So, this thread made me think about starting some of the novels. I tried about a year ago and went to the local used book store, but became quickly overwhelmed which the sheer number of choices.
Can anyone recommend a series/author to start off with?
The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command) are probably the best place to start.
Sorry, forgot to add--keep in mind these were written prior to the prequel films so of course there are some inconsistencies, but nothing major.
Ian F
11/1/12 9:44 p.m.
One could definitely think of these as being VII, VIII, & IX.
I have a bunch of others, but those were the only ones that kept me reading them through.
After Thrawn, the X-Wing series is REALLY good. I believe there's 9 installments in that series, and each are good if I remember correctly.
11/1/12 9:51 p.m.
I read Fate of The Jedi, of which all 9 books were on the NYT Best Seller list.
The Bounty Hunter series was pretty good also.
It's my understanding that some of the books written earlier were a bit squirelly in the canon, but the more recent books have become more drawn out and focused on Luke, Han, and Lea, which annoys some people.
Double_Wishbone wrote:
The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command) are probably the best place to start.
I have an autographed first edition Heir to the Empire around here somewhere. Got it when it first came out.
What can I say, I'm a fan boi. Read em all!
but the Thrawn series was good, heck even the young jedi series was worth a read. especially if you're into the whole jedi side of the story.
If you're interested I'll try and dig through some of the boxes of books we've got around this weekend, you're welcome to any of em I've got if you want to pay for shipping. Though it may be cheaper if you've got a cheap used book store nearby (.75 at the one near my house for paperback) to get em locally.
Dark Empire is a good read, if you get it in complete graphic novel form. It started out as a Dark Horse comic. Great if you like pictures instead of words.
If you open the inside back cover of the books it should actually show the timeline for the majority of the books, helps when trying to keep them straight.
The suggestions so far have been sufficient to get you started. I found the Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina very interesting as it allowed the writers some freedom to explore the characters in the Mos Eisley cantina without impacting the "canon" too much.
There was also a couple of books on Han Solo that explained some of his back story and how he ended up doing the Kessel run instead of an officer in the Empire.
I also have a set that I can send. Pm me your address and you will have some hardcover goodness on it's way.
Double_Wishbone wrote:
The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command) are probably the best place to start.
This. Really, anything by Zahn.
To reveal the depths of my nerdness, I have about everything on this list after Revenge of the Sith.
Depends if you want to go chronologically or just pick up something good.
My favorites..
X-wing series. Great books centered around Rogue squadron, then Wraith Squadron (spin off squadron that also does spy/commando work)
I, Jedi . personal favorite, but read it after the X-wing series.
Courtship of Princess Leia. Really good, Han kidnaps Leia, Rancors, Force Witches, Warlord trying to kill them, good times.
Thrawn series as previously mentioned is REALLY REALLY good.
If going chronogically, Truce at Bakura is decent. The bounty hunter wars wasn't too captivating for me.
I don't reccomend going too late into the book series or you will be a bit lost at many character and incident references. If you are reading something and want some information on characters or incidents, look at . (that said, its full of spoilers!)
In the before Yavin catagory, check out The Paradise Snare. Provides back story on Han Solo. That trilogy is pretty good as well.
I expected some suggestions, but didn't realize it would be a ton of data.
I'm not normally a fiction reader, but when I do, I find that I like series much better. I did the Dirk Pitt series a few years ago and made sure to start from book one and read all the way through. I thought I could do the same with Star Wars, but quickly realized that there's a bunch of sub character (or main character) spinoffs and series, I didn't know where to start.
I downloaded "Heir to the Empire" last night and got started on it. I'll probably swing by the bookstore to get the paper version (cause I still like the feel of a book) and pick up the next two.
Sounds like there's a bunch of series to look into (and I really appreciate the suggestions), but that I should start with the Thrawn Trilogy.
It all depends on what you like.
There are enough different authors with different writing styles that it can run the gambit.
Zahn, Stackpole, Anderson, and Allston are very good solid ones.
Anything in these books that would be inappropriate for a 12-year old kid? My son is an avid reader and Star Wars fan, but has never read any of the SW books.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Double_Wishbone wrote:
The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command) are probably the best place to start.
This. Really, anything by Zahn.
I've recently gotten into Zahn's stand-alone sci-fi (non-Star Wars). Berkeleying fantastic.
Ian F
11/2/12 10:55 a.m.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
Anything in these books that would be inappropriate for a 12-year old kid? My son is an avid reader and Star Wars fan, but has never read any of the SW books.
Not anymore than the movies. It seems everything written for the Star Wars universe is universally "PG" rated.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
Anything in these books that would be inappropriate for a 12-year old kid? My son is an avid reader and Star Wars fan, but has never read any of the SW books.
Not really...
Some deep moral stuff and people die and all that.
Apexcarver wrote:
Tom_Spangler wrote:
Anything in these books that would be inappropriate for a 12-year old kid? My son is an avid reader and Star Wars fan, but has never read any of the SW books.
Not really...
Some deep moral stuff and people die and all that.
That's fine. I remember reading "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" when I was younger than him, so he'll be fine.
11/2/12 12:18 p.m.
Lightsabers usually dispatch people in quick, non-bloody ways.
Sex is kept to a minimum throughout the Star Wars universe.
No foul language either, except for frag it.
Here is honestly about as racey as it gets...
“So here I am stark naked, locked out of my quarters, running around the corridors looking for a towel, a rag, anything, and I turn the corner and bump right into the executive officer. He has about the same sense of humour as a Wookie with a rash. So I throw my best salute and say, ‘Major, I regret to report only partial success with the Personal Cloaking Device.’”
I, Jedi is on of the best and got me into the whole SW novel thing. Anything by Stackpole, really.. I cannot recommend Allston.
Zahn Trilogy.
Corran Horn FTW!
turboswede wrote:
If you open the inside back cover of the books it should actually show the timeline for the majority of the books, helps when trying to keep them straight.
The suggestions so far have been sufficient to get you started. I found the Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina very interesting as it allowed the writers some freedom to explore the characters in the Mos Eisley cantina without impacting the "canon" too much.
There was also a couple of books on Han Solo that explained some of his back story and how he ended up doing the Kessel run instead of an officer in the Empire.
Yeah, don't overlook the Han Solo Trilogy...very emotional stuff, believe it or not. Picks up with young Han and takes you right up to the start of A New Hope basically. Tales from Mos Eisley is definitely a good read too, well worth it! I have a lot of the comics, and a lot of them are really great too. I enjoyed the Republic series, if that's your thing.