Sometimes I say things that aren't properly sensitive, if I manage to do that here, please accept my apology right now.
You're fat. That means you eat too much. Seems like there is a missmatch between how little you think you eat verses how much you actually do eat.
As for exercise, if you think it's going to be horrible, it will be. If you think you can't do it, you won't.
It doesn't have to be this way, but that's not going to happen until you change the way you think of it.
You've got kids. Great! Kids love to exercise, as long as they don't know it. Small ones make great dumbells. A little bigger and you go on walks together, and maybe even work it up to brisk walks, even jogs (gasp!). Together time, and that's pretty durn priceless when it comes to your kids.
I'm offended. I prefer the term "berkeleying fat ass."
I'm pretty much at my limit for calorie cutting. Trying to find excersise that doesn't suck, from other people who work an average of 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Kinda the point.
I will add that if you can add items that cause your body to perform work but don't add calories at the same time, it will help with the weight loss. For instance, drink more water and take fiber pills. Both of these items make your body do work and are not going to provide you with teh calories to do it with. Water is good for you, and if you are reducing your food then a little fiber keeps things moving along at a regular pace.
And, I know you don't want to hear it, but I will re-iterate that less booze will also help.
Your goal should be to make every calorie you consume do everything it can for you. Booze is empty calories. It doesn't matter how many calories you intake, it matters more how many you burn off with activity. Any activity will burn calories faster than no activity, at least until you have changed your metabolism with regular exercise.
Hey, good luck!
poopshovel wrote:
I'm offended. I prefer the term "berkeleying fat ass."
I'm pretty much at my limit for calorie cutting. Trying to find excersise that doesn't suck, from other people who work an average of 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Kinda the point.
I think you are under estimating a bit still, have you thought about weighing your food for a week? You would be surprised!
"Doesnt suck" is very relative, I know. Its amazing though how much more energy you will have once those first few lbs come off... its an upward spiral with some work.
I hear you on the time piece. I am at 50+ hrs at te day job plus another 10-20 on the side. Plus keeping the mrs and three kids happy. I dont sleep a full 8 hrs but I do find that 30-60 min a day to get my ass in gear.
Even if you dont "like" to run I kmpw a lot of people that got decently motivated by the couch to 5k programs.