I have one spammer that's bothering me and I can't find a way to get rid of him.
His email addy is: noreply@xxx.net Where xxx= randomly generated letters.
None of my filters work. And my provider hasn't been able to stop him. Any ideas?
I'm using Mail on a Mac and the provider is .me or .mac (apple).
Usually they are very good at weeding these guys out which may be why it's so frustrating this time.
Go into the Rules section of your email and set it up to send any mail with "noreply" in the address straight to trash.
stuart in mn wrote:
Go into the Rules section of your email and set it up to send any mail with "noreply" in the address straight to trash.
That's what I've done in the past, but some reason that's not working this time. Come to think of it I may have done that wrong. I set up the rules to disallow anything with noreply@. I'll also set up a rule for just noreply and maybe that will catch it.
if teh new rule doesn't work out and you don't mind paying, my wife uses spamsieve with great sucess with apple mail. She had started with entourage which had terrible spam filtering. Tried out spamsieve. after a training period, worked great. When she switched to Mail, all the filtering went along.
6/14/11 12:55 p.m.
My school email seems to have been infiltrated recently. My penis and ejaculate volume are going to be enormous if I ever decide to open the emails. Unfortunately my breast size would also increase three cups
mtn wrote:
My school email seems to have been infiltrated recently. My penis and ejaculate volume are going to be enormous if I ever decide to open the emails. Unfortunately my breast size would also increase three cups
WOW! If I'd have known I'd get all those benefits I'd have been opening them a long time ago.