This is my current rescue kitty, Shadow. She showed up in the backyard one day and basically never left. Took 2-3 months to get her to trust us. She's amazingly sweet and the best mouser I've ever known. She ended up costing over $1000 already, but has been worth every penny.
I wouldn't assume that the leg needs to be amputated. It sounds like she's doing fine as is.
This is Sweetie Slasher. She loves my wife (everyone does), but she knows what I do, so I get ignored.
She's hoping I'll turn on the treadmill

Javelin said:
Mndsm said:
infinitenexus said:
Might be just a bit of a drive there. I'm in Baltimore, MD.
If we can get blood across country, we can get an entire cat.
GRM delivery relay?

I have Ohio, more if needed. I'll be heading to Colorado in Feb/March.
9/26/19 7:53 p.m.
Javelin said:
Mndsm said:
infinitenexus said:
Might be just a bit of a drive there. I'm in Baltimore, MD.
If we can get blood across country, we can get an entire cat.
GRM delivery relay?

Florida's kinda out of the way, but if for some reason she ends up down here, I'm in. SWMBO would be into it. Cheese and Pastrami may not like it, but she scoops their poo so they can berkeleyin' deal.
Small update: she pooped last night! So now we know her guts are working. I don't think she likes the dry cat food we gave her - typical of a cat, she's starving and you can feel her spine and all her ribs and she'll still stick her nose up at dry food. We gave her some tuna and she devoured it, to the point where she gagged because she was eating so fast. So we'll probably grab a different brand of dry food for her. Also, she can jump! At least a little. I figured that even being a cat, she probably couldn't really jump with only a single working back leg. Our old house has radiator heaters, usually in front of windows. We had a small lamp on one of them last night for a little bit of light, so she would feel a little more safe. This morning we hear a crash, and we rushed into the room to check on her and she jumped down quickly from the radiator and laid down on the floor like she just didn't knock the lamp off haha. Typical cat. I don't really like leaving her in the spare bedroom alone, but it keeps her away from our other cats. And you know how even the sweetest cat suddenly turns into a shiny happy person when they smell a new/strange cat.
If she's chipped I'll try to find the previous owner, and I'll look for any lost cat posts. My first and most immediate concern is just getting her healthy, happy, and checked out by a vet, which will happen this Saturday. In reference to her bad leg, some of the skin is kinda purple so I'm concerned there are circulation issues. And the shape of her bad foot is different, like it was crushed. I'm not a vet though so I can't speculate too much.
Also for now we're calling her Nugget. My wife likes that name. I want to call her Sushi. I want a cute/funny name that will make people laugh when they hear it and immediately want to adopt her. Also I just love sushi.
AngryCorvair said:
In reply to infinitenexus :
in for $20. message me with your paypal address.
+1. Just get me a paypal address.
9/28/19 11:03 a.m.
Rescue cats are best cats.
Man, some of the tabbies in this thread are dead ringers for my rescues, Lois and Debbie.

Small update for now, more later. She still seems to be doing well. Typical of a cat, she's starving and you can feel all her bones and she won't eat the dry cat food we gave her hahaha. What a spoiled brat. So we bought some nice wet food and she likes that. I went into her room early this morning because I woke up early and played with her a bit. Her leg is definitely bothering her and she's been licking at it so it looks pretty rough. I kinda dragged her onto me as gently as possible and she layed on me for a while, just purring. I think she's in pain due to this leg. The way she meows sometimes when she moves around sounds like she's in a lot of pain, but she's purring because she's just happy to be safe and fed. Here's a picture of her that my wife just took. You can see her bad leg pretty plainly, although at this angle it doesn't look too bad. But right above that bald spot, it just dangles from there limply. In 3 hours we have our vet appointment and I'll hopefully learn how much it'll take to fix this little girl.

9/28/19 1:52 p.m.
Sometimes cats will purr in response to pain, so keep an eye on her other behaviors, too.
So we took her to our appointment at the SPCA (that was the earliest appointment we could get) and they took one look and immediately said they weren’t equipped to handle that, and to take her to a full service vet or the er. We called the one vet still open at 5pm on a Saturday and they said they were full so we had to come to the pet ER. This sucks majorly because the pet ER is the most expensive place. But for severe injuries they’re the only one equipped to handle that’s open. Based on what I know about this place I’m expecting 3-5 thousand.
Did they at least say why she needed to go to the ER?
Did they at least say why she needed to go to the ER?
Lower leg is broken, upper leg is either dislocated and/or broken. Nurse said it looks like she was either hit by a car or attacked by a large animal.
So some good news finally! We told the pet Er about this stray cat. They took vitals and then told us that by law, they have to take full custody of this cat. They will treat her fully and then they have to release her to the local animal shelter, and they have to hold her for three days before she can be adopted - in case the original owner finds her. She wasn’t microchipped and I don’t think that’ll happen. So the bad news is we have to wait 3+ days to hear anything about this little girl. The good news is she is legally a stray, not our cat. So we don’t have to pay any of the medical bills. We will only have to pay the adoption fee from the shelter. We could just let someone else adopt her but we would prefer to adopt her ourselves and find the right owner. And I have a friend that really wants her.
Yeah you can't imagine my level of relief! This is the same Pet ER I took a cat to 4 years ago for a really bad UTI and they charged me 1800 bucks for a catheter, some antibiotics, and an IV on a Saturday night. So I was expecting a huge bill. I think once I adopt her from the shelter I'll be able to find out how much her medical bills were. Paypal refunded, thank you guys for the donations. Looks like I don't need 'em!
9/28/19 7:26 p.m.
I think Robin is a good name for this cat.
As in "Reliant Robin".
A friend of mine actually suggested that. We've settled on Cheesecake though. I'm really upset that I won't see her for probably a week. But I'm glad she's getting taken care of and we don't have to pay anything.
Small update. Turns out I know someone at the pet hospital and they snuck me some info. So little Cheesecake is doing well, they bandaged her leg to keep it from moving and gave her an IV and some pain meds. Today she was transferred to the animal service center, and they'll be the ones most likely doing the amputation. There was a break right above her ankle and a dislocation in her upper leg/hip. My friend gave the shelter my number so they'll be calling me when the cat is ready. So hopefully in three days I'll hear from them (if not I'll just go there until I can get her)
9/30/19 7:32 p.m.
infinitenexus said:
Small update. Turns out I know someone at the pet hospital and they snuck me some info. So little Cheesecake is doing well, they bandaged her leg to keep it from moving and gave her an IV and some pain meds. Today she was transferred to the animal service center, and they'll be the ones most likely doing the amputation. There was a break right above her ankle and a dislocation in her upper leg/hip. My friend gave the shelter my number so they'll be calling me when the cat is ready. So hopefully in three days I'll hear from them (if not I'll just go there until I can get her)
I have cats named Cheese Sandwich and Pastrami (on rye). I approve.
9/30/19 7:38 p.m.
We currently have cats named Kaeto, Sullivan and Batman.
Previous furry terrorists were called:
Naming of cats is an inportant process.
10/1/19 9:20 a.m.
infinitenexus said:
Yeah you can't imagine my level of relief! This is the same Pet ER I took a cat to 4 years ago for a really bad UTI and they charged me 1800 bucks for a catheter, some antibiotics, and an IV on a Saturday night.
Yep...Been there, done that, got the $2k bill. Glad to hear you're not on the hook just for being a good human.
Another small update! She's listed in the local animal shelter as a lost cat and I found a picture of her wearing the cone of shame. The shelter called me and asked where I found her. I let them know where and so now they're going to move Cheesecake to the next county north, because that's where the owner would look for her. So the next shelter will be the ones to potentially operate on her. I hate that she has to wait to get taken care of but I guess the silver lining is this next county is a fairly wealthy one so hopefully the animal shelter will be well equipped and funded. Also if she hasn't been spayed yet, they'll spay her.
Thanks for all the updates. Great that she is being cared for and receiving treatment.
Well, time for a frustrating update. We went into the shelter and asked about her, her treatment, etc. They basically said they can't do the amputation because it's too expensive. So once her 3 day hold is up we can adopt her and then we'll have to pay for the amputation after all. At least it won't be at that overpriced pet ER though. I found a good veterinarian recommended by a friend that has fair pricing and does good work, and is a good person. Saturday morning we should be able to adopt her from the shelter, and then we'll get her into the vet as soon as we can. I'm pretty annoyed, we took her to the pet ER and now she's been through 2 animal shelters and has received essentially zero treatment. She got a bandage and a pain reliver patch at the pet ER, that's it. Poor thing has to just sit there in a cage at a shelter, in pain. I called some vets and used my google-fu and the amputation plus a vet check up should run about $1500. I'll be applying for care credit also.
Well then my offer is back on. I am not sure I kept your PayPal email so if you get a chance Re send me that if you could.