4/14/13 8:12 p.m.
You can tell a lot about a person by the cigarettes a person buys. I put in a few years at gas stations, sold thousands of packs of cigs. I have only ever seen one guy buy those lollipop sticks before he was about 40 in a leather jacket and rode in on a bad as harley looking moped. I am starting to see the similarities between the hella flushers and that guy.
That said I had to look up what a neck beard was

Pretty dope 
I thought a polite society would kick your ass for walking around looking like that.
yamaha wrote:
LoL. Around me anymore, I have to go to a city to find any stance its just Rollin coal pricks and the rest are cruising golf carts because they never bothered to get a license......
The cigarette thing reminds me of back when I'd actually go to bars with friends, people would ask to bum a cigarette until they saw the pack of Lucky Strikes presented......they'd usually look like the kids from super troopers going "Oh god no" while backing away. I've since switched to American Spirits due to them lasting longer, and unfortunately the hipsters think they don't have nicotine in them......LMFAO!
The real stupidity is that Nicotine really has some good benefits, it's the crap that goes along with getting it in you that kills you.
Thats like feeling better about eating a new McDonalds burger because its free of any nutrients.
Neckromacr wrote:
I was the only kid to leave my middle school with a full on, bushy goatee. Everyone in HS assumed I was a Sophomore.
That's because you were 20! 
In reply to Trans_Maro:
You owe me a new keyboard.
oh man stance tard. face palm
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
I love it when they come up to me while I'm at the gas station and advise me to run more camber. I thank them for the advice then proceed to tell them that it is properly setup and I work on race cars for a living.
This is my only issue with these types... My very first encounter was a few kids in a passat. They stopped and seemed to want to talk, but only had this to say: "Y0, your whip needs a drop and a tint"
Aaaaaaaand GFY
4/15/13 12:04 p.m.
BobOfTheFuture wrote:
This is my only issue with these types... My very first encounter was a few kids in a passat. They stopped and seemed to want to talk, but only had this to say: "Y0, your whip needs a drop and a tint"
Aaaaaaaand GFY
That almost completely sums up my experiences with them.....
I wear skate shoes and flat hats but am shunned by that community because my miata is (ostensibly) set up for handling and eventual autocross, and is thusly way too high off the ground.
Plus I don't have stickers all over or ridiculous camber, clearly doing it wrong
Defensive edit: No skinny jeans or girly smokes, and the flat hats are of the trucker variety... been wearing those for ages
Duke had a friend of his, who was a complete stance- come up to the race shop we worked at and saw a 996 GT3 Cup car in the shop. Straight-faced, he looked at it and looked at Paul and said "it can go lower". I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

How about me; am I stanced?
(Only under braking)
When I was young, the car culture I didn't get was the lowriders. I couldn't get the point of an old impala with hydraulics that danced. Now the one I don't get is the stanced crowd. Yeah, i think they look like idiots, no I don't understand why they do that to cars.
But you know what else I've found? I have way more in common with them than I do with lots of the younger generation. Whether we want to admit it, the car culture in this country is fading quickly. I know multiple teenagers who don't drive, don't want to drive, and have no interest in having a car. (my gut feeling is if mama stopped driving them around this may change)
The interest my friends and i poured into our cars they heap on cell phones or other tech crap.
So while the stanced crowd baffles me, at least they will get there hands dirty with a wrench, and can tell a lug nut from a brake rotor. That tells me they have way more in common with me than the average 17 year old, so I cut them some slack, and pray they grow out of this unfortunate phase.
Do I live in the wrong area?, or is that right area, but I have never seen a 'stanced' car outside of the internet. Yes I've seen plenty of low cars and/or cars with over size wheels and rubber band tires, but I have never ever seen a car scraping on the ground with mega camber in real life. Am I just a sheltered indavidual?
4/15/13 3:25 p.m.
There's just a few cars with extreme lowing & negative camber here in Wichita, that I've seen, but extreme lowering and normal (or nearly normal) camber seems pretty popular in this corner of the world. I live pretty close to a highschool and during my morning commute I see a lot of different stuff; this morning's new sighting was a 2007-ish Imprezza lowered so far that I imagine the unibody has gotten some interesting wear pattern from the street. Of all the cars, why that one?
I don't think I've ever seen one around here in Lexington, so I guess I must be lucky (or not live in a city big enough to have a 'scene' for anything other than horses and basketball...
But I live in SE Mich. The Metro area has over 4 million people, and if Detroit doesn't have a 'car scene' there where does. Are these things really as 'popular' as the internet has us believe?
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
But I live in SE Mich. The Metro area has over 4 million people, and if Detroit doesn't have a 'car scene' there where does. Are these things really as 'popular' as the internet has us believe?
Here in FL you don't see the "stance" guys too often......
that is unless you go to a VW / Audi show. Those guys have taken over the VW scene. We have a pretty large show here in Daytona, and last year there were maybe two cars out of 50 that weren't "stanced".
One more thing. This morning I followed a clean Jetta--and yes, it was "stanced." Was it my dream car? No. Did someone do a nice job personalizing a car to their taste? Yep.
I should have saved it, but a million years ago one of our original old-school board members once 'fessed up to all the "silly" stuff he did to cars when he was young: fake lake pipes, dummy spot lights, Mercury hub caps, etc.
I think it's called a phase for a reason.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
We live were the mid-West begins. We're the last to get anything. We live were the mullet came to die. You'll see them soon enough.
4/15/13 5:19 p.m.
There's a good sized stance community in MN. I'm friends with a lot of them. While I like certain aspects of it (they pull out some RANDOM wheels that end up looking pretty sweet) I can't get with the camber and the rubber band nankangs. They know it, and respect me for it. I get told my car needs to go lower and flusher with mo camber, but they do it in jest, because they know that's not my game. I got no problems with it, because in the end, it's cars. I like cars. They like cars. That's like hating a guy because he'd rather have a ribeye instead of a new york strip. We both like steak, who cares beyond that, ya know?
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
But I live in SE Mich. The Metro area has over 4 million people, and if Detroit doesn't have a 'car scene' there where does. Are these things really as 'popular' as the internet has us believe?
MI roads are some of the worst in the nation, remember that.