Now with extra badass!
The biggest change has to be in the stormtrooper, probably because the original looked kind of "doofy" and hardly threatening, while the Enix-ized one looks at least as badass as Boba Fett (who had the least room for improvement in badassitude).
I'm sure I'll end up selling those at some point but good lord are they ugly. I'm not a big fan of the Play arts lineup in general.
So Narrower waists, bigger biceps and shoulder pads?
Come to think of it Grace Jones could have made a great sith

Jumper K. Balls wrote:
So Narrower waists, bigger biceps and shoulder pads?
Don't forget the codpieces 
I bet that this Fett still dies like a little bitch.
PubBurgers wrote:
I'm sure I'll end up selling those at some point but good lord are they ugly. I'm not a big fan of the Play arts lineup in general.
lol well this is Square who decided after Final Fantasy 7 to make all their characters in their games look as ridiculous as possible. Like if you haven't seen those gmaes in a while look up what some of their characters look like it's almost comical.
These designs are actually VERY reserved by Square-Enix standards.
kanaric wrote:
PubBurgers wrote:
I'm sure I'll end up selling those at some point but good lord are they ugly. I'm not a big fan of the Play arts lineup in general.
lol well this is Square who decided after Final Fantasy 7 to make all their characters in their games look as ridiculous as possible. Like if you haven't seen those gmaes in a while look up what some of their characters look like it's almost comical.
Yeah, I stuck around through Final Fantasy 10 but haven't had any interest in their games for years now.