8/12/13 7:34 a.m.
Saw it Friday. Sweet movie. I love the director's style. I also loved District 9, so there's no surprise there. He plays a pretty gnarly character. And the weapons? Awesome as well. I'd like to see this guy make some more futuristic/post apocalyptic/dystopian films. Story was fairly predictable, but they all are now days.
Oh yeah, one more thing:

Too bad Matt Damon hates guns. :D
8/12/13 8:07 a.m.
I saw it at a Dolby event. Well done and the story sucked.
Heard that the story was a let-down but I think I'll still see it in the theater. So it looks like Oblivion may be the best sci-fi movie of the year, who would've seen that coming?
Story did suck. Still liked the movie. The missus like it too.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Too bad Matt Damon hates guns. :D
Funny how many Hollywood actors hate guns yet make a fortune using them in their movies. 
8/12/13 9:53 a.m.
Is Riddick 3 still coming out in September?
How many Vicodin in an overdose?

RossD wrote:
Is Riddick 3 still coming out in September?
IMDB is still showing a Sept 6 release date.
8/12/13 10:18 a.m.
... what the hell just happened? 
I still haven't seen Oblivion. Riddick 3 seems like they took the easy way out and made it "Pitch Black 2-same E36 M3, different planet and monsters"; I was really hoping it would be more of a sequel to Chronicles. Haven't seen Pacific Rim either, which is odd, since I'm a pretty big godzilla fan.
Pacific Rim's the most fun movie of the year so far. A lot heavier on comedy than you might expect.
Riddick 3 seems like it a combination of the first two movies. Planet and bounty hunters from the second, darkness from the first. It just doesn't seem like a very creative story (I, in general, liked how the first two were done though).
For Sci-Fi, there is Enders Game that is coming out (Nov 1). It's a potentially very good story, but I hope it doesn't get to bogged down in the "kid" aspect of it.
In reply to beans:
Oblivion was really good. We saw it on our honeymoon in the theater at our hotel. Havn't seen Pacific Rim yet. I try and keep my summer time movies to those that I can see at the drive in. Ender's Game looks like it could be very interesting. There have a been a couple others I saw trailers for that I want to see but can't remember them off the top of my head.
Oh and don't forget the 7th and final Fast and the Furious is slated to be released next summer 
Not really so much of a fish fart. Just a point of hypocrisy that annoys me. We get all these actors that decide they must push their political views on us yet they make millions of dollars in movies portraying the exact opposite ideals. It just goes to how fake many actors are.
I don't care if they are anti gun and then choose to not act in movies that do not involve guns or even them being anti gun in the movie. It is just the whole "I'm anti gun but excuse me while I go take out 50 bad guys with my Desert Eagle (without reloading once mind you) for this next scene in my new epic action movie". Heck if you are anti gun really stand up for it choose to work in films that don't have anything to do with guns.
It is kinda like if a staff member of GRM was to speak out against the evils of those dirty, dangerous, polluting cars yet still making money by producing a magazine that is based on performance cars and racing.
rebelgtp wrote:
...It just goes to how fake many actors are...
Next on CNN:
Semi-famous internet blogger "rebelgtp" online statement is sweeping through the social networks:
"how fake many actors are"
Coming up in the next hour we will have our panel together to discuss this. With us on the panel tonight will a representative from The Society for the Protection of Not Being Called Dumb and Fake and Stuff, a B or C grade actor that we find, and of course the always popular guest, Captain Obvious.
We'd will also hear your comments, so tweet us on the subject at: #LikeIgiveAShtWhatSomeRandomInternetAholeThinks
rebelgtp wrote:
Not really so much of a fish fart. Just a point of hypocrisy that annoys me.
Hey, you know that I like my guns.....I just didn't want a movie thread to turn into an us/them political thread.
And now, back to Dan with sports!
Sweet when did I become semi famous? Shouldn't I have a bit more money? 
Yes yes calling actors "fake" is a bit on the nose. However it is not in reference to their career path but more in their actions in the real world. Though I guess really Hollywood is about as far from "the real world" as one can get.
Might want to un twist the panties just a bit there aircooled and calm down. No reason to attack a fellow board member for mentioning something that annoys them about people being hypocrites on a subject another board member brought up. If we all did that we would do nothing but fight and piss and moan all day.
JoeyM wrote:
rebelgtp wrote:
Not really so much of a fish fart. Just a point of hypocrisy that annoys me.
Hey, you know that I like my guns.....I just didn't want a movie thread to turn into an us/them political thread.
Understood completely. Didn't really mean to get into an us versus them thing. Just stating the annoyance of the whole "do as I say not as I do thing".
Oh back on topic of Elysium I found it amusing they are so far in the future and still using the AK (complete with wood furniture and some sort of odd sight rail on top).
rebelgtp wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
rebelgtp wrote:
Not really so much of a fish fart. Just a point of hypocrisy that annoys me.
Hey, you know that I like my guns.....I just didn't want a movie thread to turn into an us/them political thread.
Understood completely. Didn't really mean to get into an us versus them thing. Just stating the annoyance of the whole "do as I say not as I do thing".
Got it, no problem. BTW, check your PMs
rebelgtp wrote:
...Might want to un twist the panties just a bit there aircooled and calm down....
I'll take this one Tom.
Not trying to be mean (should have added a
I am actually kind of cross-pollinating the threads here, playing up the stupid news reporting (CNN report on turbos), making big deals about almost nothing and generally mis-reporting things.
Now, back to Tom.... Tom... are you there?...
aircooled wrote:
rebelgtp wrote:
...Might want to un twist the panties just a bit there aircooled and calm down....
Not trying to be mean (should have added a
I am actually kind of cross-pollinating the threads here, playing up the stupid news reporting (CNN report on turbos), making big deals about almost nothing and generally mis-reporting things.
Ah ok then understood and all is well.
Back on subject anyone notice the GT-R in the trailer?
EDIT: Found a pic even shows the AK I was talking about.

rebelgtp wrote:
Oh and don't forget the 7th and final Fast and the Furious is slated to be released next summer
FINAL?!?!?! Say it aint so!!!!!!!!!
You should see the French editions of the F&F movies with all the homoerotic content still in place