I know a couple of you are appliance repair men; my speed queen dryer suddenly won’t start. I had no odd symptoms before hand - no humming, no hard starts. I ran one load and when I returned it just won’t start.
This is the backside of the switch, not finding a schematic but the ceramic resistor has no continuity for one thing

Any ideas of what I can check? I do have power...
Possible door switch failure if it doesn't run at all. A thermal fuse will knock out the heating element on an electric dryer but the unit will still run. Find the problem, fix it, and own it for another 5,000 years. It's a Speed Queen.
9/4/19 7:15 a.m.
Hi. Local GRM appliance tech here. For your speed queen dryer you’ll need to start at the wall outlet and verify voltage. You should have 120vac in one leg, 120vac in the other, and 240vac (give or take) on both combined. And the voltage check doesn’t stop there. Pull the back of the dryer off where the power cord goes in. At the terminal block, make these same checks. I’ve seen many dryers sidelined by a lazy delivery driver that cross threads the terminal bolts.
Please be carefully making these checks. Follow all safety guidelines and educate yourself prior to attempting anything with electricity.
I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve seen a dead timer on ANY dryer. I would be checking for continuity at the push to start button, door switch, thermal limit fuse, and fabric selector switch. In that order.