8/12/13 12:16 p.m.
Stroke of genius in FF 7 bringing in Statham like that to tie up the loose ends of the story. Actually want to see that one in theaters, was dragged to the last one by the SWMBO and ended up liking it, except for the giant plane taxiing half way across europe on the base runway ending fight scene..
In reply to 06HHR:
Yeah we saw the 6th movie at the drive in and the wife missed the bit with Statham because she had to go to the bathroom. I told her about it and she was excited.
A few days later she pointed out we started dating just before Fast and Furious came out (movie 4) by like a month. I proposed just before Fast Five came out. We were married just before the 6th movie was released. Kinda makes me wonder what will happen just before the next one come out 
I saw Elysium. I liked it. I'm a sci-fi fan from way back. We're talking when Heinlein was alive.
I liked the dystopian feel of Elysium and District 9.
Will I be confused if I watch District 9? I never saw District 1-8 and I heard they went downhill after the 4th one.
It's not as confusing as jumping into Ocean's 11.
Or 3000 Miles To Graceland.
Cherry 2000 was kind of hard to follow also.
(No, it's not a porno, it's actually a sci-fi movie.... not very good though)
JoeyM wrote:
rebelgtp wrote:
Not really so much of a fish fart. Just a point of hypocrisy that annoys me.
Hey, you know that I like my guns.....I just didn't want a movie thread to turn into an us/them political thread.
I heard about the Matt Damon/Guns thing a while ago, but what got me all riled up is that Jim Carrey plays Colonel Stars and Stripes in the upcoming Kick Ass 2, but won't promote the movie because he doesn't approve of violence.
I feel like its a double standard in some sense.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I heard about the Matt Damon/Guns thing a while ago, but what got me all riled up is that Jim Carrey plays Colonel Stars and Stripes in the upcoming Kick Ass 2, but won't promote the movie because he doesn't approve of violence.
I feel like its a double standard in some sense.
So wait we have a Canadian (that is anti gun as they come) playing a character named "Col. Stars and Stripes". Yes this makes perfect sense.

Doubt I will see the movie anyway. I watched the first one and thought it was terrible. So the second one is not on my "must see" list. I do like his stick though. Reminds me of the old axe handle I use to use to keep the canopy up on my truck.
The ones you wouldn't really expect are Stallone and Schwarzenegger both support gun control and guns in movies are basically what made their careers.
Chuck Norris on the other hand is pro gun...he wants to give everyone else a fighting chance against his mighty beard. 
Speaking of Stallone and Schwarzenegger has anyone seen the preview for their new movie together where they are in some secret super max prison and trying to escape? Could be interesting.
Also heard that Mel Gibson has signed on for the thrid Expendables movie.
In reply to rebelgtp:
By what I get from the preview to Kick Ass 2, Carrey's character doesn't use any guns, just his axe handle and his German Shepard.
I just think its ridiculous that he won't even promote the movie he himself is in because he doesn't condone violence.
rebelgtp wrote:
Sweet when did I become semi famous? Shouldn't I have a bit more money?
Semi famous is kinda like semi pro...$40 a week and you have to pay all the medical bills. 
rebelgtp wrote:
The ones you wouldn't really expect are Stallone and Schwarzenegger both support gun control and guns in movies are basically what made their careers.
Well, Schwarzenegger was probably brainwashed while he was bangin' the maid...I mean Governator of Kalifornia. 
Secretariata wrote:
rebelgtp wrote:
Sweet when did I become semi famous? Shouldn't I have a bit more money?
Semi famous is kinda like semi pro...$40 a week and you have to pay all the medical bills.
Hmmm I could use $40 a week...
rebelgtp wrote:
Hmmm I could use $40 a week...
Frugaller than me! Wow...my family bows to you (and farts in your general direction)! 
Matt Damon peaked in Dogma... this is one of my favorite scenes of all time...

8/13/13 9:15 a.m.
Oh Dogma! Awesome movie.
Cherry 2000
Watched about 20 minutes of it and couldn't take the "I wanna berk a robot" anymore.
I havn't seen Dogma in years...I will have to dig out the DVD.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
In reply to rebelgtp:
By what I get from the preview to Kick Ass 2, Carrey's character doesn't use any guns, just his axe handle and his German Shepard.
I just think its ridiculous that he won't even promote the movie he himself is in because he doesn't condone violence.
It's my understanding that he had a change of heart about violence after making the movie due to the Sandy Hook massacre. Link.
The article also states that with Carey pulling out of promoting the movie they received about $30 million in free PR.
8/13/13 10:20 p.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
You should see the French editions of the F&F movies with all the homoerotic content still in place
Actually I disagree. I shouldn't see that.
Xceler8x wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
In reply to rebelgtp:
By what I get from the preview to Kick Ass 2, Carrey's character doesn't use any guns, just his axe handle and his German Shepard.
I just think its ridiculous that he won't even promote the movie he himself is in because he doesn't condone violence.
It's my understanding that he had a change of heart about violence after making the movie due to the Sandy Hook massacre. Link.
The article also states that with Carrey pulling out of promoting the movie they received about $30 million in free PR.
Ahh interesting, the whole story. See, I only heard about what I said about a month ago.
rebelgtp wrote:
AKs in the distant future, is that supposed to surprise me? 
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Ahh interesting, the whole story. See, I only heard about what I said about a month ago.
Ain't no thang bro! We're all on the internet to learn stuff. You show/teach me stuff all the damned time.
Anti-stance wrote:
AKs in the distant future, is that supposed to surprise me?
In the movie it's a modified AK that shoots air burst programmable explosive ammo. The point being that the main character's side, the Earth bound population, is using the cast off garbage they can find, scrounge, and modify to duke it out with a well financed and much more advanced society currently living in a space station orbiting Earth. Which is why in that scene he's using a modified AK while deeper in the movie he is able to utilize some other more advanced weaponry.
8/14/13 10:10 a.m.
... and ALL the weaponry is pretty sweet. Probably my favorite part about Elysium.