM- these boots are made for walking - live /
REVO- Stainless steel provider.
New Reader
11/4/09 1:39 p.m.
No song makes me speed--when the radio is on, I tune it out. It's nothing more than a few pounds of dead-weight. And if my driver wasn't going bye-bye soon, the radio would come out.
On a related note, any song that includes police sirens in the background should be outlawed. I always slow way down and look around for some cop who ain't there!
11/4/09 2:27 p.m.
littleturquoiseb wrote:
...White Zombie - Thunder Kiss '65...
"I don't try anything, I just do it....
...wanna try me."
Daddy's Cup - Drive By Truckers